Just having a hard time : Just want to move... - Heal My PTSD

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Just having a hard time

6 Replies

Just want to move beyond this place. Tired of being stuck. Feeling like I'm alone in this, though I know I am not. Always getting in my own way it seems.

6 Replies
mstwixie profile image

I feel similar to you, where I want to move beyond and forward...but feel stuck as well. And it feels lonely, trust me I know, but none of us are alone in this journey, it's a hard one and challenging for sure, but all we can do is keep going even if it's snail pace :)

And it does feel like we're getting in our own ways sometimes due to all the issues and fears, but it's not our faults and it does take time to move forward, but no matter how small step we manage to take it is still a step and we should be proud about them.

Nathalie99 profile image

I am very sorry to hear that you are feeling so alone...

I know that nothing can replace people being there in the real world, as I have suffered greatly from lack of support right after the trauma that led to ptsd. I think having people around would have made all the difference in my particular case.

Having said that, I think you still have this community and sometimes knowing that someone is there, listening (in this case reading) is already comforting.

Having someone there, even virtually, means so much for me.

I hear you on being stuck..it's been years that I felt I didn't make significant progress and it is very tough. I have been incredibly low at times. Just wanted to share hope with you...hope that even if you don't see it right now, things will positively change and you will feel better.


Please don't feel alone and stuck. I do realise that it's hard to cope and readjust your life, but we can do it and during our good phases enjoy life.

I went with my daughter yesterday to the sea front and took a short walk with the dog and had a snack out, not much for someone who's well. For me though it was great, I appreciate the simple things so much more now. Suffering a bit today as dog was pulling, but it was worth it.

Don't give up, we just have to get into a different mind set.

Take care and hope that you feel a bit better soon. 🌸

GeminiDancer profile image
GeminiDancerMajor Contributor

Im really sick of feeling stuck and getting in my own way too!!!

It's so hard not to be so hard on myself. I'm trying to remember to use this inner conflict as an opportunity to exercise self compassion, acceptance and understanding. It's so very difficult most of the time for me to do that but the wonderful people in this community really helps me in that regard which I'm so thankful for.

I hope you're able to be gentle with yourself and accept and love yourself even when you're stuck and frustrated.

For me it's about control. I get in my own way trying to control my safety and then make it worse.

Kind of an odd example, but on Sunday the wife and I were bike riding, going through the uptown area (small village). The street was lined with parked cars on both sides. For sure not enough room for two cars and two bikes. The person behind me I could tell was going to squeeze past us, so I moved over a bit to make less room. He was going to go anyway. He was so close I reached out and tapped the door. As he passed I realized it was my neighbor.

OK, he was being stupid, but my ptsd reaction and tapping the door of a moving car didn't make things better for me, both internally (it was dumb), and externally. Made me feel worse than if I'd just let him be stupid.

willingtoheal profile image

Yes. I feel like this all the time. I used to think I was codependent to other people but mostly feel codependent to myself. So I keep reading books that help me understand myself, have someone to talk to weekly, but ultimately I'm the one who has to get myself out of what's going on. So I hope that you find your baby steps and it's hard but hope that you feel unstuck soon. Take care. We are all here for you and each other. Glad you shared. Take care.

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