Hello anyone who can help at all I have Had irritated sore penis glans/head for over 8 months. Seemed to have started from a bruising incident approx 12 months ago.
I’m not circumcised but my foreskin naturally doesn’t cover my head.
the Skin on the glans has become thickened , reddened, is almost constantly sore , never itchy more irritated like it’s reacted to something.
I have used tons of different stuff over this time, aquaphor, Vaseline, raw coconut oil, raw shea butter, emollient creams. Nothing seems to work. But then leaving it alone doesn’t seem to help any either.
Sometimes it got so dry and painful and could appear dark purple. Sometimes it went cracked looking with white streaks. Sometimes it has peeled lightly.
I have treated it for thrush, been on 2 weeks fluconaxole , and the last time I put clotramazole 2% on it it caused agony ! So didn’t put that on again.
Multiple doctors say nothing wrong until recently a dermatologist seemed to diagnose dermatitis, and gave me a modeRate steroid cream (clonbestone, eumovate) and advised to use Vaseline in between. He said this was to reduce the thickening to repair it. The first night I put it on it hurt bad and kept me up all night. It then started to get less painful after a few nights. But it’s now been a week and it’s become redder and more sore feeling, like a burning feeling. Even Vaseline feels like it irritates now.
Sounds pathetic , I know people have life threatening stuff going on but It’s horrible and I have never been lower.
Suicidal thoughts have occurred more and more often , due to the feeling of hoplessness and that nobody can help. I thought seeing a dermatologist would be the breakthrough I needed but now not sure.
It seems rare , but has anyone known of anyone in w similar issue ? I need help or pointing to a good genital dermatologist in the UK . Appreciate anything very much