Does anyone else get muscle cramps in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone else get muscle cramps in their legs and feet when they move them somtimes

yes i do and its highly annoying lol this is just another thing we have to deal with lol
yes and due to not a lo tof fluid in your body
I do, especially at night, I have to stretch VERY carefully! I'm changing to a duvet because the weight of the blankets on my feet pushes my feet down and thus they cramp. Even climbing the stairs can cause my calf muscles to cramp.
I have been prescribed citralopram for the cramping, it works fairly well for me.
I've not heard of lack of fluids being a cause, I learn something new here daily! I have to say that it won't be a cause in me though, I drink loads daily, water and herbal teas mostly.
i get cramps in legs and my feet,my toes are sore 24/7,get pins and needles.Lot of the time when im lying on couch or sitting on chair muscles clamp up in my legs or feet or both,i have to move cause they get extremely sore.only get between 2 and 3 hrs sleep every night due to soreness,can only stay in any 1 position for so long,i drink plenty of fluids every day tea(de-caffeainted) and water.
hi me too i get it but as i am becomming famous for .... check it out next time you visit the Gp always with gentle dyslexic hugs
Thanks Paradise, yes I sweat a lot too so maybe that could be my problem.
Cramps - oh yes definitely and more frequently at night. Just turning over in bed can set them off. Like Paradise says, the stretching exercises can be very helpful, especially for the calf muscles - grab your toes, pull them up toward your knee and hold on for grim death until you feel the cramp subside. Be careful to move gently after you feel the cramp go off, because it doesn't take a lot to set it off again! Interesting point about the sweating Paradise, I get that a lot too and cramps are certainly set off when your body is depleted of sodium, which is why people travelling in very humid climates sometimes have to take salt tablets to offset the effects of sweating, so there's certainly something to what your nurse told you - might have to try your bouillon tip and see if it makes any difference
CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!! I would say to my friends, it was like someone up there was watching over me, fighting for sleep through the pain, then would finally drift off, and its like someone says, "aww look at her all snug and warm" then BAM!!!!!!!!!!!! cramp! in my feet, it feels like my feet are trying to twist themselves inside out, then my calves, I cannot jump out of bed anymore so shuffle to the bottom to push my feet down on the foot board of my bed. The worst are thigh cramps. I have cried and cried over these so many times in the middle of the night, you cant do anything to help yourself with them. There is nothing to stretch, you cant walk, you cant sit, you sure as hell cant lay down! I end up sobbing bent over the bottom of my bed shaking one leg then the other. My poor husband is in bits wanting to help me. I should say i am on quinine for the cramps. I suppose they help as I dont get so many.
My wedding night was spent with my husband snoring on this gorgeous round bed my daughters had paid in this posh hotel for the night, and me sobbing my heart out with cramps from my toes to my thigh, pushing my legs on the cold tiles in the bathroom praying for some relief!!
I drink loads, sweat loads too.
Hi Nanatre, so sorry to hear that it must be awful for you. I thankfully am not as bad as that, but i do sympathise with you, as i knoow what the pain is like, big hugs to you, love from Parho xx
Nantre I'm new to this forum and noticed your page......thought for sure you eere writing about myself ...identical especially when you spoke of cramps.I was on lyrica but was told to stop due to leg calf and upper leg and tjigh cramps or knots 24/7..the pain is unbearable I was so scated the firstvtime this happened so suddenly i thougjt i was having a blood clot in my leg ..had a blood yest done to confirm and ig was negative..good but yet still have the leg vlamped up like itvwont come undone very tightvand uncomforyanle...if i get 4 nights sleep im lucky...any tips or ifeas on relazation or anything please help...anythinh at tjis point would help...thank you sweetdteams1234
Hi Paradise, thanks for your sugestion, i do go to an exercise class where we do stretching exercise and it does help
mine got worse when my chiro started work on me and i thought it was her manipulations. my doc said that it was cos she had told me to drink more water... and i was doing what i was told and drinking much more water. that therefore was diluting the salts and good stuff in my body..... i have stopped with the loads of water bit and only get cramp a couple of times a week instead of being on the verge 24/7 and have the hell of it every time i took my consentration away from staying out of cramp....
hi i do aswell bad in my legs ,does anyone suffer with bad pain in their elbows an arms ,its so dam painful .