About 10 years ago I went for tests when my wife and I were struggling to conceive. My testosterone level was said to be borderline at that point (9.9). I went to my GP about 2 years ago and was tested again as I was struggling with lack of libido, felt down and had extreme tiredness and my result was 8.6. I was given Testogel for about a month and they tested me after a few weeks and my level went up to just over 10. I said I hadn’t noticed much difference in my symptoms and my GP said that’s quite common and they didn’t think testosterone treatment was safe and they refused to carry on with the gel. Personally I think one month was too short to notice a change. I’ve since tried another GP at my surgery and they also refused to help and said my levels aren’t of concern and the risks with testosterone treatment are too dangerous. Now I’m getting other symptoms of low testosterone, for example lack of penis sensitivity and very low amounts of semen being produced. I don’t have diabetes and I’m not on any other medication. Anyone else been in this position? I don’t feel comfortable buying stuff over the internet but I can’t seem to get any help from my GP either!!
Low testosterone - GP won’t help - Help... - Men's Health Forum
Low testosterone - GP won’t help - Help / Advice please

Make an appointment with an endocrinologist.
Privately I assume you mean?
That would be the only UK option other than changing GP practice. I was sent to an endocrinologist by my GP at a level of 7.9. He put me on 11 weekly testosterone injections. Apparently it was an issue with my pituitary gland that was causing the problem (but no tumour). Testosterone replacement therapy is usually for life or you risk osteoporosis. TRT also comes with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Blood tests should be early morning as the level can rise later in the day I usually had mine done at about 08.30 You should be tested twice without treatment and referred to an endocrinologist Mine did various blood tests as well as testosterone including prolactin and cortisol I also had a pituitary MRI
Here is the guideline your GP ought to be working with: guidelines.co.uk/mens-healt...
If you believe that your GP has not acted properly you can always complain to the local Clinical Commissioning Group
I hope you get it sorted as one of the causes can be a pituitary tumour.

Thank you, what kind of symptoms were you experiencing and did the TRT work?
I had libido, ED and tiredness in the main and now my T levels are normal - even if I do have to bare my bottom to our practice nurse every 11 weeks!! I have an annual PSA test for my prostate - normal so far. I was also sent for a Dexa Scan but my bone densities were fine.

So your levels are normal now but do you actually notice a big difference to how you used to feel?
Diagnosing low testosterone is not simply based on the serum testosterone alone. It needs to be calculated with serum albumin, testosterone, SHBG .
The sample must be taken in the morning or endocrine will simply not review.
if it is proven a referral to endocrinology is appropriate .
Hi. UK guidelines are above.

I had an orchidectomy due to testicular cancer. I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in 2013. I had a private test in 2019 for ED etc., which came back with a reading of 8.1. My GP said this was in the normal category. It rather puts me off insisting on requesting a blood test and further investigation as referral to an endocrinologist on the NHS will no doubt take ages, especially with the pandemic. Going private seems very expensive. My symptoms are worse now though. What do you reckon please?
As far as I know there is no blood test for ED. It can have many causes from low testosterone to diabetes to psychological problems. You really do need to discuss your situation with your GP

Hi, just been privately to see a specialist for a blood test for low testosterone, which appears to be the issue after my orchidectomy.
Great that you have had a diagnosis. Has treatment been discussed?

Waiting for results of the tests, but discussing and starting treatment booked in for the end of July.
Sounds like good progress. Keep us updated. Cheers.