Good day: Age 68, farm wife. BMI 25. (about 20# overweight) Non-smoker. Stage 3B kidney disease, and GFR falling every month. Right now at 30 with creatinine at 1.81. Comorbidities are Polymyalgia Rheumatica , Giant Cell Arteritis, MGUS, resistant hypertension. This morning was 185/107 on 80mg. Valsartan 2x, 40mg. verapimil 2x. Kidney doctor just put in a prescription for clonipin patch. I have had resistant hypertension for two years and no amount of medication will bring it down. I have been placed on 9 different medications for resistant hypertension.
I had to actually request one of my doctors to do a simple urine test. Urine test showed high levels of blood and protein in my urine. I was finally sent to a kidney specialist. She seems very intelligent and caring, and is the first doctor who suggested medication in patch form. I also have chronic dyspepsia. I can no longer take a PPI, or any magnesium based antacid, so have to be careful with stomach.
I am also wondering since I have chronic dyspepsia; how much of the medication is being absorbed when I take it orally. I am waiting for prescription to be filled for the clonipin patch.
Doctor has a suspicion that something called MGRS might be my problem with my kidneys, and in turn the resistant hypertension. MGUS (Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance) is a condition where my blood plasma contains a cloned protein cell. The condition is common, and usually found by accident with a blood test. My condition was discovered that way, by accident, 16 years ago. I am also a cancer survivor, endometrial, more than half way through the uterine wall. That was back in 2004. MGUS has a low percentage of becoming Multiple Myeloma. So far, my blood protein numbers are good. Usually people with MGUS have no issues with it. In my case it exacerbates the auto-immune issues making treatment difficult. MGUS can morph into a condition called MGRS. Monoclonal Gammopathy of Renal Significance. In my case it may have done just that. That is what my kidney doctor is suspicious of. A kidney biopsy is needed to verify. A biopsy can not be done until blood pressure goes down. The high BP is probably caused by the kidney failure. Talk about a dog chasing it's tail. With MGRS the monoclonal protein invades the kidneys and gets stuck there, causing bleeding and lesions. The treatment is chemotherapy.
I will post again after I start the Clonipin, and hopefully after the kidney biopsy when I know more. So far, the MGRS is the only thing that makes sense. On a low creatinine diet, low sodium diet for past 3 years. Nothing I do seems to make a bit of difference. If MGRS ends up being the cause that would make more sense