Hi all
I tried to stop reading the news years ago as it was becoming to depressing what we do to each other and this world that we should cherish.
With the newspapers (as they were called then) I cancelled them all and stopped watching the News at Ten on the television.
It slightly worked as I was finding life bearable without the doom and gloom in the news.
Then it started creeping into my life through the Internet, slowly at first and then I would have the BBC News page as one of the start up pages when I would start the Internet browser (then it was Internet explorer as I was with windows) but now with Mac I find Safari adequate for my needs and find that now I am looking at Sky News and BBC News more and more every day and that there is so much violence in the name of religion throughout the world, some truths being made public before they are verified and it seems the Media is now trying to control what is happening on the ground just for the stories. I know in my heart this is not true but it feels like it at times.
Now we have our people on this site who are spilling their hearts out on the site, and what do you get? people trying to help. We get a new member and we welcome them, we do not care what religion we are it does not matter, we are in pain and we are asking for help and advice about what to do in our lives, no one tries to be outright flippant but tries to help (sometimes we have a joke at our expense) but we try to help,
We have people with fluffies and we have someone who is in a great deal of pain posting a ‘Pic of the Day’ and there are others who are administrators and volunteers who are not fit and well, but want to help all of us and feel they can help.
I would like to thank everyone on HealthUnlocked from its creators to the volunteers and the persistent bloggers and those who give help to the answers we ask. I have seen some come and go and some who go to different communities for their help and that they can give help to.
Take great care and kindest regards