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All posts for May 2014

Being told by Cognitive Therapist I am going to be treated for Parkinson's as the treatment has helped the brain repair itself

I have just read what I wrote #@#'# computer did not write what I typed Had fir...
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Have you seen Recovery?

It's a 2007 BBC drama starring David Tennant as a TBI sufferer. Only found out a...
thepiercy profile image

Sarah Scott

Does anyone know stroke survivor Sarah Scott because I think she's amazing!!
Negeen profile image
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Where are you

We are all using our computers and I just wondered where in the world are we I a...
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Blue badge /mobility bus pass

Hi Had an expected phone call on Friday :-re my application for blue badge / bu...
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Finding it hard to come to terms

Since suffering coma in 2013 I'm finding it hard to come to terms with the on go...

new arrival :)

soooo we have a new member of our family his name is bumper and yes of course an...
shellsbelle profile image


I have just received a letter from the DWP saying that I am now in the ESA and ...
spartan300 profile image

Where did all the pictures go?

No pictures by people's names Yesterday I to upload 3 different ones to my prof...
Danslatete profile image

The diving bell and the butterfly

This book was recommended to me by a nurse in ICU. Bought it didn't read it as I...
Nickyxjx profile image


My Liam started on a trial of medication yesterday. Sativex is used widely in ad...
Nickyxjx profile image


Like a lot of us on this forum I an not steady on my feet as i have poor balance...
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I received a letter which was sent to my MP from Medical services saying that I ...
spartan300 profile image

Does any one have a headache on the hairline part of the skull (front)

I have often woke up with a headache and have generally just put it down to me e...
Hidden profile image

Housing Options following TBI and ongoing memory issues

My brother had a car accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury 5 months ago...

My star

Hi I suffer with trapped nerves in my feet (ouch) any way our Smudge (pup) who ...
Hidden profile image

Raisin Awareness

Is there any way we can raise awareness about BI? Like maybe a youtube video or ...
Negeen profile image

Please a Little Prayer

Hey guys, i'm really not religous- but i've really been wanting to go to colleg...
Negeen profile image

I'm driving my mom crazy

So I have a confession. Every day when my mom comes home from work and every mor...
Negeen profile image

The Best White Noise Ever (Credit to Ben)

Thanks to Ben, I found some calming background noise I like to listen to: Rain...
Negeen profile image

Oh dear. Apparently, my injured brain may be to blame for my hip pain.

I just went to see Mike the physio, about this hip pain. It was due to running, ...
Flumptious profile image

Has anyone here had a hypoxia injury to their parietal lobe? If so what problems do you have and how has it affected your quality of life?

D0v3 profile image

is it ok to fly 2 weeks after a bleed from my brain and brain surgery?

I had a bleed from the brain and then had brain surgery which was successful and...
jakehassell profile image

Level 10 fatigue

Christ on a bike, I'm tired. Half an hour of sleep here and there during the da...
BaronC profile image

ABI Week: ‘False economy’ of funding cuts highlighted in new report

The government is facing a 'ticking time bomb' by reducing brain injury survivor...
headwayuk profile image

How can diffused brain injury be really proven?

My doctor says i have it, so does the consultant, try telling an insurance compa...
red_spinel profile image


Every single member in my family is pressuring me to go to college and for a yea...
Negeen profile image


We all know that brain injury is the least understood medical disability, by bot...
Negeen profile image

Hi all Just two quick questions, my bloke Tim who've I've spoke about being a big bloke who is a mans man if you know what I mean...

Never shows his emotions but at the moment he keeps crying at Radom times.. It's...
anne_marie profile image

Happy brainaversary

well this time last year I was devastated to learn that I had suffered a subarac...
shellsbelle profile image