I hate my doctor: 7 years ago i was... - Mental Health Sup...

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I hate my doctor

Young_wolf profile image
15 Replies

7 years ago i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. When i finally got my depression undercontrol the anxiety really kicked in. It was so bad i was bacially a shut in, i couldnt even answer my phone and if the door went i would hide and cry until the person went away. Iv tried all different kind of medication from antidepressants to beta blockers. None of which worked. I was eventually put on diazepam and with that and a lot of talking therapy i managed to get myself to a point where i can comfortabley leave the house and started working part-time. I still take diazepam now and again when i need it, i only get prescribed 14 2mg tablets every 2-3 months. Therefore i am in no way abusing them. They don't make me feel "high" or "numb" they just help me feel less tense aka more comfortable. I go to work on them i drive etc and no one would know the difference ( I take 4mg at a time )

I have recently changed doctors and this one particular doctor that i always seem to get told me the day i met her "dont ask me of anymore diazepam because your not getting it" this is before she even bothered to ask about my situation. I have continued using them as normal but everytime it comes to my repeat prescription i get a note from her telling me if i want anymore iv to go in. I go in she argues with me i leave and nothing changes.

At the moment my jaw has locked in place due to repeat tension from me due to high stress levels that im feeling. I cant eat properly, bursh my teeth, and my speech is being affected. Im in a lot of pain and after speaking to other medical professionals ie my therapist and a dentist they all agreed i need a muscle relaxant. My doctor whoever is treating me like some junkie trying to get my fix even though she has agreed with me on more than one occasion its clear im not abusing my medication. She forced me to go to an appointment to discuss my medication and what i was going to do about my jaw. I will tell her until im blue in the face im not going on an antidepressant. I dont want to be dependant on a pill that does me personally more damage than good. I like to be able to use my medication when its needed and then put it down again. The appointment was a waste of time and she said "your just trying to get me to give you a muscle relaxant"


What part of this does she not understand. So the cracker of this while story i left with a prescription for cocodomal..... a highly addictive pain medication.

Does anyone know how im going to deal with this situation. My jaws never going to get better if i cant relax it, iv been like this for 3 weeks now. Im taking painkillers and applying heat but again if im not relaxed none of that is going to matter. I hate how my doctor is just looking at me like some junkie. Iv found a medication that really works for me that i dont abuse nor addicted too and my own doctor cant see that.

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Young_wolf profile image
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15 Replies

Can you not go back to your original Doctors Surgery ?

Some Doctors look on the time period you have been on these medications and if the dose is very small they will wean you of if possible. The problem is with Anxiety the doctor may feel you can manage clear of medications.

Your GP may also feel your jaw is an Anxiety problem to get more drugs, this can be problematic and you may need to discover other treatments to ease of the jaw. What happened to cause this problem, something must have set the problem. So a Doctor should be able to have say XRays taken to prove what the problem is.

How did your old practice deal with your health concerns

Why did you change Practice and GP ?

I am in the early stages of withdrawing from various medications, two I have reduced one I have stopped taking , now I am further reducing drugs and now changing the time periods when I take a lowering dose. I take the advice of my GP. They are now offering alternative treatments that strengthens my joints and helps my memory, I would imaging my AD drugs will be removed soon as will my Opiates.

Talk to your GP and discuss what She wishes to do with medications and sore jaw. Is your jaw an Anxiety


Young_wolf profile image
Young_wolf in reply to

I moved surgeries because i moved house. It was never this much of a problem at my last doctors. I am honestly doing everything in my power to help my anxiety and stress levels to the point iv had to cut my own mother, who i love dearly, out my life because shes causing me so much stress. Im in therapy im in regular contact with my GP.

I feel like a lost cause, they just dont know how to help me so im trying my best to help myself yet im getting treated in this manor like im some sort of junkie. Its awful.

Thanks for your reply.

in reply to Young_wolf

When it comes to family sometimes we do have to walk away even for a short period when we are stressed by their presence. Sometimes it may be the best thing to do, eventually, hopefully you will be able to return and be a stronger person because of this temporary break

You are having therapy and your GP is keeping an eye on you as well, hopefully your Therapist will introduce you to various coping skills. You do need to remember even in therapy you will need to be able, in the future to help yourself and move on. You will need to address your problems and that will hoefully give you the strength to move on


Well of course you have to get another doctor. Unfortunately and Fortunately with all the drug abuse going on, even drugs like diazepam are treated like a controlled substance. I think he most important thing to look at is WHY you have this anxiety and how can you get to the bottom line to help yourself long term through talk therapy and possibly an antidepressant. I can strongly recommend also a new therapy (although quite a commitment for 6 weeks) of TMS. I initially started the therapy for my depression and all the drugs I did not want to try (been on an SNRI for years) and it wasn’t enough. Initially, I could not tolerate the treatment on the left side (depression) but switched to the right for anxiety and it has made a huge difference. Look into it, in the meantime, find another doctor and get to the bottom of your anxiety.

