I won’t know my stage CKD for 3 months. My nephrologist took me off my Cholesterol medication, All Arthritis meds, and increased my water intake. My last labs were Creatinine 2.16 and eGFR was 23. I know that is stage 4, but he wants to check labs in 3 months to see if the labs improve. My biggest issue at the moment is the arthritis. I do take Tramadol for the pain, but the pain is so intense the Tramadol doesn’t help much. I can barely get into bed or a car due to lower back, left leg and groin pain. Both shoulders and left elbow are extremely painful. I was hoping someone on here could help me. Any response would be greatly appreciated..
Kidney Disease and Arthritis : I won’t know... - Kidney Disease
Kidney Disease and Arthritis

I do not understand why they took you off your arthritis meds completely unless they were not good for your kidney. But there are other meds that are. I have been on biologics for years for Psoriatic Arthritis. Call you doctor and get some answers. We cannot prescribe. Stay away from NSAIDS.
I do stay away from NSAIDS completely. He took me off of Celebrex which I had taken for years for Arthritis. My quality of life has changed drastically.
Have you asked about PRP (Plasma Rich Platelet) treatment? My friend has gotten it for arthritis and it's still early but she thinks it's helping.
This could be the reason your doctor took you off Tramadol.
Long-term Tramadol use and abuse can have devastating effects on your health and well-being. It can cause chronic gastrointestinal problems, liver and kidney damage, cardiovascular problems, and weakened immune function, which can lead to frequent infections.
That is very sad to hear because he didn’t take me off of Tramadol.. he took me off of Celebrex which was my arthritis medication. I only started taking Tramadol because of the pain from the arthritis and fibromyalgia. It doesn’t help the pain a lot, but without it, I’d be in bed.
I use arthritis pain formula twice a day for arthritis pain. It's 8 hour Tylenol. I did inquire about my dose of atorvastatin, which I take for coronary artery blockages. Apparently it's the only med I take that causes joint pain. So my cardiologist lowered it to 20 mg. I have read that inflammation is bad for your body, so my husband and I are starting a Mediterranean diet to help with that. He has prediabetes and I am still trying to lose weight 4 years after my transplant. We both need to exercise more, especially me!
Starting the Mediterranean diet is my plan too… if I would just do it!! I do think it would help with inflammation. I truly wish the Tylenol would help me, but it just doesn’t. I hope the diet will help you and your husband!
It's on the My Net Diary app. I would suggest getting the premium version for access to suggested meals, dietitian help, customizing settings, etc. It's on special price for a year. We started yesterday ( I've been on the calorie cutter diet for months, but this one should help both of us.).
Thank you so much! Please let me know how it’s working for you. Last summer I lost 45 pounds on KETO, but now I’m wondering if it caused this CKD. It’s so much protein. And now I see protein is very limited for a kidney diet!
Oh, and I believe chair yoga is very beneficial - I need to get back to it.
I have RA sjogrens and FMS and taking nsaids for years damaged my kidneys. I started on plaquenil 200 mgs a day and has worked wonders. Me I have been on statins for 30 years. Why is your Dr taking you off of them?
Oh my goodness! You may have just helped me! I have Sarcoidosis which also has many symptoms, but doctors think it’s in remission. I’ve had FMS for years, and arthritis so I’ve taken ibuprofen for ages. Of course I’m not taking them now! But nothing has helped much so I just stopped going to the rheumatologist. I’m going back to ask about plaquenil.. The nephrologist said the cholesterol meds can cause CKD. So he took me off of them. Been taking for 30 years also.
My nephrologist of over 20 years has never said not to take statins but he did say the aleve celebrex Meloxicam etc caused my CKD over all these years. I'm stage 2
I had a lot of joint pain from lupus, which is different from arthritis, of course, and took a lot of NSAID type drugs and damaged my kidneys. My eGFR was, coincidentally, 23 on the first test, but on retest it was in the 40s then 50s. Anyway, I went on a strict kidney diet, that I really enjoy now, and the lupus and joint pain faded away. Best of luck to you. I remember telling myself that pain was just another sensation, don't over-react, self. Much sympathy to you, and best of luck. I personally love blueberries and have been eating a lot of them these last 4 years, I suggest eating a lot of whatever kind of dark berries that you like, might help, can't hurt.
