For quite some time I have been experiencing extreme temperatures, one minute I can be burning up and sweating profusely, and at the same time also feel cold in other parts of my body, or it can be the opposite. Sometimes I feel freezing cold, but in other parts of my body I am burning up. I had to have a hysterectomy last year, (again due to the effects of fibromyalgia), and was put on HRT. My doctor feel that it is my body screaming out for hormones, and even though the dose has been increased, nothing has changed. Does anyone else have this problem, as I don't know if it is down to menopausal symptoms or Fibro?
Does anyone else suffer with extreme ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone else suffer with extreme body temperatures, I go from burning up to freezing cold?

Hello Sharolina and thank you for your question - I can certainly relate to all you say! I was going to say it sounds like some of what you are experiencing may be hormonal because this can cause extremes of temperature. I personally have been through my menopause and I still get boiling hot moments followed by freezing cold moments, both without warning. I can even experience freezing cold hands and feet and be boiling all over the rest of my body, can be really crazy and frustrating. I wonder have you mentioned it lately to your GP since your HRT dose was increased, might be worth checking? Sensitivity to light, sound and hot and cold is also common with Fibromyalgia. Another point worth considering may be that your meds need reviewing. I hope you manage to get some help for this really soon Sharolina!

What I'd HRT?
I do Sharolina and I too am not sure if it's hormones or Fibro as I've just gone through the menopause .
I'm really suffering at night and need my fan on all night , but then it can be really hot during the day and I can suddenly feel ice cold.
It's like my thermostat is broken .
I agree with Libby about having a meds review, maybe one of them is causing problems or you may need to adjust the HRT.
Hi Sharolina and welcome as we haven't met before,
I would think it is more likely to be a hormonal thing, rather than Fibro.
However, the rule of thumb is, that any new symptom should be investigated in it's own right and I would encourage your GP to understand that and not blame the symptoms on anything else until they have excluded everything else.
happy hugs, kate
Oh yes I suffer from heat extremes.
It was march and snowing I was wearing a vest top. Now its warming up and im really starting to feel it. Then on the other extreme it was spring I had a bath and then I was freezing.
If you can predict when the hot spells are gonna be and you sweat with it ( I would be putting deodorant every hour) I would recommend the new Maximum protection deodorant from the company that puts a 1/4 moisturiser in it. (Hope you understand that as I know we are not supposed to advertise on here)
Hi all,
I suffer from real bad hot flushes, not been through the menopause or anything. Although (my periods are very erratic). I'll have one say one month and then nothing for about 5-6 months. I get really hot, need to open all the windows and doors and sit with vest tops on, then I can get real cold. Hands, fingers, toes, all freezing. It's really crazy. Not sure if it's fibro related either, but am glad you asked the question. Big gentle hugs to you all xxxx
If you are missing periods you are going through menopause. They told me too that I was not going through menopause that it is normal to miss periods. Yet they wanted to do biospy for no reason. I knew that I had been in menopause but they just wanted to cut me instead of doing simple bloodwork and head these tolerable conditions off at the pass. I had some sweating but nothing I couldn't handle. My main concern was not having consistent periods. tiredness. Hair thinning muscle tone loss. It was surely hormonal. I am 49. My mom went early and when u have not had a period for three months you are clearly perimenopausal. They refused to check my hormones but wanted to biopsy and cut my insides instead. What a joke. I declined the biopsy then I was told if I will submit to a routine pap then they will do bloodwork to test hormones, this was Swampscott obgyn in Swampscott ma by the way. I reluctantly agreed. They sent me to Dr Michael Reich obgyn in Salem ma. Where this dr Assaulted and cut my insides and did things very unfamiliar from a pap. The cutting pain was severe. I bled for weeks off and on then started getting unbearable periods again for about 3 months again, I NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH PAIN WITH MY PERIODS BEFORE AND now suffer EXTREME BODY HEAT, THEN COLD. ENOUGH TO RUIN MY LIFE. dark circles under my eyes. All over body pain. Hip neck head shoulder pain AND especially my legs. Ive lost most my hair and it was the gynos that caused this. I was a high functioning woman heading into menapause it was not that bad. My mom NEVER EXPERIENCED THIS EXTREME CRAP. IT WAS RELATED TO WHAT THESE DOCTORS ARE DOING. THEY LIE ABOUT HORMONES and menopause and the assisstant that was in the room with this doc when I felt him cut me did NOTHING WHILE I CRIED IN CONFUSION. i was not allowed to speak with her either after. She refused to talk to me . BRING YOUR OWN CHAPERONE THE ONES THE DOCTORS USE WILL NEVER PROTECT U. THEY ARE THERE TO PROTECT AND HELP THE DOCTOR NOT YOU!!!!! The bloodwork he did PROVED I WAS IN FULL BLOWN MENOPAUSE. yet at that time my symptoms were NOT SEVERE. only after what he did did my symotoms get life changing. Please spread the word. Something is going on for me to get attacked like that and now suffer these severe symptoms. He destroyed my life. THIS fibro stuff is getting more common and I feel they are messing with menopausal women. Please pay attention my fellow woman. My goal is to protect my fellow woman. Im sorry if this scares you but it was real. please share my story with your friends. We need to protect ourselves. Informed women are stronger women. We should not have to suffer at their hands. While they live comfortably. They are NOT GOD!!!!!
