Day 2 smoke free: Hey, thought I'd post again... - No Smoking Day

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Day 2 smoke free

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor
19 Replies

Hey, thought I'd post again, hope that's ok! So day 2 is nearly at an end, yay. Not been too bad today, much the same as yesterday. Been busy with the school run, work and then went to the smoking clinic and registered a 2 on the CO2 machine, last week when I was smoking that was 23 so a massive improvement. Day 3 tomorrow, am ready for the craves to hit and to fight them off 😊

Also got a 4 week Champix perscription because the clinic is closed over Christmas, so at least I won't run out of them, still no side effects.

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Atta1 profile image
3 Months Smoke Free
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19 Replies
laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free

Well done so far. Keep pushing forward. Keep positive. Get this week done and dusted its the worst in my opinion. Post as often as you want. I love reading different peoples take on their quit

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Post anytime about anything Atta1 , that's what we are here for. 🤗Glad to read day 2 is going well and that you are ready to attack from tomorrow. 💪👍👏 Really well done, you are doing fantastic 🏅

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor

Thank you, champix really does take the edge of the cravings, I can only describe it as, when you've been on a train or bus for a long time and think I can't wait to get off and have a cig, it's the same as that so not too hard to distract myself or deep breathe until it passes. Thanks again will keep reading the posts on this site, it's helping so much. Thanks again x

Mistjunkie profile image

Good luck bud...those pills are the worst drug I've done in my life...not for me but many sing praises.

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor in reply to Mistjunkie

I've read loads of good and bad about Champix, they are working well for me so far. I have made my oh aware of the potential side effects and to look out for them for me incase I don't realise it's happening to me. What have you used to stop?

Mistjunkie profile image
Mistjunkie in reply to Atta1

As my moniker alludes I have stopped smoking just over a year...with the help of the nicotine spray and vaping. My lungs thank me due to fact there's much less pollution going into them. I'm glad that as a person who couldn't envision ever not smoking that I know I've quit for good...and can tell the vape won't be hard to put on the shelf soon...but the mist is a bit of a concern as it's got a pretty good hold on me now. One thing at a time I guess... I don't smoke and am physically In better shape, but am still a slave to nicotine.

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor in reply to Mistjunkie

A year is amazing, well done.

My mum is 6 weeks quit using the nicotine patches, I never believed she would stop.

Your whole body is grateful that you've given up.

I've never tried the mist so not even sure what it is, but they say nicotine on it's own isn't bad for you, so if it keeps you from smoking the poison cigs then it's fine until/if you decide to come off the nicotine.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Mistjunkie

Hey Mistjunkie - congratulations on over a year smoke free, well done (can you just confirm your stop date for your milestone badges).

Unfortunately we have had several members here addicted to the nicotine mist and inhalers and felt they were worse addiction than the cigarettes - it has been suggested here when they looked for advice to do the same as done to come off the cigarettes and with any nicotine - perhaps cold turkey if possible or champix or even vaping without nicotine - wishing you all the best in becoming free from your slavery, you CAN do it, we are here to help you along the way :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Mistjunkie

Welcome Mistjunkie - perhaps create an introductory post to share your story? How long have you stopped?

jdb4197 profile image

Good work.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to jdb4197

Welcome jdb4197 - perhaps create an introductory post and share your story, how long have you stopped?

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

How is day 3 going Atta1

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

Hi, this morning and whilst I was at work was fine hardly no cravings but since I've been home I've had a few strong craves! A lot of deep breathing being done lol

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Atta1

Well done, the mental battle will be in full force from tomorrow, keep doing what you are at the moment, deep breathing and ice cold water is great :)

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks, I'm abit nervous about tomorrow and Sunday as this will be the first weekend without smoking. I will have to try and distract myself more, maybe read a book or something. Will keep strong though 🚭

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Atta1

How are getting on now Atta1 ? Hope the weekend has gone ok for you?

Atta1 profile image
Atta13 Months Smoke FreeValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

It's going a lot better than I thought it would, have had a few cravings but no major ones. Day 5 nearly over, bring on day 6 tomorrow.

Thanks for asking.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Atta1

You are doing great Atta1 - well done :)

Exsmo profile image

Drinking lots of water really does help. At my worst i cut a drinking straw and cut it to cigarette length and pretend smoked it. Was a soothing deep breathing exercise that seemed to fool the oral fixation of smoking. I am just coming off Chantix day 2. We all go through the mental craves no matter what method we use to quit. You're wise ro have another "watch" you. I did the same. Even if you do have side effects there's lots of us here who are taking or have taken it that will help you through it. Some use half doses after getting through initial crave period or wean down when quitting meds. Lots of great advice on here! As i go off meds i will be keeping very close and will start my .5mg again if i see it's too soon. It's great not being alone in all this. I think that's the best medicine of all...helping each other and letting others help you. is a great site to read too.

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