I was dx as seronagative APS/Hughes by Hughes center. I have been taking clexane for about 7months. I was wondering if anyone has noticed if they take Blood pressure medication or Advil or any medication do they get more fluid retention. I react to almost every medication I swallow. I tried taking warfarin but between the drs wanting to keep my INR @ 2-2.5 & the swelling in my feet&legs, I stopped taking it. I am still on clexane which I am afraid it is not doing the trick. The headaches have returned, my thinking is clouded & just feel like the blood is not flowing as well. But with reacting to everything I am afraid to try new meds.bi was just wondering if this is part of APS & if anyone else has experienced it. What do I do? Designer16
Does anyone have problems with being ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Does anyone have problems with being allergic to medication? I seem to swell up or retain fluids if I take medications.

Hi there, I had an atrocious problem with water retention, until I got some help for my sub clinical Hypo Thryoidism, unfortunately the tests are not good for Thryoid, and often miss many people due to them having very narrow parameters and not testing the condition in depth. Once I sorted this I lost most of my water retention. However I react very very badly to medication, I had the worst reaction you can have to Plaquenil, also any antibiotic causes me nasty reactions at times, which are quite disabling, I think you will find quite a few on here, due to the range of autoimmune disease beyond just Hughes/APS - which means quite a few appear to react to various medications, I am sure you will get some more answers to this one! MaryF
I had a severe allergic reaction to Plaquenil but am ok with Mepacrine. Prof Hughes told me that reactions to medication is common in APS. I cannot tolerate opiates or codeine (I was given codeine during surgery which apparently transforms to opiates and was very ill) am ok with ibuprofen but some paracetamol tablets make me sick. I dread trying new medication. My doctor, fortunately, is used to me! But it is desperately tedious. I wear a medic alert bracelet as a warning if I am ever in an accident.
Thanks Mary. It makes me feel better. I wish I can make the drs. In the U.S. understood this. I had my thyroid tested a few times. It has been normal except one time. Designer16
I was diagnosed w/APS in 2002. The blood and strokes started in 1992. I believe that since I'm a man, APS was not even a thought. I've taught my PCP about APS, and not only him but just about everyone that has given me care. APS is STILL not even an afterthought.
Designer, Advil can cause fluid retention and so can some BP medications. Some patients need an anti-platelet agent in addition to heparin or warfarin for optimal symptom control.