I would be grateful for some advice please. I work in healthcare and this requires 12 hour shifts. I have found nights are better for me due to insomnia. I recently had a flare up which lasted two weeks. I receive universal credit to top my wage up. I have had universal credit harassing me because of the time off and text messages from my manager commenting are you seriously not coming in tonight. I am struggling to work at times. I want to keep working but am not getting help from the GP, UC and my manager. I don't know what to do where to turn. If anyone has any suggestions I would be grateful.Thank you
Need advice: I would be grateful for... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Need advice

From one insomniac to another, Lbudding27,
You are not alone with UC calling you, My Hubby deals with them with a quick reminder that we are disabled and old (not me) He tells them I used to be a busdriver, They encourage me to reapply????!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaqhahaha!
OOOh my sides are splitting!!!
I don't think they will design a bus where I can just drive my chair into place ( or someone lift me) and continue my work! I can't imagine any one wanting to get on the bus either along with social anxiety, and all the trimmings that go with Fibro 🦼 Will I be able to have a 10 min power snooze as often as I can? To ease CFS?
You can imagine people getting cross when my Brain fog kicks in and I can remember what route I'm on and how much to charge and equally how much change to give back??
In fact not many employers would give me a job?? Or would they, because of the disability law?🤔🤔
How would they cope if for no reason what so ever I will burst into tears?
How would they react when I need to rush (haha)to the loo because my body would think I can go and sit on the loo for 20mins? The agonising pain that wants me to scream??
I see a pattern occouring *soz* (spelling naff)
I think you need a chuffing medal, I can't get out of bed without help,
Do your employers know you are struggling? Do you have the financial means to stop work?
Sometimes you just need to step back and re-think, Your health comes first, You need to look after yourself,or who will?
It sounds like you are struggling and need some help yourself, An appointment with HR??
I'm sure you will find an answer that suits you best,
Take care
Debs x
I used to work as a caregiver for almost 8 years, 12 hours a day, 60 hours a week, the last 4 years I was struggling really badly with my health but I was lucky in some ways that I had understanding from the manager and the team I worked with and I thanked them for their support and patience. Now I work in the same place as a receptionist, in the weekends. Your manager should be very grateful and understanding specially in your situation and supportive. Some of the GP’s are incompetent and nonbelievers when it comes to women health. It took me 6 months of fighting with my gp in order to get a specialist appointment, about 4 years ago I was diagnosed and everything changed in my life. You have to “fight” with every one in order to be get the proper care . UC helped, after sending all the doctors paperwork and assessments, I am single and financially is not easy but I move forward with my life. Changing my mindset and work position it helped me a lot.

healthunlocked.com/fibromya... Just posted our link , hopefully that may help, 12 hours shifts are very long for someone struggling with fibro and comments from your manager really will not help you, is there a doctor you could change too at your surgery ?I did see another doctor as my current one at the time was pretty rubbish. Hopefully members with their own experiences will give you some advice.xx
Hi there lovely,
I worked as a HCA for 16 years and had to take early retirement due to I’ll health, specifically chronic pain due to 2 prolapsed discs which compromised the sciatic nerve on my left side caused by a patient falling on me. After 6 years of trying to continue to work I had another disc go exactly as before after 2 operations I now live with constant sciatica 24/7 and now have chronic pain in neck,arms, elbows hands due to osteoarthritis. I know how demanding your job is and without the support of a good team you are putting yourself at risk of a severe injury. Your GP should be more supportive they know you have Fybromialga . If the GP is not giving you what you need you could ask to see another doctor. With great pain comes low mood, you need to look after your mental health as well as your physical. Your GP should be offering you help with this.
Take care of your whole self .
Hi, I'm not sure of your work structure. I had the same before my diagnosis my boss kept telling me it was just menopause! I'm now under occupational health at work and they have been great and take away the stress. Is there someone like that you cab turn to,. Hope you get the help you need.
UC will stop hounding you once you’re back above the administrative earnings threshold in your next assessment period, just tell them sick leave caused your earnings to drop temporarily, they are just ticking boxes and the work coach will be just as fed up as you are at having to nag you when they can see you’re working and this is temporary.
Assuming you handed in a fit note from doctor, your manager shouldn’t be contacting you until that runs out.
Hi. Go to your occupational health at work. They have a duty of care to look after you if you have diagnosed illness. It's helped me a lot.more breaks etc.
I believe they are legally obliged to consider your health and make adjustments to suit you. See occ health.
Hi, Have you thought about Occupational Health? They should be able to get management off your back.
Are you in union??? Access to work could possibly help