Does anyone get severe cramps ? - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone get severe cramps ?

Sharon1968xx profile image
39 Replies

I can't do the slightest of stretches I get really painful cramps my feet and back are the worst ?

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Sharon1968xx profile image
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39 Replies
Kath1952 profile image

Hi Sharon1968xx, yes i do, mine is mostly my feet and toes sometimes also the calfs of my legs. I think probably a lot of us do along with everything else we get. Not very nice cramps i hate them xx

Tea1234 profile image

Yes, a majority of time.Plus numbness of legs,arms and fingers. So annoying when it strikes takes ages to go back to normal.

All the best

Tea1234 💞

Ginsing profile image

Morning My goodness I understand your problem. Yesterday I kept massaging firstly legs thighs then dreadful my soles of feet. Daughter dashed out coming back with tonic water with Quinine in it.

It comes from the Doctors of you go get an appointement :)

Dusky profile image

I feel for you Sharon. I do indeed get them, especially if I stretch a bit. My calves and feet, so dammed painful. I've tried quinine tablets but they aren't working. x

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dusky

Interesting that quinine does not seem to work for you they were very effective in my case when cramps first started but hypothyroidism was totally overlooked.

Dusky profile image
Dusky in reply to TSH110

It worked to an extent at first and so did tonic water but it doesn't now unfortunately. I get it every night and only thing that helps is oramorph. I get it in my arms too. Had enough of it

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Dusky

I am sorry to hear its efficacy wore off I took it for about 2 years and then I was ok for a while but finally they came back. Once I got treated for hypo the meds reduced their severity and frequency but I still get the occasional bout. i take bit d if they start up it seems to stop them I have started to get it in my fingers too -awful.

karmadogma profile image

I used to get them all the time. I started taking 1000 mg of magniesum glyconate at night, vitamin C,D and fish oil. I do not get them like I used too now it's occasionally.

Hopey profile image

I feel your pain sharon Yep me to get horrible cramps in toes and feet tendons in bottoms of feet feel like they are stretched to their limits cramps in calfs and sometimes from hips down dont need to be stretching just sitting on lounge at work desk or even when sleeping i tell you thats one wake up call i really dislike i wasnt sure if mine were caused from the fibro or ctd 😊

TSH110 profile image

Feet and legs - was terrible before hypo was treated. Once got it in both feet and legs and though I would die of the pain i could not stand up to stamp it away! It improved on Levo and is much better on NDT but still get odd bouts. I was given quinine initially - pretty effective - may be worth a try. I think vid D helps too. Not had it in my back sorry to hear you are suffering it is really awful I know. Hope you find some relief.

hmbuss profile image

Yes I do would like to know the reason, lack of salt and quinine tablets suppose to help

Chimbelina profile image

Yes . . I seem to get vascular cramps and also cramps to my feet and toes 😁

Chimbelina profile image

And tingling in hands and face (chin and mouth)

sooo profile image
sooo in reply to Chimbelina

Hi. So good too hear im not the only one who gets tingling on the face and mouth area. I kept thinking I was going to have a stroke! I also get cramps infert hands and back. Going to see rheumatologist Saturday .

Chimbelina profile image
Chimbelina in reply to sooo

Hi again. . .did the rheumatologist have any answers for you?

Kath1952 profile image

I have been reading the replies to Sharon's question and i noticed quite a few of you mention Quinine, when i started getting this a lot i mentioned it to my doctor and she just said it was because of the Fybro but never mentioned taking anything to help x

winchurch1 profile image

Yes I get them in my feet then it goes up the outside of my calf then at my knee it goes to the inside of my upper leg it's an absolute crippling pain.I also get a cramp spasms right across my bra back area then down each arm.

covbabe profile image

Yes I get cramps and very painful spasms after the slightest stretch in my calves and lower back. I did put it down to my spondylitis, as it is apparently spinal arthritis, but so many symptoms are pointing to fibro as the years progress, so I'm wondering if the spondylitis "morphed" into fibro? I've asked the doctors I've seen over the years, and the rheumatologist who diagnosed my fibro said I've probably been suffering from fibro for a few years, if my symptoms were as I described.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to covbabe

Interesting I was diagnosed with spondylitis in my 20's. I was finally diagnosed as hypothyroid in my 50's (had various health problems over the years that all add up

now) I have read that early onset arthritis is the start of autoimmune disorders and this can lead on to autoimmune thyroiditis. So I'd say it more than likely has morphed as you suggest as different antibodies become involved.

covbabe profile image
covbabe in reply to TSH110

I'm going to be asking my doc for a "full thyroid function profile" in the next week or so. I'm not convinced that I haven't got it, because I have had a few on going issues that point to hyperthyroidism, and I happen to be in my 50 also (!) Best of luck out there.....I'm so glad we have this website, worth it's weight in jelly babies(sugar free ones of course,lol!)