I am so sorry you had to go through this. What we as patients don't realize until it's too late, is that we are in charge of our own bodies, not the doctors. Can you go for a second opinion and sue this doctor that did this to you???? I hope you can do something because that wasn't right. I am going through hot flashes, I've gone through menopause now 14 yrs. But found out I had Hashimoto's disease, and they took my thyroid out...But, recently I get so hot and sweaty, I can't stand it. Then I get cold. They have increased my thyroid, because it was very low, but it takes about 4-6 weeks to get in my system. I also have fibromyalgia. I'm hoping these hot flashes go away soon. Kitty-cho
I signed up to this site just to reply to you.
Have your doctor test your cortisone levels.
Tell me, besides the missed periods - any unexpected or sudden weight gain? Any pink or red stretch marks? By your picture I can see the classic "moon face" that I see in the mirror everyday. I too experience the extreme hot sweaty attacks that mysteriously go away with a fan in my face but hands and feet freezing. Turns out I might have something called CUSHINGS DISEASE that is VERY OFTEN misdiagnosed as Fibro, PCOS and/or menopause. It's labeled a rare disease because it so often misdiagnosed. I also have loss of hair (shedding), dry skin, heart palpitations and PAIN in my left arm, chest, back, neck and headaches. But the sweating when everyone else is comfortable or flat out freezing is what really gets me. I used to NEVER sweat and now any little exertion and I'm covered in sweat in the head neck chest and back regions. Underarms, not so much lol!
If any of this sounds like you (and it's doesn't have to be ALL of it - some CUSHINGS patients have little to no symptoms but weight gain and moon face - look up CUSHINGS Syndrome or Disease (same symptoms but different) and compare your symptoms. For me, it was a lightbulb or AHA! Moment. I talked to my doctor, he agreed and said lets get you tested. Still waiting on tests ATM.
Good luck!
I was diagnoised with fibro 8 years ago...most days I feel like I have been beat by a sock full of marbles I have had hot flashes and night sweats for 4 years, mine is not related to fibro...mine is menopause...what Id give for a night of more that 3 hours of sleep!
Fibromyalgia seems to happen at the same time as menopause for some women. there's an article called night sweats? It could be hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is a condition of high iron. The body doesn't have a lot of ways of getting rid of iron supposedly, and sweating is one of them.
So the two might be related.
As well as Cushings when ought to look at Raynaud's syndrome. Also if one is on a beta blocker, they can cause Raynaud's syndrome. if there's one thing I've learned from my research on fibromyalgia, it's that there's more than one thing that can cause just about anything. So it's better to have a list of possibilities to look through. And always a box marked other!
hi ya, i have bad hot flushes with sweating all over and then i go extreamly cold, it is so uncomfortable, i have been diagnoised with fibro about 10 years ago now and i didnt know if it was related to that or the menopause as im only 41, the doctor has given me some tabs to control the flushes as i cant go on HRT, the tabs have helped alot but i still get it less than what it was like, ive been on them now 10 days, so fingers crossed, i suffered that bad at night my bed would be soaking and id get up and go extreamly cold... i thought i was the only one that suffered, im still really not sure if it to do with fibro or going though the change but the tabs are working so far for me...
Do you remember what the name of the pills were and did they work. I’m desperate.
