I was diagnosed with APS Syndrome over a year ago. I am Asymptomatic and never had a blood clot so the doctor does not want to put me on a blood thinner. Before I was diagnosed I was already taking multiple supplement's such as aged garlic, cayenne pepper, vitamin D, omega 3, turmeric, collagen, chlorophyll, cinnamon, and a multivitamin. Since I have been diagnosed I have added baby aspirin & nattokinase. I have had to exclude some supplements since some of them are natural blood thinners I bruising like crazy. I have excluded the Cayenne and Cinnamon. My Question is, I have heard some great things about N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine for a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Has anyone ever heard of NAC not being ok for people with APS? I looked into this and haven't found much only one article someone said it interferes with Warfarin. I am not on warfarin but I am taking things that Naturally thin my blood. Just wanted to ask the people.
Anyone know id NAC Sustain is Ok to t... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Anyone know id NAC Sustain is Ok to take if you have APS

IMHO, you shouldn't take anything without informing your doctor, who is the only person you can rely upon. Whatever is suggested on forums cannot replace your physician and cannot be relied upon.
With good wishes,

HI, you really need to consult your main consultant who hopefully is off either our list on this forum, under 'pinned posts' and or off our charity website, a medical professional who fully understands Hughes Syndrome/APS: ghic.world/ It is great to make your diet as healthy as possible and be fully informed about your condition, however it is never a good idea to play a guessing game with supplements or drug contraindications. Some herbal medication can be very powerful and it is not a good idea to just add things in. Nattokinase taken unsupervised with Aspirin, could for instance cause a problem with bleeding. Possibly also adding N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in as well, would also add more of a risk. I would be going back to your GP for advice and or a referral. MaryF
I take NAC and don’t have a problem, it helps with glutathione production and liver health. But that said, always check with your providers and own intuition about it for you.
General question really for everyone. If you haven’t had a clot how do you get diagnosed with APS? Surely the criteria are positive blood tests and clinical evidence?

Hi, I had never heard of this - so I looked it up -
Why would you want to even try this?
I certainly wouldn't take this without talking through with your APS specialist.
I wouldn't take any supplements without talking this through with my specialist.
Also turmeric is also a natural blood thinner.
Take NAC, especially if you exercise intensely. Oxidation of lipids have been connected to the formation of clots due to APS. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause damage to the endothelial lining within our blood vessels and also oxidize lipids. NAC neutralize ROS and it has been pointed my the New England Journal of medicine as a good alternative for APS patients for ROS eradication. Yeah, I’m new here, but I have APS and have done hundreds of hours of clinical study reading. Let’s be real, your doc is only going to tell you to take an anticoagulant and MAYBE an immunosuppressant. There will never be a urge to understand the root cause. Studies have shown time and time again that APS patients have a dysfunctioning endothial system. Increase your natural NO production and protect your self from clots. Please read the source I have provided at the end. You will notice other preventive measures suggests, IE COQ10 and the pathways that it inhibits.
SOURCE: New England Journal of medicine. PG 6. Figure 3.
Any form of new medication of supplement of any sort needs to be under the supervision of a medical consultant fully trained with regard to Hughes Syndrome/APS. We are not medically trained on this forum, and suggest that individuals discuss their medication and or concerns with their GP or consultant, MaryF
Hi leamercedes22,
When you got your diagnose of APS and tested twice; did you get all the 3 antibodies positive and also with high titres perhaps?
Do you have family-members who have autoimmun illnesses?
Do you have a Specialist of autoimmun illnesses to consult who is also knolwledable of APS ?