Hi All,
Just wanted to give an update on my progress so far
Im on day 14 of the Champix and day 3 now of no smoking.
I must be honest and say the Champix is definitely helping with the cravings. Im no longer craving the nasty sticks but the desire to want one is still there.
I think choosing to quit on a weekend was a good choice as i dont have a routine on the weekend so its quite easy to keep your mind busy and thoughts away from smoking. Today being back in work is going to be a challenge as i have to get out of my normal habit of smoking at certain times etc but I've got a plan to keep myself occupied when the need arises.
This weekend has probably been the worst weekend I have experienced (My boiler broke, so I have no heating, i suddenly lost a loved pet and shrunk my brand new jumper) but i just keep thinking I may have chosen the right weekend to give up, through all that stress i still managed not to smoke so maybe its a sign that im ready.
Keeping my fingers crossed for today.
Thank you for reading