Anyone else get fidgity legs?? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Anyone else get fidgity legs??

Dusky profile image
31 Replies

If so how do you cope with it. Drives me mad and in the end I take Oramorph, that's the only thing that stops it..

Hope you all have as good a day as possible x

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Dusky profile image
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31 Replies

It is called restless leg syndrome I have been reading symptoms of cm on the nhs health site it has some good articles on there Su h a pity the doctors don't read it ..butterfly hugz. Petal

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to

Yes it is a shame, thanks for gentle hugs x

RLS used to drive me mad also but I found that Lyrica (Pregabalin) seemed to sort mine out - along with the spasms that would make me fling my arms or kick my legs during the night.

If you find it worse in the evenings you might try a little walk after dinner and that should help a bit too :)

Take care


Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to

that's what I do with mine. I must look like something from the exorcist lol. ty x

tofty profile image

hi yep i get it a lot espessially at nite i take a couple of cocodamol or if they r really bad a diazapam .soft hugs xxx

martinarapley profile image

Yes I get resless leg all the time. I just go with it and it runs its course. I'm on Pregabalin but it has not helped RLS. Its helping sleep and pain though.

Think RLS is just yet another symptom of FM.

Take care

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to martinarapley

thanks Martin :)

Hey Dusky, gentle hugs,

I too, have RLS and take Ropinirole for it - it's main use though, is for Parkinson's Disease - and as I have the shakes a lot - I'm hoping it will help with that too. Pregabalin I take with Co-Codamol for the pain - and although Pregabalin is primarily used for Epilepsy, it's been found to help people with Fibro pain - I find it does help me - but only as long as I take the Co-Codamol as well.


Carol xx

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to

Many thanks Carol x

Gailbt profile image

I have restless legs too especially during the night, when it's bad I take a long bath in Radox muscle bath salts before I go to bed and that seems to calm them down. x

Hi Dusky, I also suffer from restless legs. I also have red hot darts of pain shoot through my legs and an army of gremlins marching up and down my legs from my feet upwards. It drives me nuts sometimes. I mentioned it to my Rheumatologist and she prescribed me Methocarbamol. I only take these tablets (2 x 750mg) when I can't handle it any more, so not every time. Within one hour my legs have eased enough for me to rest, the tablets have been a great relief!! :) :)

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to

Glad you have found relief, going to say about it to my doctor when I next go xx

Iam finding pregabalin very helpful when used with high doses of paracetamol. i have weaned off morphine patches preferring to fight thru and save the big guns for later when my degen arthritis gets too bad to bear. butterfly hugz petal

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to

thanks fadedblosson x

wallflower_fairy profile image

Hey Dusky,

I use to get a bit of RLS. Very annoying. This sounds daft but whenever I got bothered by it I would lie down on my back, and lift my legs in the air (so that they were at a 90 degree angle from my torso), while keeping them straight, and holding the position for as long as I needed. Sometimes would I bend my feet backwards or move my feet backwards and forwards. I could feel all my leg muscles pulling. I know this sounds silly but it may provide some relief - even just in the short term, as it did for me. :) Gentle hugs, wanderingwallflower xx

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to wallflower_fairy

thanks Funkyfairy, I can't lift mine , my hips are knackered lol.Doesn't sound silly at all, glad it worked for you hun x

Shortnsweet54 profile image

Hi Rusky, had restless legs for about 4 years and one doc i saw said nothing he can do, well i think he could but didn't want to spend/waste the money!! (had various med problems with certain doc. I need preservative free eye drops and he wouldn't prescribe them as they were too expensive and he didn't believe i had a massive allergic reaction, thanks for that one then). Saw another doc for thryoid problems and eye disease, then got some joint muscular problems and she prescribed Robaxin..what a relief. legs felt as if they were being wound up and then released all of a sudden ...whoosh, legs flying about like mad. would be amusing if it wasn't such a pest and kept me awake. Been on these about 2 years and they do seem to help so far. Bit of a blip though when i first started taking them....forgot i'd taken them and so took another dose....ooops, stoned out my brains for about 4 hours.

Hope something helps you,

Take care, hugs

Jan H xxxxx

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to Shortnsweet54

What a good description of it lol. I need to get some of this stuff, sounds good , others have mentioned it too xx

Shortnsweet54 profile image
Shortnsweet54 in reply to Dusky

Clockwork is the word for the life of me i couldn't remember (brain cells evacuating premesis at speed methinks!!). remember, or nor depending on age lol, the old toys you had to wind up, then they were released and off they went...legs and restless, good description. sometimes it feels as if tissue/joints is slowly being wound up...eeek. take care

Jan H xxx

Shortnsweet54 profile image

Tsk, so very sorry, eyes taking on a life of their own today....should be Hi DUSKY. xx see what sort of day i'm in for. xx

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to Shortnsweet54

lol it's ok,,,,been called worse x

Hi Dusky,

Apparently Ivory soap is the right thing to use! Please see the following cut and paste from a friend: "they" say to put it between the bottom sheet and the mattress toward the foot of the bed...mine is in a thin sock, held in by a knot, that scoots around with my legs as I move. I even had Poppa bring it to me as I sat in the recliner a little while ago, as my feet were jumping and hurting...put it between my ankles and the problem stopped within 2 minutes!

