Good Morning all! I wanted to post on Monday as that was my two week mark but just mentally couldn't. I AM GRUMPY!!!! I seriously hate the world right now but I'm not smoking. The pregnancy has me getting sick regularly on the hour every hour. I'm hungry, tired, and irritable. I seriously looked at someone the other day who had an unusual smile and thought wow I hate that person! I think this is hilarious because obviously I'm not being mean to people and I know why I'm feeling like this. My co-workers keep cracking up at me with my comments so it is all good spirits. BUT....I AM STILL SMOKE FREE! It's like smoking isn't even an option anymore so when I want one I get mad for a second and think oh yeah I quit ugh...then I get over it. I cannot wait for November 30th because that will be 1 month and also my first baby doctor appointment! When I quit I kept thinking if I quit now, November 30th will already have been 1 month and it will be easier. I have heard a lot that after two weeks it gets easier. The last two days have been pretty rough but like I said, the pregnancy symptoms have increased dramatically so that probably has a lot to do with it also.
How is everyone else doing? There hasn't been many posts lately...I keep checking back to hear how everyone is doing as it helps with my journey also!