Following on from my teeth and gums post from a couple of weeks ago, I went to the dentist for the first time in over 10 years, it took every bit of courage and bravery to walk through those doors at 11:00 this morning, I will never forget the fear but once I was called in to the Dentist that was going to be looking after me and while she listening so caring to my story, I was made feel at ease almost immediately and just before I was ready to have a mini meltdown!!
I have to get a good bit of work done but all can be sorted and I will get that prefect smile I have had missing for many years - what I would like to get across in this post is to make a appointment with your dentist even if not in pain just for a check up as smoking can cause gum disease and gets worse when we quit as smoking, also if you grind your teeth, it too gets worse when we quit, which was all news to me today I left it until now at 2 years quit and so kicking myself that I didn't do it sooner but it thanks to a very special lady on here that gave me the push to go for it - thanks mushen .
To Aoibheann75 , please make that appointment, I promise Mushen was so right when she said it will be ok!