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All posts for January 2014

just when things were starting to look up..........

sorry for writing on here about this but i have nowhere else my wife my soulmate...
shellsbelle profile image

The media and Michael Schumacher

This has been brewing in my head ever since news of his accident came out. Peop...
fuzzyhead profile image

Fun with my sis :)

My sister came around yesterday and we had a day of her posing and me taking the...
shellsbelle profile image
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from total recall to xxxxx - I don't have a word to describe it...

Sent a sick line to the insurer for income protection, now they say they didn't ...
red_spinel profile image


Hey there! How are you? It's been half a year since my last seizure today (touc...
B_S_A profile image

What do all or some of the abbreviations used mean! Can Headway explain please.

I understand BI and SAH but that is all. When people add their replies to questi...
SAMBS profile image

hypoxic brain injury

I maybe wrong, but the most frustrating issue i have with memory loss is other p...
red_spinel profile image

I'm listening to London 94.9fm about some people feeling 'light' after near death. I've nearly died twice and don't feel this. Does anyone?

Cauthery profile image

Anyone else feeling so utterly beyond help they really don't know what else to do?

Partner had TBI 3 years ago. Endless health problems. Now deteriorating. Partner...
Ditsydoris profile image

Hey im back again :)

Hi guys as a lot of you may know I started my own photography business up last y...
shellsbelle profile image

Back at last!

Hi folks hope everyone is baring up well. I have hardly been on here or any soc...
Allsorted profile image

The wedding

I know there are one or two of you out there who might be interested... The dat...
BaronC profile image

Atos Scam

Hi I was wondering if anyone else was invited to some sort of seemingly unrelate...
Amicabilly profile image

is bipolar and hypoxia conected at all

I stopped breathing for awhile when I was a newborn baby due to chronic bronchit...
lulusugar profile image

NICE guidelines

Today NICE published updated clinical guidance on head injury. The 2003 and 2007...
thepiercy profile image

permanent damage from concussion? Can I still be treated after a long time?? help.

as far as I can remember, lived my life knowing something wasnt quite right wit...
melendez983 profile image

Hi i lost the ability to speak after my accident in 2007 and its starting to come back so am atending speach and language therapy

But for some reason i really dont care so i dont want to practice. I was wonderi...
nick_01 profile image

Hi anyone. Help please with the Glasgow Coma thing

My nephew had a bad car crash on Friday and has been unresponsive ever since. J...
WHIZZY100 profile image

Can anyone direct me to getting travel insurance for the disabled

jimboriley52 profile image

Head aches

After being around head injuries you get tosee how bad things can get . Last Sun...
vimto profile image

Since my SAH and VP shunt in dec 13 I have been so tired! I want to go to bed at 7 but I have kids and it's so exhausting. Is this normal? X

charlii profile image

Hidden profile image

Direct Payments

Has anybody had any luck with getting any Direct Payments ? I have met with the ...
sospan profile image

Depression/Fatigue/Severe Headaches/Frustration/Agitation - But He Looks OK - No Benefits For Him! Any Ideas/Suggestion Greatly Appreciated.

I Went to meet a 55yr old BI client morning. His entitlement to contribution-ba...
Blinkyfish profile image

how do you cope

Hi My name is Billy and as a result of an accident in 1986 i suffered a tbi. Si...
Amicabilly profile image

Poor concentration/memory and employment

I suffer from poor concentration/attention, word finding and memory problems fol...
remember profile image

I have done pretty well coping with a severe brain injury 50 yrs agothe first 10 years were the worse after the first 10 years

I improved dramatically but every now and then for no aparent reason I have a re...
Hidden profile image

Lumber shunts

Hi, in 2002 I had sinusitis with a very rare side effect, orbital cellulitis whi...
Hidden profile image

Hi everybody I have been on this group before ! I have a query can amitriptline course headaches in someone who's had a brain anuryeum !

The reason I ask is that I have really bad headaches last few days my wife thou...
celtic27465 profile image

Wanted down under

Just watched Sam and Andrea's story on the tv, how inspirational and I wish them...
Kirk5w7 profile image