I'm new to the community and hoping someone can advise me on whether they think my symptoms sound like lupus and if I should book a private consultation with a rheumatologist? My GP is not particularly helpful and I’m at loss of what to do. Any advice given would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance!
I have a range of symptoms, which have snowballed since having my second child (21 months ago).
Here’s what’s going on:
Recurrent chest infections and severe worsening of asthma symptoms. I’m currently 3 weeks into a nasty infection that won’t clear. Had to go on a nebulizer as couldn’t breathe. On second course of antibiotics but still wheezing constantly with pain in my chest. A course of prednisolone gave short term relief but fever went back up to 40 degrees once I’d finished the course.
Docs put it down to asthma making the chest infection worse, but inhalers don’t offer any relief.
Diagnosed with allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis and dry eye. These started the month after I gave birth. Been on prednisolone eye drops for past 20 months, which is keeping things under control but I still have flare ups where I feel like needles are plunged into my eyes. Eyes are extremely photosensitive.
Changes in bowel habits. Diagnosed with IBS. Tested negative for coeliac. Colonoscopy and gastroscopy clear.
History of hives and allergic reactions in the sun (wear SPF 50 everyday of the year). Had a new rash appear on chest, scalp and neck about 4 months ago. GP doesn’t know what it is. Rash cleared temporarily with the pred tablets I took for my lungs, but it’s starting to come back now though. Can sometimes be extremely itchy.
Tingling/pain in ankles, toes and fingers, also occasionally in knees and wrists. Legs have given way 3 times but then ok again 10 minutes later. No swelling.
Brain fog
Recurrent infections and sore throats
Headaches that start at base of skull in the neck and radiate upwards
Persistent low grade temperature
Allergic rhinitis
Hair and eyebrow loss
Night sweats
Tooth infection that wouldn’t clear with 3 lots of antibiotics (from a root canal done 8 years ago!)
Blood test results
Raised ESR, CRP and IGA. Not been tested for any of the lupus screening tests (ANA etc).
Do these sound like lupus symptoms? Hope to hear from someone soon. Thank you so much.