Ive had my DLA medical today..thank g... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Ive had my DLA medical today..thank goodness thats over!

pinkblossom profile image
10 Replies

Well i have had the dreaded medical today,the young doctor arrived on time and mum let him in,she did however forget to shut the my little terrier away and she took a bit of a disslike to him straight away!once he finally got past the dog he sat down,checked my ID,made a note of all my drugs and looked at some paperwork i thought he might like to see,then came all the question..how all my conditions affected me,what i could and couldnt do,what my partner does for me,there was loads of questions and all the time hes writting.

Then he asked me to stand up,move this,move that,i tried and if i felt pain he told me to stop.

Next he wanted me to walk up stairs which took a while,he asked me to get on the bed and asked me to move feet and a couple other movements,it was at this point that i saw him looking at the contents of my dressing table,it was obviouse he was making a mental note of creams ect,he then asked me to get up and he asked if he could go to the bathroom to wash his hands,as the bathroon is next to my bedroom but slightly on an angle i couldnt belive it but he was standing looking at me get up off the bed through the gap in the door!

He then went on down stairs and checked out the kitchen and down stairs loo,a couple more questions and he said his goodbyes.

He was with me for about 45 mins and mum made him a coffee,im still not sure what to make of him!

I have absolutely no idea how it went,alls i could do was answer the questions as best as i could and try to do the other things he asked.

I feel absolutely drained now,i dont suppose for one minute it was a successful day,im just going to try and forget about it now,if the letter comes and im refused DLA then i will just move on to the next part of a very long and tireing journey!

I do hope you are all having a good day.

((((((((((soft hugs to you all))))))))))) xxx

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10 Replies
Saskia profile image

Hi Pinkblossom,

Thanks for letting us all know how you got on. He sounds a bit sneaky, that Dr........looking at you through the gap in the door! It is as though all of us who are debilitated/disabled are criminals when you read how different people are treated by these officials. It makes me shudder.They are so obviously trying to catch people out. I hope that you made the right impression (whatever the "right" impression is!) and that you get DLA.

I had to laugh about your dog taking a dislike. Our 2 would be just the same! Dogs aren't stupid when it comes to assessing people. Your doggie probably sensed that this bloke was going to be sneaky and maybe he was warning you, in his doggie way, not to trust him.

Try and have a relaxing evening. I can imagine how drained you must feel. I'd be the same. I can't cope with too much in one day. In fact what you have been through today would probably set me back quite a few days.

Cuddle up with your doggie and watch a bit of TV with a nice hot cuppa.

Love and hugs, Saskia XX

pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to Saskia

Thanks saskia,Iv had a sleep this afternoon and feel a bit better for it,realy felt like i needed it,i felt really awkward knowing he was watching,he was looking to see how i got off the bed! talk about sneaky! his eyes were looking all around my bedroom aswell which made me feel uncomfortable,he was looking at what creams and things i used,i had nothing to worry about as there was all sorts there for my aches and pains,to be honest he didn't even look like a Dr,he seemed very hurried,he wasn't horrible as such just made me feel weird,I did wish him merry Christmas when he was leaving wish seemed to make him mellow a bit,thinking about it I don't remember him thanking us for the coffee..cheeky so an so!

It does make me smile now when I think of my tess grumbling at him,I hope I dont get marked down for that lol

Hope you have a restful evening

Soft hugs Julie xx

angib53 profile image

hi pinkblossom x i hope it goes well for you , we shouldnt have to be put through all that , you have a relaxing evening , well the best you can all my love angie

pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to angib53

Thanks angie

Iv had a sleep this afternoon and this evening I'm going to just relax,I feel mentally exhausted aswell!

Soft hugs Hun

Julie xx

Well done Pink, you got through it! You did your best and now try not to worry too much. It's in their hands now. One step at a time.

Make sure you get some rest tonight as you're exhausted.

Wishing you all the very best, take care. (((hug))) xxx


pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to

thanks libs

im so glad its over,now i can just focus on christmas and forget about it for a while,im looking forward to my lovely bed!

lots of soft hugs

julie xx

in reply to pinkblossom

You too Pink, so pleased it's over for today! Have a lovely rest, you've earned it!

(((hug))) xxx

tettridge profile image

Hi Pinkblossom

I am scared stiff over this and as I am 63 I don't know what kind of job I am able to do and lets be honest who would employ a disabled 63 year old person who can't do to much without having a flare up.

pinkblossom profile image
pinkblossom in reply to tettridge

Hi tettridge

This is the problem with a lot of us now,it doesn't matter what age you are they still want to employ someone to turn up for work,emplyment,DLA,ESA its all a mine field,I'm 46 and work as a cleaner in a hospital,iv been put on very light duties and in the new year I need to decide whether I want to except re-deployment or to give up work,but to be honest I can't do anything,I don't want to give up work,iv already dropped my hours but every time I come home from work I'm no good to do anything,I'm not even doing my job properly anymore,I need to stop working as I can't do anything anymore,the chap that came yesterday said I should apply for ESA,I guess that's something elase I shall have to look in to.

I do know how you feel,it's on our minds everyday how we are going to cope,I do hope you find something you can do,maybe something from home?i think that's also something I should think about.

Wishing you all the best,I hope you have a lovely pain free Christmas.

Soft hugs xx

tettridge profile image

Hi Pinkblossom

Thank you for your reply and I have considered working from home as there is little I can do. I find I have problems in doing anything as my hands wont work properly, I have to have clothes without buttons and zips as most days I cant even dress myself properly let alone do anything workwise.

Thank you for your kind words, I know they are real like everyone one this site unlike people in the outside world who are shallow and two-faced, not everyone but just mostly those in places of power.

Kindest regards


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