I'm on my 4th day smoke free. Cold Turkey. I'm feeling very confident. Well, I was until I started reading posts from people who keep saying the 8th day is the worst and I'm not even halfway there. This is my second time quitting after 9 years of smoking. The first time I only lasted 2 weeks. I Think I am completely ready to quit, but the road ahead just scares me a bit. I've been really emotional, angry, easily frustrated. Walking by people that are smoking is hard and it smells so damn good! I know this will all pass but for now, it's relevant.
Trying..: I'm on my 4th day smoke free. Cold... - No Smoking Day

Jasmynwinter...You want to quit and you will...Yes, the normal grumpyness and frustration will be there...It is scary but shouldn't be because it is your will to quit...
I felt on my journey that is is more emotional than physical...Maybe due to the Champix...But qutting is quitting....
After two and and almost half a year that freshly lit Cigarette still smells damn good... But the person smells very bad, his car smells bad, his house smells bad, the smokers corner smels bad....... I can breathe fresh air and smell the soil after rain, the wild flowers.... I think it is very nice not to smoke any more and really discovered life the way it should be without the false Euphoria of relaxation and happiness a cigarette was giving me...I can now make my own happiness without the trickery and entrapment..I am free !!!
I never want to smoke again not even mentioning the hell to quit again...!!!!!

I think day 8 may catch a few people out because the 1 week milestone is over with and they think it should be getting much easier. Just try to take each day at a time and expect bad days to come along for seemingly no reason. If you have a plan in place for the bad days they're easier to deal with. That's what I learned in my multiple quits anyway...and that's what I've gathered from reading posts on this forum over the past two years.
As for the emotional ups and downs; I can completely relate to that. I was angry, happy, miserable and irritable, usually all in one day. My wife says I was horrible to deal with....but then again she quite often says that.
Keep it up Jazmynwinter you're doing great, despite what you might think.

Huge welcome to our community Jazmynwinter and congratulations on 4 days smoke free. I too quit cold turkey over 2 years ago, it was a bumpy road, very bumpy at times but so achievable with the right positive mindset that you can do it.
What you are experiencing with being scared and anxious is perfectly normal, I posted my first post here on Day 8 as was pulling my hair out, but the reassurance, advice and support here was invaluable as it can be quite lonely giving up and non smokers do not have a clue of the struggles of giving up so stay close to us and post anytime....
The nicotine is now out of your system so the mental battle has now begun as our body and mind begins it gradual process of rewiring, repairing and recovering. Try to just take it hour by hour, even minute by minute on the bad days and not think ahead, I know its easier said than done, but the first month is the slowest period, time seems to fly by after that.
Below is a link to some helpful pinned posts worth a read if not already done so....
PS The smell you currently get from smoke will hopefully change as your taste and smell heighten, I cannot stand the smell of smoke, makes me feel sick
How are getting on now Jazmynwinter ?
I feel like things are going great. Tomorrow will be a week of not smoking and I plan on treating myself to some ice cream, which I looking forward to. Yesterday I had constant thoughts about smoking but I got through it and I'm feeling confident today. Thank you for checking in.
Am on day 48. I use a medication amd am weaning off now- hopinh not to have to go back to those first week feelings. Am very proud of you. That first week is awful! I smoked for 35 years and never thought i could quit. Am now afraid of goinh off med, but I remember the fear of not being able to do 1day smoke free. I also joined a quit group and believe G-d is helping me or i couldnt say 48 days smoke free!
It really helps to not breath in that smoke. I did bc it smelled so good to me and i think it made my cravings worse. Am now at 7weeks and it got easier with each day. What's helping me most is reading people's posts and educating myself. NTAP-never take another puff from whyquit.com and NOPE -not one puff ever and someone's post calling cigs "nicodemon" really help me put things in perspective. Great job on pushing through your cravings! It will get easier , from what i read, every time we overcome each trigger that makes us want to smoke. I do see it happening. Do feel proud of yourself for what you have done. I understand the fear & have to remind myself of the time ive quit even if its not very long. Maybe the fear is really just nicodemon whispering in your ear.