TAKING IT ONE DAY AT A TIME! ;): Hi, I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free
29 Replies


I recently decided to give up smoking and so far I'm on day 4 of no smoking,

I quit cold turkey because I know that reducing the ammount I smoked never worked, because as soon as I got it reduced enough I'd get stressed and it would go straight back up.

This time it was a random sper of the moment decision to give up: I'm a 21 y/o single mum, work monday to saturday, have joint custody of my 4 y/o, and I've just bought a flat, so as you can imagen things are expensive, so between expensive and that I have RA throughout most of my body I decided I needed a change, and I was running low on cigs on sunday night and I decided I wasn't going to buy anymore and I had my last cigarette sunday night and haven't smoked since.

Now don't get me wrong I keep on getting the urges to smoke, like if I get stressed or upset, or just out of habit when I'm bored or after having eaten, but I remember there are tons of people out there that go through stress and upset and don't resort to smoking so why can't I be the same?

And mainly just taking one day at a time, every day when I get up I promise myself I'm not going to smoke today and each night I'm proud of myself when I get into bed and I've gone the whole day without smoking.

Anyone else going through this?

And the cleaning process of the body is not nice I have a sore throat where it feels like it's constricting, a horrible cough bringing up all the gunk from throat and lungs, and horribly vivid dreams.

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Anna_maggs96 profile image
3 Years Smoke Free
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29 Replies
Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi Anna..Welcome and I think you are a very brave young woman...To quit smoking is not easy or come for free..as you mentioned in your post...

Most of us went through the same uncomfortable stage...and that is lightly said...It is that feelings that force me up to today, three years later, to never want to smoke again..

It does get better as time passes and the body heals itself...Stay strong ..you can do it..!

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Thanks! I mean everyone gets cravings I Guess my mum gave Up just over 4 years ago, so she is my rock every time i feel myself caving I just call her, and today she actually said, "I'm really proud I didn't think you'd do It" to which i said I'm not sure if I should feel good or insulted from that and she told me It was because as far as smokers go she wasn't sure if id be able to Beat It as I was a heavy smoker since i was 13, but I am proud and taking It one day at a time Thanks! X

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community Anna_maggs96 - congratulations on 4 days smoke free, that is great, well done!

I too stopped smoking cold turkey and heading towards 3 years in September. It is a rollercoaster of a journey but one of the best achievements of my life - keep up that mindset of one day at a time and that YOU CAN deal with life's daily curve balls without smoking, I promise, you will adjust this way of thinking, keep telling yourself that as many times as needs be - I printed off the following post advised by our Hercu here and really helped me in the early days:

"Weeks 3 and 4 was the discovery of my weaknesses. The terrible idea to cope with life and the curve balls on my own. Now I realized that life is a reality and not a false euphoria of happiness where I can light a cigarette and every thing is OK......"

Below is a link to a pinned post worth a read if not already done so:


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How is things today Anna_maggs96 ?

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Well I'm still smoke free but today is being a bit tougher due to a very vivid dream/nightmare last night, but I'm holding in here, I woke Up and promised myself I wouldn't smoke today and I plan on going to bed proud for keeping my promise yo myself xx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

You are in the thick of the mental battle now Anna_maggs96 as your body and mind is working very hard to rewire, repair and recover...not sure if I had nightmares/vivid dreams at this stage but did suffer from sleep disruption, forget to mention in my previous post, raw honey (jar honey will work too) every morning and night is great to help with the lifting of the mucus and clearing out your lungs, perhaps a trip to your health food shop too for herbal and vitamin supplements to help with the other feelings of withdrawal.