Thank you so much! I have to start a diet like you have done. You give me hope. I have never been a water drinker, but since the labs I have obeyed the doctor and I’m drinking at least 64 ounces every day. I’m sure hoping the labs will be better in March.I appreciate your encouragement.
I’m in the same situation with bad arthritic pain especially in the winter months and can’t take NSAIDs. I take ½ Tramadol a day along with a small dose of acetaminophen. But what helps me reduce the pain and inflammation is tumeric which has curcumin and is a fantastic anti-inflammatory that is very helpful for arthritis pain, and it doesn’t harm the kidneys. I drink 2-3 cups of tumeric/green tea daily and it is super helpful. You might want to ask your nephrologist if he’s okay with you taking tumeric. Actually, there are some research showing that tumeric is actually good for the kidney! So that’s a bonus for using it.
Oh thank you so much! The tea especially sounds like a good idea. I’m going to order some, and give it a try!
You’re welcome!
If you’d like I can post the link to the turmeric tea that I purchase (and it’s delicious?) 😋
That would be great!
Here they are! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do… And I hope they are helpful to you and reduce some of your pain and inflammation 🙏
Dear Bittycat, I am so sorry you are having arthritis pain and dealing with kidney disease too. I am going on 79 and started having problems with arthritis and fibromyia in my 40’s. when I turned 70, it was one thing after another: hypo-thyroid, kidney disease and then lung cancer. I am lying here with my whole body hurting and thinking - you poor dear- you must also be miserable. I have had 2 neck fusions over the years , bilateral reverse shoulder replacements, bilateral hip and knee replacements. Right now my ankles have gotten really painful and i desperately need ankle support. I spent about $80 on something from a medical store and they don’t work. I am going to try to return them but I am not hopeful. I don’t want more surgeries either. On top of the ankle pain, i am getting terrible cramping in my legs , feet and ankles due to the problem. So lesson 1 is never give up. I have good medical insurance and I hope you do too. I had a great local primary care til October and he moved. Now i have a Nurse practitioner and she tries but I need a local doctor. I had a great rheumatologist for several years then I also got a Neurospine Specialist who is my pain specialist. I went through 3 til I found him. He specializes in non-surgical interventions.
It took me awhile to figure out that Kidney doctors won’t even see you till you are Stage 3. I am 3a and your doctor is right. -regular labs will show a trend and you may improve. Also insist on a referral to a dietician. Learn how to use a good tracking app for logging everything you eat and drink. I am not good at that kind of thing so i have to get help from a friend. I am not able to learn it without help each time.
Be your own advocate. learn everything you can about your diseases. Be careful about believing everything from a support group like health unlocked.You can get some good tips and support but go to medical sites for medical information. Take notes. Keep a log on how you feel. Drink lots of water. There is a formula based on your weight. You have your hands full . you will need good doctors, a skilled dietician, and excellent support staff. you will need to self motivate. Don’t give up. If you believe in God, ask your God for support. You can’t do this alone. You can write me anytime.Right now I am getting ready for an implant to help my neck and shoulder pain. Sort of a last resort. I can no longer get injections and am allergic to most opiates- I can take Tramadol and up to 6 xtra strength Tylenols per day. No it doesn’t get rid of the pain but you need to learn biofeedback techniques and how to meditate and proper deep breathing. My Neurospine doctor has tried “ablations” but they haven’t worked either.
Exercise is super important. I used to walk and do water aerobics and a home exercise program regularly but it has gotten much harder to motivate myself and deal with the pain. I asked for a referral to a good physical therapist. Just like with any medical professional, you might have to shop around.
I am glad your doctor really scrutinized your meds. My kidney doctor thinks my disease was caused by years of taking perscription strength anti-inflammatories. Finally my neurospine doctor took me off them years ago but the damage was done. Sometimes they weigh what good a drug does against what will happen if you stop them.. An example is I have an esophageal problem with reflux. I have to continue the meds to help that condition because if I don’t, I could get cancer of the esophagus.
Take care. One day at a time.If you like food too much like me, I really struggle without sweets. Also if i don’t exercise enough, I can gain weight. I can’t afford to. The more weight my joints have to bear, the harder it is for them.
Don’t give up!!! Write anytime. if you have specific questions i will try to answer or refer you .
