Hello guys,
I posted a post last night relating to my current situation which seems to be getting worst a lot today.
I have a lot of issues over the years, with chest pain I’ll see which hasn’t been relating to anything.
Last 6 months I’ve had a bad chest, coughing up blood along side pain in arms and legs. Can’t breathe well at all... my current symptom today is pain when breathing in.
I saw a respiratory consult 2 weeks ago and an X-ray showed my left lung has some thickening ( Could be scarring ) and narrow airways. She ordered a ct for 27th November.
Then Sunday happened this episode of feeling ill came back with a bang, I called my gp for results from my sputrum as respiratory was confident I had an infection, my gp called me Monday evening and said she ordered some tests 6 weeks ago and failed to tell me I came back positive for ANA and dsDNA. She then passed these to the respiratory consultant yesterday and had a call this morning we an urgent CT for Monday. I went to the gp this morning ( different doctor ) he said with my results and what I’m displaying is most likely lupus, he has giving me Prednisolone steriods to help in the meantime. He said my respiratory consultant will likely refer and speak to rheumatology if she thinks there connected which the gp said it maybe attacking my lung?
Anyway my question is... as the day has gone on I’m struggling and the pain when I breathe is getting unbearable along with the pain in arms, legs and stomach plus this banging headache. I explained all this to the GP but I think his unsure what to do with me.
My question is has anyone been to a n e before a diagnosis with your systons and if so did you get any help, I feel like my body is shutting down. I have a 3 year old and at university I cannot be a mum or do uni this week and I’m struggling to even move. I just don’t feel normal and starting to freak out a littl. I just don’t want to go a n e and be looked at like a weirdo and nothing happens( this happened before ) I guess I have these tests to back me up but I don’t know any help would be great ! Xx