You are doing great :)

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Well I really Dont feel like im doing great today, today i think os probably one of the hardest days so far

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

It will improve Anna_maggs96 I promise, be kind to yourself, keep as busy as possible, lots of early nights if you can. Post anytime especially if really struggling, do up an SOS post as below:


Wishing you strength :)

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks, it's just you would think that it would be easier once the nicotine is out of your system but yesterday and today are 100 times worse than the first four days but I'm on day 6 and still smoke free RoisinO1

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

Well done Anna_maggs96 - unfortunately the physical withdrawal is much easier than the mental withdrawal and why it is such an addiction to fight, as you are on your own, compared to heroin and alcohol where you get tablets to help with the detox and withdrawal, but I really promise, it does get easier as each day passes, you become stronger and able to deal with the battle - it will become less severe and frequent, try not to overthink it and embrace and attack it :)

Plan a little treat for your massive milestone of 1 week :P

Jwk1962 profile image
Jwk19621 Year Smoke Free

One day at a time, I k ow I can, I know I can. No ciggy and no patch, Ahh day off and slept in 2 extra hours...I'm doing it...congrats to everyone... don't buy,don't bum, don't even start thinking that just one will be ok.

🚭🔠 Jeff

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free

Must be nice having saturday off, I work monday to saturday 10:00-18:00 so only have Sundays off, and no, no smoking, no blimming a coger, nothing, but today is not a good day for me Jwk1962

Jwk1962 profile image
Jwk19621 Year Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

After 12 years I decided 3rd Saturday off each month is MY Saturday off, told em ..in time it's going to be every other off. The. Said.. .do you see the pattern.

Funny , me n wife sitting around in evening , just want to stay home and retire .🚭🔡 Jeff

Just caught up on my calendar, Lilly's coming over to spend the night 👍

I was a week behind. Yikez

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Have you adjusted your routine at work and home lifestyle Anna_maggs96 ? This is a huge thing to adjust to try and cut everything related to smoking out of your life, especially in the first month or so. By any chance, are you still surrounded by smokers / smoking?

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free

I work in a commercial centre furniture store but it's an open door with smoke blowing in all the time, and i have my breakfast every morning in a bar upstairs and people are smoking but I'm ok with that, and at home it's Just me my little boy one week on one week off (joint custody) and my two kittens so no smoking around my House but it's still weird and hard, I al avoiding going to the bar for a quick beer after work for now though but it's been quite difficult yesterday and today, especially difficult after meals... But I'm trying and hanging in RoisinO1

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

Being around the smoke could be a factor you are finding it difficult without realizing. You are doing so well and should be extremey proud of yourself and you head to 1 week smoke free tomorrow, enjoy your day off smoke free withh your little boy :)

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

It's been a long day just put Hugo into bed even though hes chatting away, put a Wash load on, we were at the park with a friend of mine and her little girl whos the same age as Hugo, but she knew I have given Up and she was smoking away and even then I've still managed not to cave! But now I am back home hiding un my kitchen with a bag of crisps and a Glass of wine, and hoping I Dont gain weight whilest giving Up I'm 5ft 7inchs and I weigh 56kg so Dont want to gain either which stresses me too RoisinO1

Jwk1962 profile image
Jwk19621 Year Smoke Free

Ahh, the first minutes, then hours, and weeks, then months , .. ... .. .... ... ...I was there, did that, .....I mean didn't do that, Anna it only takes time and your commitment .. you may have some foggy days, moments, but the more time you say nope...NOPE you will feel better as time passes,, it's really not necessary to need that nicotine "hit' every 20 to 30 minutes...not necessary to stop and spend hard earned money to burn it up....I'm in control.. not Mr nic

🚭🔡 Jeff

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free

I caved! I'll give a new quit date when I get my head on straight again! Feel so bummed!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

Sorry to read Anna_maggs96 but thank you for coming on here and being honest, that takes guts. Don't be hard on yourself and learn from this, we will be here waiting for you :)

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I bought a pack of ciggs but plan on trying again in the Next few days, i feel so depressed now... RoisinO1

hi Anna_maggs96

its ok,its not the end if th world,

a lot of us tried several times,and failed,me included,

just never stop giving up

one day will be your day 😊

take care 😊

keep kicking 😎

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Thanks a lot, just feel like crap fof caving! Hidden

in reply to Anna_maggs96

don't think about it,

you will be stronger for it

take care 😊

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free

my new quit date is thursday 24th of May RoisinO1

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Anna_maggs96

Good for you Anna_maggs96 - be sure to post on Thursday, wishing you strength, you can do it!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Wishing you strength for tomorrow Anna_maggs96 - post anytime, here for you.....

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How is things Anna_maggs96 ?

Anna_maggs96 profile image
Anna_maggs963 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1


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