Here goes my first day, again.: Hello. I'm a... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Here goes my first day, again.

anlush profile image
anlush1 Year Smoke Free
10 Replies

Hello. I'm a female who just turned 22. I have been trying to quit for a month but no luck. The hardest thing for me is that all the house smokes cigarettes and hookah and if they didn't see you smoking they offer you one lol. But I'm willing to go over this habit. I tried two times to quit the first I stayed 7 days without smoking and it was horrible due to craving. The last time I stayed 2 days with mo craving due to my tricks but midterm stress got me rushing to the old habit.

Years of smoking : 6 years of smoking half a pack a day.

My method : cold turkey.

What I found helping my craving due to last time : unsweetened green tea after meals and sweets kinda give me the same taste in my mouth as cigarettes did after meals, and lemon drops when craving without a reason, and tons of water. But green tea helps a ton.

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anlush profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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10 Replies
mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor

Hello and welcome anlush

Well done on your decision to quit. The sooner you do it, the better. I wish I had quit at 22 because I am now 46 and have smoked for decades!

There's no doubt that living in a house with smokers is a chaIlenge (I know this because husband smokes). Is there any way that you could ask the others not to offer you cigarettes especially during the early days of your quit? I had to ask husband to do this and to hide the damn things from me.

As tricky as this might be, quitting is achievable. I found that support is vital which is what this forum is for - even more so when you are surrounded by smokers.

Take it one day or even one hour at a time. The key seems to be really wanting to quit 100%. Do whatever it takes to get you through the first few days. Post on here as often as you need to. There are lots of us on here, all at different stages, all using different methods with a good few living with other smokers! You are not alone!

Good luck. You can absolutely do this. 😃

anlush profile image
anlush1 Year Smoke Free in reply to mushen

Hello. Thank you for the reply I really appreciate it. I just talked to my family about it. My mom support me and said she will not smoke around me but I'm trying to convince my dad today. So far so good I took this day off and spent 5 hours pampering my self (never did that lol) now I'm feeling refresh and craving some sweets with green tea to relax. I'll post quite often here. Thank again and wish you all the luck

mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor in reply to anlush

Excellent!! You can do this.

Read the pinned posts on here which are really helpful. Also have a look at they take you through every day of the first two weeks and cover everything you may come up against.

If you need support we're here. ☺

anlush profile image
anlush1 Year Smoke Free

Thank you so much. I'll see it now. Wish you all the luck.

car-d profile image

Good luck with your quit.

Having smokers at home will be difficult but keep determined. You can do it!

anlush profile image
anlush1 Year Smoke Free in reply to car-d

Thank you so much for the support I really appreciate it. Good luck

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Hello anlush! Good for you for trying it again. I hope yesterday wasn't too bad for you. How's it going today?

anlush profile image
anlush1 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Yesterday was okay. A little boring for me lol. Today I'm feeling great. I'm energetic but don't want to do anything productive. I built a little game to play while kicking this habit, with xp and leveling up and rewards to spice it up. If it goes well, I'll make it a real game using unity engine, but till now all my foucs is on winning the game and pass the semester with high grades.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to anlush

Good to hear todays going well. You're in better spirits than I was on the second day, that's for sure!

Being a fifty year old technophobe I don't understand what you're saying too well :-) but if it helps you along with your quit it must be good. Keeping busy is the key so if you're building things like this and studying hard you're on solid ground.

Hope the rest of the day goes equally as well for you!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Belated welcome to our community anlush and congratulations on almost 1 week smoke free! I too quit cold turkey 15 months ago and never looked back. You appear to have a great attitude and like you I too drank and still do loads of water as I think it really helps with cravings and is healthy :)

Look forward to reading your updates and progress!

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