I have had two failed attempts to quit so far this year! Both times I managed about three weeks cold-turkey then relapsed due to difficult and stressful personal circumstances. I am in the process of going through a breakup and have gone back to smoking about 15 a day for the past 2 weeks. I really want to stop but find it so difficult when I'm stressed and upset, smoking does seem to help! But I really want to try again and actually do it this time, please help me with getting the motivation to try again. I don't know whether I should just go for it now or wait until I'm feeling more settled. Any advice welcome!
Trying to get the motivation to quit AGAIN! - No Smoking Day
Trying to get the motivation to quit AGAIN!

Hi Jenna, not sure there's ever a good time to quit so if you feel up for it now go for it - otherwise you might put it off indefinitely. However if things really are too much at the moment why not set a quit date some time in the near future and prepare to quit then. Either way all the best to you - and keep motivated to quit soon
Thanks for the advice. I'm feeling much better than I was so just going to go for it again, starting tomorrow. I've nearly run out of tobacco anyway so before I go to bed tonight I will throw it in the bin and wake up tomorrow smoke-free!

HI Jenna
What I am saying is my humble opinion...
I hear and feel your anxiety and yes it is a huge decision whether you must quit now or wait until you have got less "problems" ...
We all know that life is a B*^$# and can be very cruel but that is life..be careful that you don't wait for the correct moment forever...It might never come but yes I agree do not try if you are not ready...and on the other hand I say get yourself ready..!
Geepers... hope you keep up Jenna.....
You are afraid to loose that one anchor in your life at this stage but, Jenna I promise that is not an anchor it is a piece of straw...and will never keep you steady..somewhere it breaks and you will be lost forever...
My advice...Buy yourself a 20 pack..Smoke it by counting the ones you smoke and decide what number will be the last one... it can be 1 but make that your last one..Strongs !
Yes you're totally right it doesn't actually help in the long-run, just seems to when you're feeling anxious. I'm going to go for it again starting tomorrow.

The important thing Jenna is not how many failed quits you had, but that you keep trying. I lost track of all my fails before I succeeded. I know we all think that smoking seems to help, but it's a mirage.
A dose of nicotine reaches the brain within about ten seconds. At first, nicotine improves mood and concentration, decreases anger and stress, relaxes muscles and reduces appetite. This feeling of relaxation is temporary and soon gives way to withdrawal symptoms and increased cravings.
Some people have quit cold turkey, but others used some type of nicotine replacement. You can try CT again, but maybe also look into the various alternatives, there are people on this site who have used most of them. My crutch was an e-cig. It doesn't help everyone but did me.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the advice, I've tried all the different methods in the past: e-cigs, patches, hypnosis, alan carr, inhalator, spray... none of them worked for me! I do have an e-cig but would rather not use it, for me it's just too much like smoking! Going to take the bull by the horns and do it again tomorrow cold-turkey.

I hear and your admire your determination, Jenna. It will see you thru this. Wishing you strength for tomorrow.
Thank you so much!

Hey Hidden - sorry to read of your relapse but huge respect for you coming back on here and being honest to share it with us.
To succeed in stopping smoking for good we must have the mindset that smoking is not an option and under no circumstances will I smoke again. As said above, it doesn't matter how many times we try, its the journey to getting to that one that sticks forever. I stopped cold turkey almost 2 and a half years ago as knew I was going to develop serious illness if I didn't stop, my worst fear was how I would deal with life without my crutch that I so relied on, to get up in the morning, to socialize, to deal with my personal demons, work stress, family stress, sadness, happiness, birthdays, funerals, weddings, summers, holidays, Christmas, the list goes on, BUT the great news is I got through all of these daily life ups and downs, can cope and deal with stress so much better smoke free.
I never thought I would be able to get through these without a smoke but what pulled at my heart strings very early on in my journey was an incredible quote from our inspiring member Hercu
I printed this off and taped it to my PC at home and at work and read it every single day for the first 3 months:
"Weeks 3 and 4 was the discovery of my weaknesses. The terrible idea to cope with life and the curve balls on my own. Now I realized that life is a reality and not a false euphoria of happiness where I can light a cigarette and every thing is OK......"
I finally got it..........wishing you too to 'get it'.
Please stay close to us and post an update tomorrow on how you are getting on, even if it doesn't happen - we will help get you there......
Thank you so much for these words of wisdom! Herc is right, right you do just have to go through the bad times rather than trying to run away from them / relieve them with a cigarette, which is not going to help anyway!
hi Hidden
its good you are here.
there's no rush into stopping,you have to be in the State of mind to stop
pick a day,work towards your stop,stress wont go,its always hanging around waiting to pounce.
you can do this,never stop trying to stop.
you take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Thank you for your kind words