I will apologise now for this very long post! Any help or information would be appreciated.
I have UCTD, RA & Small Fibre Neuropathy and was diagnosed originally in 2004 with just the UCTD.
I wrote on here 18 months ago regarding a never ending cough/chest infection that I kept getting antibiotics for. It would clear up but then back it would come back. My GP sent me for two chest xrays and 3 CT scans and they showed nothing. After yet another chest infection he wrote to our local Chest Consultant and asked for an emergency appointment. As sod's law goes when I went to see him, my cough wasn't very much in evidence whereas the week before I was coughing for England! Anyway he said that he thought it was nothing to do with my chest but was something to do with the back of my nose, though when I asked why would that make me cough, he didn't really give me an answer, but mumbled something about air/sputem getting into my airways. He also took a blood test and a sputem test. He then arranged another chest xray in another weeks time but this time I had a dye inserted into my veins and he told me he would send the results to my GP.
So back to my GP again and he showed me the letter he had received from the Consultant. In it the Consultant was more or less was telling the GP off for asking for an emergency appointment as he didn't think I was an urgent case. My GP wrote back to him (showing me the reply as well) telling him that as far as he was concerned it was very urgent and that he wanted me to be seen again asap and more tests needed to be carried out. 2 days later I got a quick appointment with the Consultant (I had had the dye chest xray by then). This time the infection was back with a vengence. In between coughing I told him that I had seen his letter to my GP and I was concerned that he was not taking my illness seriously enough. With my other problems I thought that I should be given at least a little urgency because 18 month's worth of chest infections/coughing was not right, especially with my other problems. He said that his letter to my GP was not intended to infer I was not urgent but at the time he thought it wasn't my chest that was the problem but now he knew it was.
That is when he told me that he had discovered that I had got a disease called Bronchoietasis. I won't go into too many details but the continuous infections have actually done damage to my lungs, widening some of my bronchial tubes. He said there is no cure but it can be treated to stop the infections so no more damage could be done. I am now on 2 weeks worth of antibiotics and 1 week of 300mg of steroids to try and get the infection under some sort of control. I have been given this breathing tube thing which I have to go to the Physiothery department at the hospital to be shown how to operate it. I will also apparently have to be on small doses of antibiotics in the long term.
The problem is after 1 week of the antibiotic/steroids I am still coughing fit to bust. Has anyone else suffered from this and has someone got any suggestions to help stop me coughing. I have tried various cough syrups, lozenges, inhalers and a nebuliser but nothing seems to help. I am going absolutely crazy, not sleeping and at the moment look like something the cat dragged in. Even the dog's getting fed up with me!