Help please...: Hello, I am not sure if... - Men's Health Forum

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Help please...

Sam1108s profile image
2 Replies

Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I need help.

The past 6 years or since I was like 12, I'm 18 now. I have been having trouble with eating. I did not tell my parents about it until I was like 15 because I was Self conscious about my body and my weight. Since I told them, we have been to 2 gastroenterolgist. The first doctor asked my symptoms and I Told him that I have Upper abdominal pain and early satiety (feeling full after eating a small amount). He could not figure out what was wrong and ordered a endoscopy and colonoscopy. They found nothing except H pylori, which was treated soon after. On treatment for H pylori, I thought I felt better, but as soon as the treatment was over I felt the same again. We retested for H pylori and it was negative, but I still had the same symptoms that i started out with in the beginning. Then we did an abdominal ultrasound and a gastric emptying test after. The ultrasound came back clear and nothing was wrong supposedly, and the gastric emptying came back a little delayed, but not by much and the doctor said it was normal and that Gastroparesis was most likely not the root of my problem. Although he gave me a medicine called Erythromycin. This medicine helped ALOT for 2 weeks and then stopped working gradually. I went to the doctor and he seemed like he had no idea what I had. I wanted a second opinion so I went to another Gastroenterologist and he basically diagnosed it has functional dyspepsia. This tells me nothing about what I have. he gave me some anti histamine medicine to treat it and to get my appetite up, and although it did get my appetite up, the pain is still there. Can someone please give m e some advice on what to do as I feel it is taking up my life since I can not eat. I come home from school and sleep because I feel like I have no energy.

I also forget to mention this, but I thought it was a peptic ulcer, so i took Omeprazole antacid and nothing seemed to change.

I did some test myself after the doctor and figured out this:

Pain is worsen when I put pressure on upper abdomen below the rib cage on stomach.

I use to force feed myself, Which i know is bad, but i used to do it and I would throw up because of pain in stomach. when I say force feed I mean like eating "normal" like 500 calories and I feel full early but I force myself to eat more.

The pain relieves once i throw up.

Ask questions if i missed anything.

I hope its not pancreatitis, but I don't know what to make of it.

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2 Replies
jaglad profile image

You sound like there is a few issues here. For a start I would try some light exercise after school to try and build an appetite. Then look at what foods you eat. And change them, see if more fruit helps.

Trial and error may be the way to go.

Good luck

jonblane profile image

Well as this has been going on for so long now my first question would : what weight and height are you ?

Are you normal weight for your height and age or underweight ?

Are you still at school ?

How is school going ? What A levels are you doing and are you expected to do well in them ?

If they are science A levels maybe you should consider applying to Medical School ? [ I'm not joking you sound like you would be a good fit there .]

Do you do the normal P.E. / sports at school ? How does that go ?

Do you have friends at school ? People you do things with at weekends ? Boys ? Girls ?

If you are underweight I would expect you to be still under medical supervision , and indeed receiving treatment ~at minimum vitamin or protein supplements or whatever.

All the above is leading up to another question which is : Has no one suggested you see a psychiatrist during all these years ?

I am not being flippant : sometimes underlying psychiatric issues manifest themselves as physical pain or discomfort or eating disorders.

I would have thought it could do no harm at all to have an initial consultation or two with an adolescent psychiatrist ~ and if your GP or the specialists have never suggested it I would go and see the GP and request a referral.

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