Has anyone here had a hypoxia injury to their pari... - Headway
Has anyone here had a hypoxia injury to their parietal lobe? If so what problems do you have and how has it affected your quality of life?
I think Ben comes close to it with his avm bleed and stroke. He just has some general issues and a little vision loss. What are your problems?
Hi Negeen thanks for your response. The link below is what I'm dealing with after I had a cardiac arrest due to medical negligence .
hi, how long did your cardiac arrest last for? mine was 25+mins...they say i hypoxic , but it didnt show on a CT scan, im booked in now for EEG and MRI..have you had any problems with people not understanding the condition?
Hi red_spinel
I had the cardiac arrest due to septic shock. The hospital overdosed me with me chemotherapy drugs so I had no immune system to fight off infections. The nurses said I had no oxygen for around six minutes. I was on a a life support machine for a few weeks. When I awoke from my coma I was blind for a while then my vision kicked in like when you turn on a TV ! The condition I've got is rare and there's not much information about it. Basically it is neurological disorder which resulted from injury to the parietal lobe. It's hard to explain to people because you can't show them perception i.e. What you looking at so it can be hard to deal with! What about you? What's your current condition and how are you coping with it?
I've had it since 2008 and nothings changed. The neurologist told me it is a rare injury and that he's only met two people with the same problem. My vision was normal before the injury. DOH! Is your vision ok?
Is that ur only issue? The vision thing?
I got neuropathic pain and spams. I got the all inclusive package! I do enjoy some things in life.
Do you have any ataxia or cognition issues?
I've got poor balance and I can longer write so I use a IPAD to communicate. What about you? Can you write?
My vision is fine. Yes. Are you still able to work?
That was a quick reply! I worked in IT before the injury but I unable to return. I loved my job and the people too. Life is so unfair!
I have recently been diagnosed with neurological hypoxia from an accident 13 years ago. Mostly cognitive issues, poor physical co-ordination, poor organisation and timing skills with things like very basic cooking, general confusion and often lack of cohesive thought. Frontal lobe area, but I don't know which specific parts.
It's a bit of a mush at times lol