Dear friends, my rheumy has let me down and retracted everything that they said to me. They have advised that they can write to my GP so that I can be seen by a rhuemy at either Manchester or Liverpool Hospital. I recently noted that one of you lovely people was under a consultant in Manchester and spoke about how you can ask for a private consultation. I would be very grateful if anybody can recommend a good consultant who is under the NHS but who can also be seen for a private consultation. Many thanks in advance. love & hugs x x x x x
Second opinion. Please could you recommend a Rheu... - LUPUS UK
Second opinion. Please could you recommend a Rheumy Consultant in the North West x

I see Dr. Ian Bruce at The Manchester Royal Infirmary under The NHS.
I don't know whether or not he sees private patients but I would recommend you try to see him.
Best of luck.
Thanks Kenny I really appreciate your advice. I have been looking on their website and the website for Aintree Hospital. I will speak to my GP tomorrow and ask to be referred to Manchester.
Many thanks again
x x
Prof Bruce is absolutely amazing. Manchester Royal infirmary.
I trust him implicitly and he is the nicest/kindest and most caring man you could ever wish to meet. Good Luck
I originally saw Prof Bruce privately but he suggested after a few consultations that I carried on seeing him on the NHS. That was at least 10 yrs ago so I don't know whether he still sees private patients, but I'm sure your GP will have a list. Good luck xxxxxxxx
Thank you Sarahjane and Moo. Im going to try and speak to my GP today and will mame enquires at the hospital too x x x x x
I first went to Dr Hector Chinoy at the Bridgewater privately and then was transferred to Prof Ian Bruce under the NHS. Both are excellent.
Hi. I see Prof Moots at the Royal Liverpool. I think he can be seen privately then you can transfer to NHS. I was seen within 7 months of referral, it depends on how your GP requests you are seen ie as an emergency.
Prof Moots has done more for me in less than a year than a normal reumy has done in 5 years. He also runs trials for Lupus
Hope you get sorted. Helen
Thank you helentad. Wow I couldnt wait 7 months though. I was doing fine on mtx and have only flared again through no longer being on it. God knows how I would cope without support for that length of time. Ill speak to GP to see if they can recommend somebody. Many thanks again x x x x
Thank you Corrosion x x x x
My rheumy at stepping hill (NHS) retired (Dr Marks) who did also see patients privately. Im now under Dr Filer at Stepping Hill (Yes THAT hospital in Stockport with the bad press). Ive only seen her twice but Im happy my voice is now heard. She may also have taken over the private consults at the Alexandra & Riley mount, I dont know. Good luck where ever you choose to be seen.xx
Thankyou Nanuuk x x x x
I have had a similar experience at rochdale under dr Bowden of 8 years an asked to see some one else an got sent to see dr Harrison at north manchester and on both occasion I felt none of them felt that lupus didn't matter I need to find someone that will listen to me, I only have discoid lupus was diagnosed with a biopsy at hope hospital about 15yrs ago an just been used as a Guinea pig but have been on different meds over the years n nothing has given me relief as I have a lot of the symptoms for both can anyone advise me on what to do please x
Hi Redsue, Im sorry to hear of your expwrience. I believe Dr Bruce is really good. I have also been told that he is giving a talk on Lus on the 12th May. I hope you find a good rheumy soon too. love & hugs xoxoxo