sadness clouds my mind: SOMETIMES I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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sadness clouds my mind

9 Replies


I hear your voice softly call

It so sad now we are apart

My tears tumble like a waterfall

As they wash my broken heart

Hello again my dearest one

Remembered here today

A life that should have gone on

I know you couldn’t stay

holding your heart in my hand

I cannot stem the flow of tears

It’s so very hard to understand

I will miss you over the years

and yet your always by my side

Each time I laugh or I cry

When this ever rolling tide

Of my tears begins to dry

the picture of your loving face

As I think of time we shared

Not even eternity can erase

You left before i was prepared

now In my life there is a hole

Fly free oh treasured soul

On earth I keep he best of you


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9 Replies
paula1967 profile image

Awww petal , so sorry you are feeling down and its you who keep our spirits up, tomorrow is another day so i hope and prey it is a better one for you. That poem is beautiful and i can relate to every word wrote there, warm gentle hugs to you Paula xx

Hi sorry you are having a down day we all have those it is horrible when you feel like that though but you have to go with it if thats how you feel you cant help it so jus gradually work yourself through it and hopefully in a day or two you wuill be feeling a bit more posotive , the poem is really lovely i lost a desr friend she was 37 and died of ms bless her heart it was an awful time especially as she was so young and her birthday was 3 days before mine i think of her every year on my birthday

take care love diddle xxxx

getactive profile image
getactive in reply to

Hi petal so sorry you are in such a dark place life can be so tough your poem is so beautiful loss is very difficult to deal with, I lost a very dear friend 3 years ago and I think of her nearly every day it's hard for me to encourage you at the moment

As I am in that dark place myself but sending you lots of love sue xxxx

So sorry for your loss & I also can relate to it. I feel I have no-one to talk to who understands me & family is not the same.

I hope as they wears on you begin to feel better. I think sometimes a good cry belps.

Take care huni, do something nice for yourself today if you can.

Luv & hugs

Jackie xx

lynz profile image

sending you lots of love and hugs xxxx

penny41 profile image

Hi hunny you have been through a lot this past week and you have tried very hard to keep your chin up, you are only human and a few tears and a thought for lost friends will do you no harm, I am sure that the others will agree you are a very brave lady with a big heart and a wicked sense of fun. Let yourself mourn all that you have lost and then you will be back but take your time all these feelings are healing ...

Soft hugs xxx


chilli50 profile image

Hear hear Penny!

Fadedblossom, you are a very special soul who lifts everyone on here. Its only natural that you have dark days in your life and this is the time that we are here to support you in any way we can.

I dont know if it will help but im sending lots of positive thoughts to you today along with a long gentle cuddle and soothing words. If i cant do it for real i hope this helps.

Please be still o gentle soul

Although youre out of sorts

I send my love, your heart to fill

And soothing, caring thoughts

Love and very gentle huggles

Chilli xxx

tulips123 profile image

Just so beautiful, as if written for me alone! I'm sure many of us can understand and sometimes these feelings can overwhelm, but they always pass and happier times will come. Inthe meantime sending love to you xx

Sarah-Jane profile image

We all have down days, and down weeks, and I have currently recovered from a week of that myself. Not going over that right now, but wondered if my little idea may help some of you?

I decided to make myself a 'cheer up' or 'sunshine' mug through an on line company. The inside and background are yellow and I have created a collage of photos downloaded to the site for this purpose of photos of people and pets that make me smile.

It was lovely to get it in the post, and its lovely to use. Its like a little hug, which I need at work because they are not interested in anything personal, certainly not moaning. I have almost accepted that, but felt I needed something to give me a lift and pull my mind away from sad thoughts. So far so good. I have a little line written in purple around the top that goes something like 'with every sip, may your day get better and better'.

If you like my idea, please try it. Sometimes we need something familiar to help pull us up. I do hope you don't think I am being patronising or belittling your feelings in any way. They are very real and I do understand.

Take good care of yourselves.

Soft hugs

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