I haven't smoked in 22 days. Cold turkey. I woke up feeling chest tightness, rapid heartbeat and dizziness.
Help: I haven't smoked in 22 days. Cold... - No Smoking Day

Hey Neicy, huge welcome and congratulations on 22 Days smoke free, that is great!
I too gave up cold turkey over 7 months ago and never looked back, it has been a roller coaster of a journey but I am the best I've been in my quit now.
What you are experiencing is perfectly normal and should pass soon (have a look at the pinned post common nicotine withdrawal symptoms across this page) but if there is no improvement perhaps a trip to your local chemist or GP might be needed just to put you at ease. It is a sign that our lungs is starting to heal. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and exercise a bit daily
Knowledge is key in our quits so read up as much as possible on what is happening when mentally and physically when we quit.
Look forward to reading your progress...

Firstly a big hello from me, 22 days is qite wonderful, and I,m hoping you have realised what a great achievement indeed this is.
Are you sitting down, slowly deep breath and relax, I,m not medically trained, but maybe just pop along to see your gp, just to reassure your self all is well, our minds can play nasty tricks, when feeling a little panicky, making the whole situation feel oh sooooo much worse.
Do you suffer with anxiety? Or maybe a little worried, over someone/ something?
Are you still sitting, deep breathing and relax.
I,m crossing everything including my toes, that all is well very soon indeed.
Please please keep us updated.
A huge, massive well done.
Anxiety and panic attack
Maybe a trip to your health food shop for natural herbal supplements to help you relax. I believe magnesium powder is a good...
Going through alot
Oh sorry to hear that Neicy, quitting smoking can magnify anxiety issues, so if you are struggling since you quit with this, perhaps, a visit to your GP will be needed.....post as often as you need and educate yourself on what is happening when you quit.
Wishing you strength....