Is it possible to feel like I need anti depressants? I am seriously irritated most of the time. And if I'm not, I get irritated quickly. I think I might be depressed. I've only dealt w this one other time in my life and it feels similar. I've never had to take antidepressants before but I cannot keep going like this. I feel like I'm sabotaging my relationships! Ugh. Help! Just want to feel content again! Like when I was smoking!
Help!: Is it possible to feel like I need... - No Smoking Day

Hey Rebeccalong, hang in there I was in a very similar situation as you and started thinking that maybe I did need to see a doctor as I thought it couldn't be just the fags. But think about it, it is a big loss to our system and I reckon it is grief that hits some of us as well. We have lost something that we had 24/7 on call when anything happened to us. I have read somewhere that nicotine is a stimulant so every puff we are giving ourselves a little boost and thus keeping us high spirited. No we are not getting that stimulant everyday so we are have to allow time for our brain to retrain I think. No expert just guessing!!!! It does ease and I am sure yours will as well. Stay strong

If you feel you need to get in control of your ups and downs there are several herbal supplements available. St John Wort for example. I take B6 with a B Complex. I can tell it helps me. Our bodies got through a wicked time of detox and everyone is different. If all else fails go see your doctor. Hope things get better

Hey rebeccalong - this feeling of being down, irritable, anxious are perfectly normal when we stop. The body and mind is currently working extremely hard in the gradual process of rewiring, repairing and recovering after the damage caused by the thousands of poisonous chemicals we put into our bodies. I promise, you will feel content again. Be kind to yourself and give yourself some time out. Baths with essential oils and scented candles were my savior. Also, explain to your family that this is the hardest achievement you are encountering but only short term. As suggested to you before, avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary foods and drink plenty of water for a while. Herbal and vitamin supplements will help too.
Below is a pinned post worth a read too regarding the 'Icky 3's' or 'the blahs'

Oh Rebecca, that is a bummer. Almost two months in and you're feeling pretty irritated. Did I see on another thread that you are a runner but have shin splints right now? Because maybe there's some other form of exercise you can do like swimming laps or something. The one time I think anti-depressants are advisable is if a person can't fulfill their daily obligations like work. Because anti-depressants can bring a whole host of other side effects you may not want. Good diet, exercise and plenty water and sleep. Comes down to not taking something away (smokes) without replacing it with something else. And that something else has to be positive. As I'm typing this, I'm talking as much to myself as to you, trust me.

Thank you all for your great advice! I will take it all in and utilize them. It helps me so much!!

Hello rebeccalong . It does this to you I'm afraid. I felt absolutely alien to myself in the early stages and it lasted for a while. I would fly of the handle for the most trivial of things and be climbing up the walls half the time. My wife even gave me some cigars to smoke before we went on holiday in a previous quit because she was so sick of me being miserable. That's how unbearable I was. To make it worse I quit with ecigs so I was still getting nicotine!
It slowly gets better. I know it doesn't feel like it will at the minute but it honestly does. You get a batch of bad days and then it's OK for a while...then a couple of bad days...then it goes away again. I found that the bad days just got fewer and fewer, and became more widely spaced. That was my experience anyway.
Try not to despair too much. It's normal to feel like there is something terribly wrong but it won't last. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Thank you so much. That is exactly what's happening! I'm going," I dont know what's wrong with me" as I sob in my fiance's arms! And I never cry! Until lately. Everyone tells me I should be well over the quitting cigs stage so then I think I'm going nutz! So hearing this helps. Again, thanks for your support.
No problem. I'm not sure if there is a quitting stage timeline when it comes to things like this. We can track the physical effects, like how long it takes for the carbon monoxide levels to become normal, but I think the mental effects are a lot harder to put a timeline on. I wish I could - I would make a fortune!!
It gets so much better. I quit fo 11months, smoked again and voy was anxiety worse! Depression is cery normal in quitting Irritation, a given. This is like the death of a very close friend who lied to you every day! Definitely reasons to be sad and mad. You threw out the crutch and now learning to walk all over again. Am very proud of 7weeks. Keep it up and I can’t wait to have that tine under my belt. Fabulous!

I would definitely visit your doctor and I’m sure you would receive great understanding as you are doing so well here. This is a very clever disease we are coping with here it raises its head in many disguises. Would it really be so awful to have a prescription for a short period to get you through this bad period rather than “pick up” a cigarette again.