Good luck!!

Young_wolf profile image
Young_wolf in reply to KaylenZackLolaLuna

Thank you for your reply. I have honestly done everything in my power to help myself but iv exhausted all i can do on my own so im going to them like help me help myself and they do nothing but refuse me the only thing that is helping lol.

I have never heard of TMS before iv done talking therapies and cbt. So thanks for that i will look into it.

YogaLife profile image

I took my 31 year old daughter in to ER recently because she was feeling like she was (for days ) going to pass out. She cant do her job (driving) until she feels steady. The nurse and doctor acted like we just wanted drugs. Really upset my daughter because she really needed help. We found a doctor that could see her same day. He was real nice. He gave her about 5 minute talk about how she should always have a plan to go somewhere when she gets up in the morning and stay busy. Before she would sit in her room stewing about how she hates her life. His advice helped her alot.

Doggie123-UK profile image

I agree with KaylenZackLolaLuna, you should see a new doctor, because diazepam is classed as a controlled substance you cannot get it on repeat, I take it myself (2mg) and only take it on occasions when the anxiety is particularly bad (I have health related anxiety due to copd/emphysema and ibs/divericulitis), I am given 15 tablets and they usually last for between 6 to 8 weeks, you do have to see your GP each time though. Only time I have had problems with getting them is if I have to see a locum, they seem too scared to prescribe them.

sweetiepye profile image

Why do you continue to see this Doctor ? Ask to see someone else and put it down to a personality conflict. Don't do any Doctor bashing or you will be seen as a difficult patient. You have to learn to play their game. Tell them what they want to hear and try to get to the treatments you need in spite of them. Most Doctors you can trust and their advice should be followed , but occasionally you run into one that has an agenda. Take care. Pam

_Alex_ profile image
_Alex_ in reply to sweetiepye

Yeah, I think I may have just broken that "no doctor bashing" rule, and I may perhaps be seen as a difficult patient... but then I kind of am...

sweetiepye profile image
sweetiepye in reply to _Alex_

You can bash here all you want. We get it. I meant to other doctors or nurses. They tend to stick together.

_Alex_ profile image
_Alex_ in reply to sweetiepye

Yeah, I just taped my new doctor and blamed my last doctor for doing it...

Shiner19 profile image

Hi, I totally sympathise with your situation and I'm super surprised you were given valium in the first place because they are highly addictive however you should be weaned of them gradually, not cut like this, it took me 7 weeks to be kinda normal without them in my system, they hindered my growth as a human being when I was on them, I hate relying on any pills now, vit b3 is good for anxiety and panic, I learned this on you tube, maybe get a a&e appointment and tell them you have been cut off without detox. It is getting stricter and stricter with regards to diazepam, your obviously not an addict, but your dependant on them it looks like. Phone your local mental health team, maybe they can help. When I was coming off valium, amitriptyline anti depressant helped me with the symptoms of withdrawal, it was a long time ago, like 20 years ago. You should not be left to detox without anything. I hope you get this sorted out🌺

Young_wolf profile image
Young_wolf in reply to Shiner19

My anxiety was so bad, i had tried all types of other drugs that gave me horrible side affects and i was going through such a traumatic time. But when they started working for me and i was slowly getting my life back when using them ie leaving the house to eventually getting a job, i was delighted that i had found a treatment that worked.

I tolerate them very well, i never get any bad side affects from them and like you say we dont want to be taking any pills everyday so i like the fact i can just pick them up and drop them when required.

Iv never heard of vit b3 but i will look into it thank you.

Shiner19 profile image


Dolphin14 profile image

It's not unusual for a dr to require you to see them before refills. Some MD practice that way.

I believe more and more we are going to see MD getting away from prescribing benzos and trying to get their patients off them.

There are plenty of MD out there so a switch sounds like a good idea since you don't have in a positive trusting relationship with this current MD

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