Anyone got advice what to use for a sore burning eye,and under my eye is sore(my face) as well. Put some drops in which doctor gave me but there no use whatsoever. Fed up going to surgery - get more and better advice on here. Oh, mustn't forget, twisted my kneww yesterday and that's painful too - advice please. Absolutely lostall confidence in NHS. They only say its Fibro and send me away. Very disillusioned. As I have Cervical Spondylitis as well you can bet you life they will say its the nerves from my neck causing the face and eye pain. Tell you anything
Advice for sore burning eyes. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Advice for sore burning eyes.

have yu thought of asking the pharmacist at the chemist? I bathe my eyes
in cooled boiled water.hope you get sorted, sandra.
Thanks Sandra,Husband got me some moisuring eye drops from Home and Bargain. I put some eye cream the Dr gave me a couple of weeks ago but that doesn't seem to be any good. Going back Drs on 15th,if not before. Fed up wih everything at moment. leg pain,swollen legs bum pain. I,m a real pain in the,literall. Lovely day and stuck in the house because it,s too painful to walk and to add to m annoyance the bloody letter t and y keep getting stuck on this keyboard. Life gets tedious, don,t it.
Many thanks.
Fortunately I've not had sore eyes in a long time - but I found batheing with large ammounts of cooled boiled water worked well for me too. Have you tried resting with a cold wet flannel over your eyes? Or maybe slices of cool cucumber?
Avril - I sympathise with the computer - just had to get a new laptop and the + is where the enter should be, it's driving me doolally +
Julie xx
hanks Julie will tr that. (See what I mean). If I tip pc up a bit it sometimes works. Luckily have 2. Keep plodding along, you'll soon get used to it. All the food we eat while tping haha!
TTanks for our repl, appreciated.
Avril. xx
Have you tried turning the keyboard upside down and giving it a good shake. You can also get foam cleansers you spray on and then wipe, cotton buds are good for getting between the keys x
Thanks lynne. I typed sticky keys into Google and it told me to hit the shift key 5 times quickly,which I did and do know what , it;s worked. Well you can see from yourself from this. The things that Google knows, It can tell you anything (except get rid of our pains eh!
Thanks for your suggestion anyway.
See if you can get Euphrasia, or 'Eyebright' from Health shop, or natural Health Centre. I bought mine from a homoeopathic centre years ago, and it still works well. You add a few drops to cooled boiled water then rinse your eyes. My son has hayfever and his eyes get really sore, and bloodhsot. Although he has drops from the doctor, this is the only thing that has ever helped him
Em x
I just bathe mine as so fed up of them my eyes feel like they burn aswell as everything else.
I agree to see pharmacist.
I get advice all over as i have Dr customers. Its hard they say for patients like us and they understand how frustrating can be! Its about trying what ever to make as easy as possible. We are all different in some way or other but suffer a lot the same.
Got to see as those not suffering do not understand the daily discomfort and unpredictability of things happening xxxx
Hope you find some relief and if you do tell me .
My whole face is bad and the rest lol ohhhh what a fuss hugs xxx
One of my symptoms is severe dry eyes for which an ophthalmologist prescribed viscous eye drops. Many of the medications we fibro folks are prescribed make this problem worse (I get flashing lights and ocular migraines if they are too dry). It is possible this is what is making your eyes sore. You could try asking your GP for some eye drops - but make sure if you are using them long term that they are preservative free. Short term, there are a few good OTC moisturising drops available, (though not free of preservatives). I know we are not supposed to name brands but there is one called zee which is very good, if you can find it - I haven't been able to get it for some time (Asda used to have it) but you may have more luck.
Please see your GPs if you have any problems with dry or sore or gritty eyes. Don't just buy drops not knowing if they're going to help you or not. Any pain in your eyes also needs addressing, please see your GP or Optician. It's not worth risking using the wrong product with our precious eyes. Take care folks please.