I had a hip operation in April 2013. I had growths on my hip socket. The way it was explained to me was that my ball socket on my left hip was shaped like a rugby ball when it should look like a football. I was running at the time, half marathons. The last one I did was painful and I had to stop running from then on. The growths on my hip socket had actually ripped the lining of my hip, nearly right through. It was agony and by the time I had surgery, it was excrutiating to walk, let alone run.
The surgeon did a wonderful job and I made a great recovery. I have the same issue on my right hip and although I have been offered the same procedure, I have declined so far, as I am mainly symptoms free on that side.
The surgeon told me that I had advanced osteoarthritis for my age and that I would definitely need both hips replaced in due course. He advised me to stop running and swim instead and also to take chrondriotin sulphate. I asked about cod liver oil and he said it would do me no harm but he wasn't allowed to officially recommended it.
Anyway, he couldn't work out why I had these problems with my hips at 38 years of age. He thought I'd been running all my life - no! Only since pilling on the pounds after having my 2nd child - so about 7 years??
When I went back for my follow up, I had then been diagnosed with lupus. He said although there was no direct link, having lupus would not help my hips.
Since then I'd been told I have OA in my knees and to a lesser degree in my back.
But as with all lupies I get daily aches and pains. Hips. Knees. My knees give way at times. Back. Shoulders. Tendon issues. My ankles have started to give way.
My lupus doctor in London has mentioned PsA and he has said he wanted to do further tests on me.
Then my new local Rheumy mentioned PsA to me at my first appointment with her.
I have had eczema since a baby, along with heyfever and migraine - so atopic issues.
I have been to the doctor so many times for skin issues, I cannot remember if psoriasis has ever been diagnosed.
However, when I look at pictures of it online and I have a friend with it, my skin issues have never looked like that.
I understand that you can have PsA without having skin issues though.
Plus, I have now read that PsA can cause bone spurs and issues with cartillage loss.
So, has anyone out there got lupus and PsA?
How was it diagnosed?
Despite all of these issues, I have never been referred to an NHS Consultant Orthopeadic Surgeon. My op was done privately, after having an X-ray done and being told that no further action was required. Private MRI showed my hip lesions and the tear in my hip lining.
From what I can see, the treatment is the same anyway - immune suppressants and I've been on 3g MMF a day since July 2016.
Just really curious about this now.
Thanks in advance.