All I have done today is urinate none stop and I ain't even been drinking loads. I am very concerned.
Can I have some help please? - Men's Health Forum
Can I have some help please?

Have you been tested for diabetes or consulted a doctor about this new problem?

I got tested a few months ago and it was negative. And no I haven't.
You may have a urine infection.
I have never had that before.
If you have a urine infection it makes you pee more to try and flush the infection out. You should really see a doctor to get tested. Be one step ahead and take a urine sample with you so they can dip test it. In the current climate the doctors may not see you but ask you to drop off a sample to be tested.
I am having a phone call off them tomorrow anyway. So I will mention it to her and it doesn't help that I am getting pain in my bladder/groin area.
That could also be because of a urine infection.
Sometimes the urine comes out clear, then the normal color it should be.
Drink plenty of water to help until you get the results from your doctors.
Won't it make me need to urinate more though?
Does it burn when you pee?
No it doesn't. But each time I go one time it's clear the next it's the normal yellow.
Wow that's a lot. But yeah it's just annoying having to go the toilet every ten minutes.
I just hope I can get to sleep tonight but of needing the loo every 10 minutes.
Ok then. Fair enough.
Wow. That is a lot again.
That is true. Fair point.
No don't worry about it. I appreciate this.
And I do appreciate this.
Oh right. I understand now then,
Are you from the UK?
Get a test for diabetes.
I did have a test a few months ago but it was negative. And I have pain in the bladder/groin area.
Get a urinalysis, and don't wait. This can get serious fast.
Try going to see a urologist
I did a urine sample for them today and they said it is not a water infection, so she is sending it off to a lab. And if it comes back negative and I still have it. They will look further into it.
How is your prostate? Is semen normal color? Does it stink? Any pain while ejaculating?
If all tests are coming back ok, go with the drinking of more water. I think about 2.5 litres a day is recommended. This should help and try not to go at the first feeling, hang on, say 5 minutes, then next time make it ten. This will help to train your bladder so you should not need to go so often. Good luck
It would be sensible to see your doctor about this. There could be many causes and it’s important to get the correct diagnosis and treatment. Good luck
Your kidneys are overactive. Kidneys are harder to test for and don't always show up for a bladder infection but can still be infected friend had kidney infection and so did my mom and it can be hard to tell if you have it. Do you have pain in your back? Can also be your parathyroid so you should go back and get that checked. They can also really easily scan your kidneys like they do for a pregnancy scan ..this is what showed up my friend had an infection in the tubes of her kidneys. My mom got the infection lots of times and had kidney damage and has to do a special diet to keep sure the kidneys stay good. You need to drink water but also electroylites because your body is peeing too much it can flush out essential salts... You can buy something like dioralyte or drink soups and coconut water juices etc. A pinch of salt as well. But get to the doctor again and don't stop till they figure it out for you. If you stop going back they'll think its all better and forget you.
Anxiety also stimulates your kidneys. Have you considered seeing a traditional Chinese doctor. They should be a fully qualified doctor as well as the Chinese stuff...they're really good for the subtle things that doctors don't think are a problem. Like weird feelings and strange pains and whatnot. And if you find a good one they can do a lot of amazing things for anxiety. I had PTSD anxiety and adrenal fatigue and insomnia and they helped me a lot.

I don't get pain in my back.
Well that's good. But I don't think anxiety would cause you to pee as much as you seem to be peeing. Defo et your kidneys checked. It doesn't sound normal.

I told the doctors but they gave my antibiotics which I have finished now.