As you all know i had surgery on my hand then as i was recovering i had fallen and broken my arm at the same time i had just moved into this council place, been dumped by my partner of 3 and a half years who i still love so its proving very difficult to deal with everything on top of that my memory has deteriorated really badly lately partly i think to me upping my amytryptiline to a high dose to help me sleep. My daughter has my car so she can take me to physic or dr's or hospital appointments i don't ask a lot of her but for around the 7-8 weeks now i have spent most all that time on my own and its not doing me any good. i cant do my hobby which normally keeps me sane. i'm unable to do much at all. My daughter for the last few weeks has been getting more and more snappy with me and angry with me shouting at me that i have told her things numerous times. yesterday she came round as she was going to change my bed linen for me i was going to have a bath as i dent do it unless she is here in case i fall and just give my kitchen floor a steam clean and i thought to just see me and have a chat. Anyway she arrived already grumpy she steamed the kitchen floor took 5 minutes i asked her if she wanted a cup of tea so she said yes i made that and we went in the lounge she then began talking about a book she had read and couldn't remember the title of . We eventually worked out which it was. i was then just chatting and repeated something i had already said some other time and she just snapped at me saying she knew i had told her 6 times already and she didn't want to hear it again. i was then fiddling with my iPad and put a new song from Michael Balls new album on and asked her if she knew the song she yelled again i hate that song so i put a different one on just trying to find out if they were known songs and who they had been sung by she yelled again why are you playing music i have a headache. So i said I'm going to have a bath and she said fine. I managed to get out didn't dare ask for her help. Came into the lounge where she had the tv on.
I knew she was getting ready to leave and asked her if she could wrap my mums birthday present up and put it through the door on her way home as she passes their place. she huffed and puffed then left. No bed linen changed i knew that now i would not see her or anyone until sometime next week now. she phoned me to ask which number my mum lived at i mean they have lived i the same place all her life i assumed she knew the number.
I was sobbing by then as she had upset me so much and i just find it hard to deal with whereas we normally have a great relationship i know her living conditions aren't great as we were all living in a lovely big bungalow with a large garden but had to leave when my partner dumped me as we couldn't afford it. So they and their 4 dogs are now living in the basement of her fiancees mothers house and the stepfather doesn't like it so there is a lot of pressure there and i understand that she also has her PIP assessment on Tuesday so is probably stressing about that as wells she has waited for 32 weeks. They are planning to get married in May and are then moving up to Leicester where my other 3 children are and where i originate from so kind of ironic.
However she texted me later yesterday to say she couldn't put the present through the door and no one was in so she then had a go at me as i had texted my mum to say she was dropping the present off. But my mum had texted her to ask her to pop round. so i was the villain again accused of having to make her go out again and she was sick of being a taxi driver for me. so i told her to bring my car back but she said no because I'm not insured to drive it with my arm in plaster and she just went mad at me by text saying she was sick of hearing about my past relationship and i should move on and some not nice things. I should have postponed my surgery until i was settled and in a better place mentally but she has really hurt me with her behaviour.
Sorry to go on but i just needed to get it off my chest as she has really upset me.