I hope that helps!

Best regards


Dusky profile image

Thanks Peachy. Can't see a cut and paste but don't worry i'll google it. :) xx

foggyness profile image

Hi Dusky,

I also get RLS, mostly at night when I'm trying to relax. I qualified as a holistic therapist in another life and ylang ylang can be really helpful. The essential oil must not be applied directly to the skin, it needs to be blended with a carrier, like almond oil. You should also have a patch test done - better to find out you are sensitive to the essential oil in a small patch, rather than after you have used it all over your legs! If you contact an aromatherapist in your area they will be able to help you. Good luck x

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to foggyness

Thank you for that info :) x

I have restless legs, and they drive me daft, I do raise my legs, elevate them as much as possible sometimes if watching tv even but it only relieves it for a while, love a warm bath before bed though and I massage them with oil and or moisturiser and it does help me to sleep, have to be honest and say I would'nt be able to sleep at all if I did'nt do that, and as my rheumatologis's secretary still has'nt printed out my report (as she has to do them all by herself and told me when I rang her she was only on 'Januarys'), and I attended the specialist there late into February, and even though my doctor rang her two weeks ago to tell her I needed my report urgently, still no report, so although I've been taking naproxen and tramadol since last year, I don't imagine he will give me anything else until that flipping official report arrives.

Though as I already said the rheumatologist already said I had fibromyalgia anyway, did the 18 point pressure test and I passed all of them ( got all of them)

I also suffer from diverticular disease and was referred by my doctor for surgery, though I think I will probably get all those tests first, colonscopy sigmoidoscopy, and endoscopy, first. He also referred me for a barium swallow x ray, so I'm going for that the week after next.

As if that was bad enough, my daughter has been referred by our doc for surgery on her throat, God love her, may have to get a few new jammies for Hosptial, and not just for me.

What else can hapen, You don't know how many times I've said that and then something else happens, is God trying me? no wonder I try and keep my spirits up, what else can you do?

Anyway isin't it a lovely day, it is here anyway can't let life ground you into the ground can you? gentle hugs fibro sufferers xxx

Dusky profile image

oh dear, you aren't having a good time, so sorry. I see others have mentioned Tramadol, i've been on that for about 4 or 5 years. Good luck with your barium swallow xxx

unio06 profile image

hi Dusky i have sufferd for years even befor fm. the only way i can ease or stop it is by putting my feet in cold water in a bowl or bath and if realy bad i splash the cold water up my legs to my knees. oh and a anistetic freese spray i was given for my pain befor i was diagnosed with FM but not given it no more as didnt help pain

willowmuse profile image

Yes i get it aswell, drives me mad, have not found anything that stops it for me, and i take diazapam and pregabalin :( Sometimes i can be sitting there watchin the telly and my legs suddenly jerk, reminds me of when i went for a medical and the doc used a small hammer like tool to test my reflexes, dont know as to wether its classed as restless legs though as it happens all the time for me and sometimes my legs will go in to a sort of spasm and shake like mad, it takes gentle massage for that to calm down by then my hands are killing me so you cant win really, i also get the jerks as i call them in my arms aswell and sometimes my whole body will jerk. It happened when i went for my mri scan the other week, think they may have thought i was dancing to the musci on the radio i was listening Had brain and lumber spine both scanned doubt anything will show up on either of them even thought this was happening :(

Dusky profile image

thanks for latest answers.It's not leting me reply to them.But a huge thanks for taking the time to reply xxx

Thank you Dusky, yes I am having a lot of bad luck you would'nt believe it unless I told you it all, but can't you'll only think I'm the biggest moaner on this site, but I try and not let it get me down, I also wish I was flipping well enough to work, believe me I need to.

My legs are still driving me daft, you want to see me when I watch tv, which I cant do for too long every day, because I find it too hard to sit for too long, but when I walk around I have to sit after a min or two, but anyway, when I do try and watch tv I spend the time shaking my legs together or separately, and other daft things with my feet, I'm sure I look daft too, cant wait for the doc to give me something else for it. I'm on tramadol and naproxen but I would say he'll give me other stuff (he'd better), once my reports come back from the Rhummie ( waiting since end of Feb.,) Truthfully, I believe we all deserve medals for suffering the way we do.

Phew! moaning done for tonight, happy sleeps Dusky and take care

Claire xxxxx

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