Hello everyone. I would like to give a little back history on my health condition. Back in November 2022, I went for my regular blood and urine test. Everything in my blood was great but my urine showed a lot of protein . The doctor put me on a medication called Farxiga. I went back 3 months later (Feb) for more blood and urine tests. This time both tests were great except for my A1C. Fast forward to May. No urine test but my blood test showed my Creatinine was high as well as my BUN. My eGFR was 33. My doc said it was suppose to be over 60. She said because it was low like that, I have stage 3 kidney disease. She did a dipstick test and it showed high glucose, high protein and blood. She sent me for an ultrasound the next week. It was normal. No sign of disease. She called me and told me she didn't understand why my blood and urine test showed a decline in kidney function but the ultrasound didn't show anything. I am so confused. Well she wants to see me in a few weeks so I guess we will talk more. Thank you .
confused: Hello everyone. I would like to... - Kidney Disease

Hi reddragun61, welcome to the board - you don't specify if you are diabetic, or pre-diabetic. If you had a bad a1c, how well is your blood sugar controlled?
Is your doctor a nephrologist or a gp? Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of type-2 diabetes and make up something like 50% of all kidney disease cases. It doesn't always show an abnormal ultrasound.
Is farxiga the only diabetes drug your are on?
Oh and one more thing - unlike most kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy can be reversed with diet and sugar control, basically - reduce inflammation and the kidneys function improves.
I was diagnosed as diabetic nearly 25 years ago. My A1C initially was below 5. For nearly 14 years I controlled it with diet and exercise only. A1C never rose over 6. During that time frame, I developed diabetic neuropathy, bilateral. They tell you in classes that if it is well controlled you will never have any diabetes-related complications. Wrong!!! I've had many with very well-controlled diabetes on no meds at all. Very frustrating. I went from taking no meds at all to being insulin dependent overnight. I feel lied to and misled regarding this, and I'm not alone. Just venting here, sorry. Blessings
You're absolutely right. My hubby, with the diabetes, wound up on dialysis even with regular diabetes treatment. In my opinion, people rely too much on the A1Cs, which are merely an average over 3 months, and not enough on the extreme high and low cycles that glucose takes in a given day for diabetics. I personally think it's those swings that break down the vessels and organs.
I am so sorry I let some info out. I was diagnosed for diabetes in 2018 at the time my A1c was like 10. No kidney problems. I have been on Metformin and glipizide for my diabetes. In Feb I was put on a once a week injection called Mounjaro. I lost 30 lbs. in 3 months. It made me so sick I could not eat. So she took me off that when I saw her last month. For the past 4 years my A1C has been between 6.4- 6.5. When I had my blood taken in May it went down to 5.7 and my glucose was 98. my doctor is an Internist. I also see a cardiologist for my heart problem. My doctor put me on Farxiga in Nov 2022 because of my high protein levels in my urine. I hope I answered your questions.

It is not uncommon for there not to be something showing in an ultrasound with CKD. If you had a cyst or something like stones, it would be evident. Your doctor should know that. If your diabetes has been out of control, and you said your A1c was high, then the kidneys struggle to process and remove the sugar. This will show as a lower GFR and higher creatinine. Farxiga is a great drug to be on but it takes time to work, more than 3 months. Manage your diabetes better and you might see an improvement in the kidney function. Diet and exercise is also necessary and you should see if you can get to a RENAL dietician who also understands diabetes. At this stage of CKD, you can really work to improve or at least slow any decline.
Hello. Back in 2018 my A1C was like 10. Since then it has been in the 6.5 range. Last month it got down to 5.7. As far as diet, I have lost 30 lbs since Feb. I have been on Farxiga since November cause my protein levels were high. When I went back In Feb to have my urine checked my numbers came down which made my doctor happy. When I had my blood tested in May, my numbers were all screwed up again. So she took me off some of my medicines and she wants to check my numbers again in a few weeks. Thank you for responding.
So glucose levels seems to be under control with farxiga but the kidney function is still going down? I am not sure, I think if I was in your situation I would look for an experienced nephrologist. eGFR of 33 is quite low, your kidneys a hurting, inflammation is still there from some reason.
make an appointment with a nephrologist. All my labs and ultrasound were normal but suddenly I showed stage 3. That’s when my PCP said go to a neph asap. The neph thinks I took too many NSAIDs over the years for pain.