Ii posted about my slip last night and went straight to bed. I woke up feeling gross and didn't do much all day. But I made it through and at the end of the day I finally responded to all the encouragements I had read throughout the day. I felt so icky and bad all day it wasn't even funny but... I made it through again. I'm grateful for that. There was a point in time where I would have just ghosted myself off of this sight and headed to the store to buy a pack of smokes because we'll I've already messed up might as well let it roll. Today I didn't do that. Today I let people know my struggles and read the stories of fellow travelers on my journey and I kept going. I can't even explain how big of a deal that is, even if I am still disappointed in me, I know it's not the end and not to give up. I will have this beat, one day at a time. So I go into another day two cautiously, but with the knowledge and understanding that one slip does not define me and I can do this. I will be forever grateful.
The end of "sigh" another day one. - No Smoking Day
The end of "sigh" another day one.

Wishing Day 2 is a good one for you Patty 🥈📆

Nice to read Pattygirl!
Don't beat yourself up about the slip, it's easily done, I've done it and so have LOADS of other people here. several times in my case.
And don't worry too much if you're feeling like crap, it's normal. Even though I was still getting nicotine from the e-cig my moods were all over the place and I generally felt listless....and sluggish....and everybody irritated me. All the hard labour will be worth it in the end.

Pattygirl, hang in there! And well done for not giving up quitting. It's hard but one day at a time is doable. You'll feel better and stronger soon. It does get easier. Keep going!

How did you get on today Pattygirl1992 ? If needs be, have lots of early nights like you did last night, perhaps, after relaxing in a bath with some scented candles - find Lavender or Vanilla very good at relaxing, I also got a Himalayan Salt lamp for Christmas which I have on locker beside my bed, I leave it several hours before I go to bed and not sure if its just all in the head but sleeping like a baby since I got it
what is the lamp,
sounds brill 😁
with that and my new tablets which are supposed to help you sleep and for pain I might get passed the worse than ever snoring monster 😎
Igot on fine today though I was admittedly grumpy 🙃 I'm just took the day as it came and tried to focus on my work as much as possible. My blood sugars have been doing some strange things which can be frightening when you drive a fork lift, but my boss is understanding and covers the forklift part of things if it gets to bad. The early nights are few and far between unfortunately 😴
hi Pattygirl1992
hope you are good tonight.sorry haven't replied earlier,got stupid headache got yet more tablets.
you can do this,take care 😊
keep kicking 😎
Oh dear headaches are no jokes. I hope you get to feeling better dear
its my daily routine,try get shut of head/neck ache.
but Thank you 😎
hope your good today 😁

How are you Pattygirl1992 and day 3, try to stay close to us here to help if struggling if you can....

Hi Patty, just get through the first few weeks - I know it sounds like forever but it soon goes - by taking one day at a time as a day you won't smoke, then it starts to get easier - you can do this.

Hey Pattygirl1992 - how is things now?