Hi all ,Had my hip arthroscopy last week successfully and recovering well from it. What amazing leg range I have now compared to what I did not have before. I struggled to go on our static bike before and now I can sit on there with our any issues and bike so fluidly.
The combination of my hip surgery and back caudal injection seems to have worked really well.
My husband and I were are so glad we took right steps to move forward for my back first then sorted my hip . Though we were seeing both consultants simultaneously at the same time at different hospitals.
But fortunately they knew each other well.
We took the decision to go private under insurance because we were failed by the NHS in diagnosis on both accounts on my hips and my back . My hips they claimed it was muscular and my back they claim it was fibromyalgia and degenerative- nothing they could do.
When I saw Spinal Consultant specialist he looked at my old MRI which were taken by NHS as he had excess to the NHS he took one look and saw that my spine lower L5/S1 were sat on the top of each other and also sat off set-Spondylolisthesis. So it was suggested we try caudal injection it work the first time briefly. And had the 2 injection now since then in Oct 24 it has been working really well . If it did not it would have been surgery. And that would have been a long haul recovery as my spine had to be fused.
My hip we saw the consultant, when I sat down he looked at me the first thing he said to me was do you have problems with your knee as well. Both my husband and I looked at each other looked shocked . I said yes I do . Have been along time. He said you have a twist in your leg. But I need to asses you fully . During assessment,it confirms that I do have a twist in my lower leg.
So , he had a look at my old x-ray and found that my hip - I don't have any arthritis but I have hip dysplasia. . I had Multiple XRays, CT to check both my legs and hips.
Next appointment it was confirms that I have multiple tears and joint erosion.
When he did finally did do the surgery last week , he was surprised to find my tears were huge ! Bigger than he had expected. He also did a peripheral bone stem cell transplant to help the bone growth.. hopefully it will work . As for the surgery recovery. I am doing remarkably well. Far better than I have expected in a long time . I have never been this good my legs have never been this good.
Even my husband is so impressed and pleased how well I have been . He has never seen me this well and motivated.
Tiredness is overwhelming yes because of the surgery and wanting to do things I have never been able to do . But to get my legs to do those things like getting on the static bike and just ride on it is feels amazing the flow of the leg is great. This is something my leg was not able to do before.
So I will have a review with my hip consultant in few weeks time to check to see if this stem cell transplant works if it has then will proceed to my lower leg surgery. If it hasn't will have to be total hip replacement. He wanted to give me a chance with my original hip due to my age . Because if he was to do a hip replacement now it will be another 10 -15 years I might need a replacement - God willing if I dont go first 😅.
So, just felt I wanted to share this with every one why I have very quiet recently.
Also ,
My eye consultant I saw recently said the my recent eye test shows only 1 eye is effected. Not both eyes the last eye test in Dec showed both eyes (when I was on Alendronic acid). I will give it time for it to clear it out from the eyes. Hopefully it hasn't caused any lasting damage.
But when. We spoke to her she said the looks more like lupus type characteristics. But it needs more investigation. Which is one of the reasons why my Hydroxychoroquine was discontinued. And I have been discharged by my original rheumatology team. Eye consultant is going to put me in contact with another consultant not sure if it is any better. But will see.