I’m really struggling to not smoke a cigarette. I’m very, very sad 😢 my son and partner have separated and I absolutely adore his partner! I feel heartbroken 😔 talking myself down to NOT smoke and it’s feels very very hard, I’m trying to dig deep, but this is a really hard one! It’s just so sad to see your son so sad too! How do I get through this one, it’s tough!
Help needed :( : I’m really struggling to not... - No Smoking Day
Help needed :(

Separations are very difficult to get through :(. If smoking is lingering I say it’s natural to smoke during this time. But ask yourself is a cigarette going to change the situation? Will it make it any different? Ask yourself these questions in all situations and see what your answer is. Stay in touch
Thank you 🙏 I caved in! So sad, my son had a full blown panic attack and I had to call an ambulance, unfortunately the stress was too much and I had a cigarette, I feel yuk! And you’re right it didn’t help the situation life sometimes is just hard, thank you for your care kathie, tomorrow is another day 💛
Hi Frost I can only imagine how difficult is to be in that situation ..Your emotions are very deep for now but there is always a reason why things happen and always new roads that will take us to better places .
One of the reasons I quit was to live longer for my son .Everytime I smoked a cigarret I was only shortening my life and also lowering the chances to be there for him whenever he needs me and that’s important to me .Stay strong and start from fresh .very soon your body and mind will clear out all the nicotine and is going to get easier .as long as you don’t take no even a puff .Imagine how amazing we feel because we don’t miss cigarrets .You will love it too 💪

Oh hunnie I’m so so sorry to hear that and I hope your son is ok
You know a cigarette won’t solve it sweet, it’s just the stress, please try to stay strong
Sending lots of hugs x

Hey Hidden - so sorry for only getting to reply to you now, it took guts to come back on here and be honest that you slipped, many don't - as you said tomorrow is a new day - re-start your journey.....
You are very similar to myself in the reasons why we both smoked - to deal with everyday life - good or bad, happy or sad and my biggest fear when I stopped was how would I live my day to day life without my crutch and deal with curve balls, stressors but with pure determination and talking it out it worked not to light up that 'one'. My first stressor smoke free was also a family situation with my brother, what I done was posted here like below and then rang a family member to discuss it through....
Do not loose faith, it took me 3 attempts to stop for good, the most important thing is learn from it and try again
"The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow" - Unknown

If at first you don't succeed, try,TRY again... if that doesn't work....... follow the yellow brick road, follow follow.. you get it. Anything but lighting that cigarette..
Now let's get back on track🚭🔠 Jeff
Unfortunately Frost left the community yesterday Jwk1962 (profile changes to hidden when a member leaves) ☹
I’m coming back Roisin01 have had my week and realised everything I hate about smoking and to relearn coping strategies with emotional stress! Tomorrow will be the start over day!!! Hope you are well and life is treating you kindly, what I do know is that this community is amazing support 💛💛💛 I’ve got it this time, virtual hug x
Getting back on track Jeff! Thank you! Fell off the band wagon at 54 days, learning lesson and really hate what smoking does to your body! Thank you for your support x

Thanks 📝. Back in the 70's when I got punished my mom would make me write...Sooo
How's about .......
#1. I will not smoke cigarettes
#2 I will not smoke cigarettes
Ok ill let you do the next 998
🚭🔠 Jeff
That is a level #1 ...sentence can get way harder with repeated behavior😘
You got lucky with only 998📝