My nephrologist is recommending a kidney biopsy because of protein in my urine is increasing. I have stage 3b for about 8 years. I hesitate because I know this damages my kidney. Knowing what kind of kidney disease I have is not important to me. Why should I have one? Any help is appreciated.
Kidney biopsy : My nephrologist is... - Kidney Disease
Kidney biopsy

I was in this situation a few years back. I'm a type2 diabetic and the first signs of CKD was proteinuria. My neph thought my CKD was caused by the Diabetes. All of a sudden the protein increased big time. He had second thoughts and advised a biopsy. His reason being is that there might be a different reason for the CKD and if that were so there were different ways to treat that cause. I had the biopsy, and it is the diabetes causing my CKD but now I know. I can't remember the name but there is another disease, and it has a different way of treatment. It's something like IgA

I know the thought of a biopsy is intimidating, as I felt the same way.
Nephrologists call for a biopsy to identify kidney diseases, in your case probably due to your increase in protein spilling.
As jodaer told you, the nephrologist was being thorough by ordering a biopsy to check that there was nothing else going on, especially when diabetes is involved.
In any procedure there are risks but highly unlikely.
Talk to your nephrologist and ask about the procedure and who will be performing this.
The procedure is not long, you have a team, a sedative and local numbing. You rest and are monitored in the hospital for at least an hour after and produce a urine sample.
Bed rest for the day and maybe one after. No heavy lifting.
At least you will know exactly what you are dealing with and therefore receive appropriate treatment.
Know that you are not alone as we will all be here waiting to know that it's over.
Stay strong, ask questions.
Don't do biospy that my idea I had do biospy on 2018 in same case with U
But now after few years I have kidney cyst on the same spot doing biospy
But doctor claimed not because of biospy
My kidney in normal shape no point to have cyst...funny sometimes doctors word they clearly lie 🙄
A small things that can u change in ur diet and search for detox ur blood in natural way of eating
This is what I'm learn from medicine business world
So sorry if my words can't acceptable
But this is true
No cure medicine and treatment for iqa
What my nepgro always tell me over past 10years
All in our body can be heal owlnly
But they give to us medicine let's say I don't have high bp they ask me to eat bp medicine
For what if I ask them no answer from their side
Only the God know the truth 😄
Why bp high is means our body have some organs got problem that's y heart increase heart beat to increase blood flow to the organs
The simple things in human body system
This oso that nephro don't know
But became kidney transplant doctor hahaha funny
Bonjour, c est normal que votre néphrologue vous propose une biopsie des reins ,mon mari l as fait on lui a trouvé une hyalinose primaire,c est une maladie inflammatoire des reins parce qu il y avait trop de protéines ,faut diminuer le sel, proteines
knowing what causes your ckd is important. Getting biopsy helped identify iga nephropathy which is one of the leading cause of ckd. They have new medications which treats specifically iga so knowing that is important so you get on the right treatment instead of just taking bp medicine such as arbs.
Because it may save your life

When I was first diagnosed with CKD, my doctor requested a kidney biopsy. I was not diabetic nor did I have any other health problem. No family history either. One of my kidneys was smaller than the other. They biopsied the healthier, bigger kidney. Found out that I had FSGS. With my history, they found that it was all due to the strep throat and nephritis I had when I was 9 years old. My doctor wanted to figure out the cause and so did I. It helped to make sure I was on the right BP meds. It was somewhat comforting to know what we were dealing with.
Good luck! For me the biopsy answered a lot of questions for me.
My sense is that your diabetes is the underlying cause for your proteinuria - it's unlikely to be anything else. Usually it goes on rather silently for a decade, then matters can quickly become problematic as filtration vessels are taken by the disease and the kidneys leak protein instead of retaining it. But, yes, one can get a kidney biopsy to verify it's that and nothing else. I hope your nephrologist is in contact with your diabetes specialist (usually an endocrinologist). That specialist will be very aware of your diabetes/proteinuria and the the direction it's going. (They generally check protein, e.g. albumin, etc., more often than nephrologists.) If not, ask the nephrologist to call him. It will give you reassurance if both feel the procedure is worthwhile. To date, my husband has only received sonograms scans, or specialty blood tests to sleuth problems - no invasive procedures to stress his kidneys (native/transplant) further. But they will do them if absolutely necessary.
I do not have diabetes.
Oops! I assumed that was the case. My apologies. When the cause isn't known, a biopsy would definitely be in order - I think your neurologist is advising you we'll. It's incredibly important to find the underlying cause - and some conditions (particularly autoimmune) hide exceptionally well. I truly hope your issue is figured out soon and steps taken to turn matters around.
If you have kidney impairment, depending on the reason, it may get worse to the point of kidney failure, at which case you will need dialysis or a transplant, or you will die. Your doctor is trying to find out if you have anything treatable that might prevent this.
Remember that anything you read on this site may or may not be accurate. None of us are medical professionals, or, even if they claim to be, there is no proof they are. We are all self-educated.
Kidney biopsies do not cause cysts. A cyst is a proliferation of cells. What kidney biopsies can cause is bleeding, a hematoma.
There are two kinds of kidney biopsy procedures, one is CT guided and one is ultrasound guided that they use to locate where your kidneys are. I have had three, the first was CT guided, the other two were ultrasound.
My first kidney biopsy cause a hematoma. It was horrific. I had blood clots travel down my ureter, could not urinate which is incredibly painful, and had to go to the emergency room and get a Foley catheter. The worst part was, they didn’t even get the cells they needed to get an accurate diagnoses, which is why I had to have a second one, at a different hospital. The third one was post transplant to be sure I had no rejection.
The second two were ultrasound guided and I had no issues.
Get the biopsy. You need to know.
I had one after seeing a nephrologist for 2 years as they had no idea why my GFR was falling and to determine what route to go for treatment. I had no other health conditions and was in good physical shape. It was a fairly quick and easy procedure. The biopsy showed IGA nephropathy to which I was told there was no cure and transplant is down the road. 2 years after my biopsy I had a transplant. I'm now a little more that 2yrs post transplant and doing great!