Hi, I haven’t posted for a while, think I felt so frustrated that I just needed to take some time out.
I’m still not diagnosed, but got what I believe is the malar rash (below), Raynauds, depression,fatigue,painful joints, headaches, occasional mouth ulcers, brain fog...but negative bloods.
Rheumatologist put me on hydroxychloroquine over a year ago but at last appointment took me off it (even though I told him it was helping) and took me off his list?!
GP has agreed to refer me somewhere else for a second opinion so starting over again with new blood tests on Monday.
The Rheumy didn’t think my rash was malar, I’ve had it since I was a teen, gets worse with sun etc and this is it today in the middle of November?! Am I going mad or did this doctor get it massively wrong just because I don’t fit his textbook case with bloods?!