I cannot believe it has been one month. The day I quit all I could think about was November 30th will be one month and it will be easier. I am moving down a step on my patch on Sunday so hopefully it is not too difficult. This has been one of the worst experiences of my life. I have my first prenatal appointment this morning so it is a big day for me! Thank you so much everyone for all your support. I believe the hardest part for me was "missing" the smoke breaks and the emotional rollercoaster. I used to look forward to things because I could smoke and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with 4 minutes here and 7 minutes there. Again it is hard to draw a line between quitting smoking and being pregnant but I have gained 5 lbs. Whatever....I lose it quickly when I try...I got lucky in that department. I told my husband the other day I couldn't imagine having an addiction to food. At least my addiction is something that is bad for you and there is no excuse why you would need it. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Please pray for snow for my area! It is what makes me the happiest and we still have zero this year.
1 month!: I cannot believe it has been one... - No Smoking Day
1 month!

High five to the little lady with the bubba in her tummy. How amazing being smokefree for a whole month. Be proud of yourself. The time thing is an issue at first. I must of spent half my day smoking lol. Now I have loads of time to fill. Saying that December is a good month to be quit its so busy you need every spare second. I walked in a snow flurry this morning it was lovely. Hopefully you will get some. Im off to Yorkshire for weekend tom. They have snow.
Thank you! I check the forecast daily to see if there will be snow in the next 10 days haha...Beware...day 8 and 9 were really hard for me. I'm not sure how long you have been quit but just in case, wanted to give you a heads up.
My daughter just sent me a photo from yorkshire its snowing heavy. Hope I can get there tom. Going on the train from London. I will be two weeks on Saturday. I have not had any craves at all yet. The champix really does take alot of them away. Plus I have tried to quit so many times. Iv had enough. I have my amour on and tactics sorted. So Nic can do one.

Congratulations! I wish you so much success! Cant wait to get there myself!!!

Congrats on a month in! That's wonderful! Good luck with the prenatal. You've got a lot going on but you're doing it and that's brilliant! As much as I personally dislike snow, I hope you get some soon! Have some fun in the simple pleasures of life. Stay strong little lady! 💪

Congratulations Alynnk0821 - big milestone!
We have had LOTS of snow in the north east of England today, much to my delight. Hope you get some soon.

Congratulations Alynnk0821 on 1 month, seems no time ago since you joined us here and now you are at a month - time will pass by even quicker now - hope your appointment went well today and that you get your snow (from America isn't it?)
We had a flurry of snow 2 weeks ago, no sign of anymore but very cold and frosty in lovely winter sunshine for the last few days....

Well done. keep going. You are moving in the right direction. Keep facing that direction. Smoking was NEVER your friend. Smoking will kill you and the Tobacco Companies will take your money till you die. They don't give a hoot about you or yours. You are at a beautiful time of your Life (and another's...). Be kind to yourself. Enjoy your growing new life and love being a Mum. Stay cool... you will NEVER regret deciding not to be a smoker any more.