This is my first post so please bare with me.
Can anybody help me with symptoms I’m having and test results. I saw a rhuematologist yesterday who didn’t listen at all and completely dismissed my test results, diagnosed me with fibromyalgia within 5 mins - I’ve been unwell for over 3 years and seen many specialists that haven’t known what’s wrong, ongoing infections etc and then these bloods were done last month.
I was referred to Rhuematology following...
positive ANA
SS-A, SS-A60 was marked at 7.8AI (range <0.90AI) notes say ‘associated with SLE and/or sjorgens’
ESR 11mm/h (range 4-9mm/h)
Ferritin 427ng/ml (range 13-150ng/ml, all other iron studies normal)
Main symptoms
Fatigue - including post exercise fatigue
Light sensitivity - fluorescent lights makes symptoms worse, feel extremely unwell, had to leave my job
Feeling nauseous
Feeling hungover everyday/general feeling of unwell/flu type feeling
Eye problems - struggle to focus, dry, gritty, bloodshot, pressure behind eye
Muscle aches
Swollen glands
Sore throat
Joint pains - hands wrist, fingers, left knee, feet - doesn’t last long, comes occasionally
Heat/sun intolerance - can’t sunbathe anymore makes symptoms worse
Chest pains, breathlessness, palpitations
Heartburn and acid reflux
Pins and needles occasionally in arms and legs
Increased thirst
Bloating, constipation, diarrhoea
Bruise easily on legs
Just to name a few!!
The rheumatologist was very dismissive, ruled out autoimmune disorders, basically said those results were meaningless because I don’t have a rash on my face and have no inflammmation in my body even though 2 bloods are showing signs of inflammation, she said because there wasn’t evidence in my joints on her physical examination that there’s non anywhere.
She wanted to prescribe me sleeping pills/anti depressants (I’m not depressed don’t need anything like that) offered me counselling, told me if I sleep and exercise I’ll feel better and sent me on my way. I was so shocked. It wasn’t the experience I thought it was going to be seeing as how they brought my appointment forward as they told me I needed to be seen sooner. My GP was so excited when these test results came back as we haven’t known what’s been causing me to be so unwell. I’m only 30 and my whole life has had to alter due to this, she’s the first consultant to basically say I’m depressed!
Family and friends are saying to get a second opinion, i may have to pay privately for this. I wanted to see if anyone on here could offer any advice please.
Thank you in advance and sorry this is so long I’ve even shortened it down 🙈
UPDATE 28/08/18.....
Managed to get in with my GP today she fully agreed I need a second opionion. She also agreed I don’t need pain killers or antidepressants. Feel very lucky to have a GP on side!
I spoke to her about going to see a specialist that works at the Kellgren centre in Manchester privately, she can get me in with a nhs appointment there for 18th October but I won’t know which consultant I will see.
My concern is that I won’t see who I would like and it will all go wrong again.
My GP’s concern is that if I go to a private consultant she feels they’re more inclined to diagnose something you may not necessarily have, but I don’t necessarily think that’s the case. I paid £300+ to see an endo at the start of all this and she happily just told me there was nothing she could help with.
So now I don’t know whether to just wait for this appointment or book private with who I want to see which is Dr Parker, he works half nhs half private at this hospital I’ve been referred to now but obvs I don’t know if I’d see him through my nhs referral.
I just don’t want to end up the same as this last appointment where I’m not listened to and fobbed off.
My GP said have a think and talk it over with people and let her know if I want to change to private.