Hello all, just quit smoking and it is day two. Using the nicotine patch so I don't pick up but the mental want for a cigarette is bothering me. I hope this passed soon. I have beem smoking for 36 years but just had a health scare. I am okay but scared me enough to say goodbye to the cigs.
Day 2 Quit: Hello all, just quit smoking and... - No Smoking Day
Day 2 Quit

Welcome Josie1218 and congratulations on Day 2 of the best journey of your life - I quit cold turkey almost 2 years ago but many members here have successfully quit with the patches
No matter what way we quit, we still have to fight the mental battle which will be in full force from tomorrow (takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave our system) as your body and mind begins to repair, recover and re-wire so the feeling of wanting a cigarette is perfectly normal - just take it hour by hour and day by day and the stronger you will become, I promise!
Below is a pinned post of helpful links if not already read, continue to get as knowledge as you can, stay close to us, post if you need to about anything, we are here to help

Hey Josie,
Congrats on your quit! I used the patch for two weeks at the lowest dose (I wanted to feel a little discomfort otherwise I wouldn't feel compelled to stay quit) and have been patch free since. It still amazes me almost three months later that I am a non-smoker. The cravings will pass soon.. either that, or you'll get used to just not wanting a cig even if your mind tries to trick you into wanting one. I picked up a hobby of exercise and lots of water to divert my attention. Stay strong! Cravings only last a few minutes. I used to take deep breaths and it worked wonders for me. Just gotta find your own little ways of coping and you will be just fine. Take care non-smoker

Congratulations on deciding to quit. It's a long journey but worth getting there. The mental battle is the hardest but you can do it. I quit using an ecig gradually reducing the nicotine till I felt comfortable then quit using it. I've been quit 17 months now and so pleased I persevered because I'm so much healthier and richer and a lot less smelly.

Welcome Josie1218 - you have joined a great community here, stay close to it for support, advice and encouragement...hope things are continuing to go well for you?