I am a 62 year old male and I have been suffering for a number of years for frequent urination and also a pain in my left lower back. My doctor referred me the urology department where a cystoscopy and ultra sound were carried out. The cystoscopy confirmed that I had an enlarged prostate and I was put onto Combodart, and the ultrasound did not pick up on any abnormalities except that my bladder was retaining urine.
Since the cystoscopy my symptoms have become much worse. I now have the urge to urinate every few minutes and when I do it is very painful with a burning sensation and very little urine comes out, it's a nightmare I now cannot concentrate on anything, my sleep is interrupted back and fore to the toilet all night.
I visited my doctor because of these problem and I was put on a course of anti-biotics in case I had a UTI, the anti-biotics made no difference still painful burning frequent urination. My doctor told me that the combodart medication will take 6-9 months to have any effect!
I cannot cope with this, it's bad enough on a daily basis. Anyone gone through a similar experience or can offer any other advice?