I have been doing great, then suddenly today I am so exhausted and moody that I feel asif I am in my first few weeks of quitting again. I hate this feeling. On a positive note I did work out every single day this week and even ran 2 miles on Wednesday (A first in a long time) so I don't know if the soreness of Crossfit and being exhausted is from that or just recovery from nicotine rearing its ugly head again. Either way I can't wait to go to bed, wake up and start my day over again because today hasn't been my day. Funny part is I could fall asleep now but when it is actually bed time I will be wide awake.. Ah well, hope everyone is having a wonderful smoke free day
Bad Mood Alert: I have been doing great, then... - No Smoking Day
Bad Mood Alert

The terrible 3s got me every time, don't ask me why but I hit the 3 months mark and was as near to lighting up as I had ever been, all of a sudden I felt so bereft, it was like I had lost my best friend or even as bad as if someone had died, I spent a whole night on the no smoking forum feeling sick and didn't know what to do, someone talked me round, I didn't want to smoke just felt absolutely horrendous, it will pass I promise.
Stay busy and smell your clothes etc lovely

Keep reading the replies SheenaL to your 'The blues' post, the advice given and in previous posts as it remains the same, especially about the terrible 3's - the sleep disruption is normal too and will settle down soon - be patient and strong, you have this!
I agree SheenaL - keep reading up on the effects of quitting and your earlier and previous posts, this one below in particular about herbal supplements:
Also, this pinned post is worth a read too:

Knowledge is definitely a must in quitting SheenaL - I have read up so much on quitting and the effects and withdrawals which I found a great help in knowing what to expect and that it is normal, even have gone back to posts and re-read just to get reassurance...

SheenaL , moodiness, tiredness and sleep disruption are the most common withdrawals from nicotine, perhaps you are doing too much, take some time out for yourself to unwind and relax and maybe look into the herbal supplements, remember too that your body is working very hard to recover - for the first 6 months of my quit I just looked after myself, it will get better, stay strong..

How are you feeling now SheenaL ?