Molly_1919 profile image

Oh yes!!!! Excruciating ones. Make sure you stay hydrated, and try a Magnesium supplement, add calcium too if you don't have much in your diet. Magnesium acts like a transport system to take the calcium into the muscles. 😊

clio123 profile image

Hi Sharon, I used to get very bad cramps in my fingers, legs, feet, and toes, now I drink scwepps tonic water every day just a few mouthfuls and now I hardly get it at all, try it plz it really does work , hope it does for you x

jane1955 profile image

ive been using a magnesium oil spray now for about 3 helps me with the on vit d and cal for my ostro.but when i get these cramps which can be anywhere over my body,it looks like origami in my fingers and toes plus very painful. ;)

achydunlin profile image

Until I started taking Gabapentin last thing at night I used to wake up regularly with awful cramps in my calves.

Speedracer profile image

This seems very common among fibro sufferers.

I get them everywhere very often, my back, my feet, my hands, fingers & wrists, my shins, & most worrying my jaw/throat area, which happens every single time I eat or drink something. Also my toes curl upwards, very painful & happens mostly during the night, looks like I have a pair of Aladdin's shoes on!

I do in fact have a hospital appointment booked to try & investigate the cause of them, originally for the beginning of April but has been put back twice now, latest date is July 30th.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Speedracer

I got tested for myasthenia gravis cos I had a droopy eyelid. They remain undecided as to if I have it or not. Trouble swallowing can be one of the symptoms. It is a rare condition but more common in those with thyroid disorders (and I assume Fibro) might be worth mentioning at the hospital?

Chimbelina profile image
Chimbelina in reply to Speedracer

Any more news on your cramps? You were to have an appointment to investigate in July. . .

Speedracer profile image
Speedracer in reply to Chimbelina

Hi Chimbelina, I don't have a definitive answer as yet. I did get examined by a rheumatologist which seemed very thorough & included a lot of blood taken for tests, & I have an appointment on Nov 16th with the same doctor, with more blood tests before that on Nov 2nd, so I hope to find out a lot more then, although he warned me that it could be difficult to get a definitive answer.

As it happens, the examination was so thorough I was sent for an echocardiogram due to something he found that he wasn't happy with, & it has been discovered that my aortic valve is leaky & will require attention soon!

I will update again when I have some more information.

CarolePer profile image

I get them all over. Under chin, legs and back the worst. One unbearable episode where it started in toes and worked it's way up. Was in agony. Phoned NHS24 they said see GP. Useless. Gentle hugs. Carole x

Michelle_1967 profile image

Cramps in arms and rib cage when I stretch.

seadancer profile image

has anyone found any diets that help my legs thighs buttocks get so bad

maggi999 profile image

Hi Sharon, I'm recently diagnosed after suffering this dreadful condition for several years. I endured severe cramps daily but having recently started taking 30 mg of Nortriptyline, now I rarely have cramps or muscle spasms.

You could also try magnesium supplements, but would need to make sure that goes ok with your other medication.

Take care, hugs, Maggie x

galaxie profile image

I get painful cramps in my feet and calf muscles this is due to coming off my medication . Cant go back on it as it has damaged my sight.

FibroFoggyKaty1 profile image

I know this may sound silly but I suffered with very painful cramps and someone told me to place a bar of Dove soap in between the sheets at the foot of the stopped my cramps

Marguerite9 profile image

I often get cramp in my calves and thighs. The only thing that seems to help me is to have a few (not a lot) of salty crisps and also try to eat a banana each day.


TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Marguerite9

I think bananas are supposed to be full of potassium so perhaps that is why they help?

mo1mo2 profile image

yes at moment have all that in my feet and legs and driving me mad


TheAuthor profile image

I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. I can see that you have been given some wonderful responses so I will just wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Regnofibro1 profile image

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