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can’t change,
The Courage to change the things that I can,
And the Wisdom to know the difference
Gussiegirl 😊
I know someone personally who is now in kidney failure due to long term use of celebrex. He had no idea it could be harmful. Your doctor did the right thing.
Tylenol sometimes doesn’t help with pain at all. It has no anti-inflammatory properties. As I understand it, they still aren’t even sure how Tylenol works. It’s safe, but ineffective for some pain.
I miss NSAIDs so much!!!! I get aches and pains and tylenol does nothing. I rarely bother to take it. Fortunately I don’t have chronic pain. I’m so sorry you do.
PRP, platelet rich plasma, is new, expensive, and often not covered by insurance. Still worth looking into.
You also do not need your doctor to check your GFR. Quest Diagnostics allows you to order and pay for (no insurance will cover it) for many of your own blood tests. A CMP will have your creatinine which is used to calculate GFR. I believe it’s about $ 45. They will call you for a follow up. Go online and create an account.
There are a few states in US that do not allow you to buy blood tests like this, those are listed on the website.
Oh my! I really feel for you! CKD just doesn't happen all by itself - there's something driving it. So it's important to pinpoint the source. Is it only the meds? Could it also be your sarcoidosis? You do have that condition too. So, in my opinion, it's important for a rheumatologist to weigh in on the various symptoms you're having. Sarcoidosis can not only create joint issues but also lead to renal (kidney) sarcoidosis. You mention having osteoarthritis. In my experience that generally only affects a knee or a hip; it's a wear-and-tear problem. I know because I have osteoarthritis - neck, knees, etc. But your "whole body" joint and inflammatory situation seems very different to me. And autoimmune conditions can attack quickly and stealthily. My son has psoriatic arthritis, also an autoimmune condition, which nearly crippled him and also upset his liver. His orthopedic doctor, unware, was in the process of scheduling him for surgery. Right before it happened, my son managed to see a rheumatologist who properly diagnosed the situation, prescribed the right biologic, and stopped the attack and the pain. So, it's wise to stay on top of those autoimmune conditions - truly, a nephrologist is not a rheumatologist or vice versa. In this very medically complex world, most everyone with CKD winds up with a team of specialists that interface with each other. (I think my husband, who now has a transplant, has 5 or so.) So, yes, your kidneys may have been impacted by your old meds, but what if it is the sarcoidosis? I think you will benefit by checking that too. Sending you lots of encouragement your way - that you'll find answers soon and your situation improves!
I know you can’t possibly believe me, but before I even saw your message I was looking online for a new rheumatologist! I felt somewhat bad a few years ago, and thought my rheumatologist wasn’t helping me at all so I just took the Celebrex for arthritis and didn’t go back! She didn’t even want to discuss the Sarcoidosis. I promise you that today I can barely move without extreme pain. It has to be something besides joint pain. I do have some joint pain, but this is all over. I have had falls, and even broke my ankle last summer. The nephrologist told me the Sarcoidosis could have caused the MANY kidney stones I’ve had and thus the CKD. I believe it depends so much on the doctor you have and I just have to find one that wants to hear how this all started when I was 19, and I’m now 77. I can’t tell you how much your comment means to me. Thank you so much, and bless you.
My eyes saw "sarcoidosis" and my alert system activated. Thank you so much for setting up that appointment! I saw my son in your symptoms - his symptoms were top to toe, he writhed in pain. Sometimes a joint felt a bit better, but others took its place. He couldn't sleep; he could barely walk. He was totally spent-looking flushed yet washed out. He, too, was diagnosed when young - in his 30s - thankfully, his rheumatologist took him seriously, immediately diagnosed psoriatic arthritis, and gave him his life back. Sadly, I believe that the younger the age, the more likely you're dismissed by doctors. But these diseases don't just disappear - they hide, they strike out, they sneak around in the body. Many attack organs. I had a friend with lupus who recently passed away after it attacked her heart. They're miserable diseases. You're making a very wise decision to see what your condition is doing now. I'm only a few years younger than you, don't let anyone tell you that this is merely old age - you need reasons. If not sarcoidosis, then what other thing is causing all the issues. Your doctors will communicate together, pulling together a great plan for you. Sending many hugs your way...I care. I really do. If possible, please let us know the outcome. In the meantime, take comfort in knowing you're taking action. That's huge.
Hi could you tell me how much was your egrf after stopping the statin? Did it get better?