If it's related to menopause and too much iron, look for research suggesting that iron can be removed using copper, all the one has to be careful with copper. Use PubMed and see if it gives something useful to you. That's a peer-reviewed medical research index, very handy.
Hi when I was going through menopause I tried black cohosh from the herbalist here in the UK it helped me I was in my thirties then. I’m much older now and suffering with extreme heat and cold temperatures 35.4 to 40 fluctuating high temperature mainly in the evening doc thinks I have fibromyalgia but too difficult to diagnose I also have SVT faulty heart circuit and asthma which causes many chest infections I have IBS and diverticulitis . I get chronic pain all over my body feels like stabbing burning prickling weakness in my legs and tremors. No one in the medical profession seems to know how to help me . If only the pain would stop I could get on with life.
fibromyalgia seems to be able to be caused by part of menopause, it's very common that they happen around the same time. There's an article called night sweats? It could be hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is a high iron condition. Your body is no longer using iron but it may still be absorbing too much. Look for research on removing iron, use PubMed as a search parameter. copper has been suggested but it must be handled carefully.
An article on the telo cipro which is a bed sheet like Tommie copper, the article was from Italy, and it was 1999. It said that sleeping on them helped patients with fibromyalgia wake up rested. I personally use copper bracelets, I need four and two supports on the calves, and one bracelet during the day. Two after sunset if I'm running around, at sunset I also need to put my feet in water with some form of magnesium. since mine was caused with Prilosec and yours wasn't, you won't need to use magnesium lycinate glycinate but can use any form. I suspect this is part of the circadian rhythm causing sundown syndrome and dementia. I also need a small amount of spearmint tea. Your quantity will definitely vary if it's useful at all. All of these at sunset, my very own personal sundown syndrome treatment.
My pain management doctor suggested that lactic acid is what is beneficial in exercise to exhaustion and also apple cider vinegar, I use the capsules and the powder rather than the liquid. he suggested that that's part of changing gene expression to adapt, and if that's true, Then it would be helpful to tell your body to reduce iron absorption.
Research that I can't reach on this phone told me to try silica, to help with the copper. It'll probably help me more than the menopause type, but the water that we were built to drink initially had a number of nutrients in it that the pure water we drink doesn't. Look up hard water PubMed and see if you find something useful.
I am not sure what this is related to but I suffer exactly the same and have done for years. I remember walking to school without a coat in the snow. I cannot stand hot weather. However one minute I am really hot and sweating then freezing cold.
About 8 years ago I went to the DR to see if it was the menopause and found out I was diabetic and when sugars are out of control it gets worse
Hi Sharolina, I have been experiencing the same thing. I went through the menopause early, took me by surprise (I even did a pregnancy test.) I have been on HRT for about ten years. there are different types , I take PrempakC highest dose and have had no symptoms until recently. I am off to the docs tomoz and will ask him about it too. Good luck , Caz
Hi yes one min i am sripping off the next i am freezing it is strange but i dont know there are so many weird things connected to fibro you just seem to accept it all and get on with itdont you lol love diddle x
Yep I have especially over the last few days. I've been sat with a snuggie round me & even put the heating on the other night. I think there have been a ref of us suffering with this recently x
i had my hysterectomy in 2007 so well past my menopause i don't take hrt and i get hot and cold it is the fibro i had a night like it last cover on then on then off it is a nightmare also suffer with cold hands and feet. i have noticed since taking ad-cal vitamin d from doctor my hands stay fairly warm now. my feet still get cold and restless which drives me mad. [:))]
I was about to ask the same question then I spotted yours so thanks for that.
I am passed my menopause, never taken HRT not had a hysterectomy either. I too have been experiencing sweating and stripping of one minute then cold and wrapping up the next. I personally think mine is to do with fibro and everything being out of sync. Possibly our thermastat has gone a bit haywire
Angel hugs x
Hi Sharolina - yes, I get that too. My other half says I must be part lizard - I have to have the house really hot to warm up, especially my hands and feet and then other times, my hands will suddenly be red hot, or the whole of me is boiling up for no reason. Fibro seems to short circuit the body's natural thermostat
Yes hun im having the same problem its change of life plus can be one of the symtoms of fibro x
Hi sharolina ive got loads of symtoms till i went to docs and he said i think coz of all the xrays and blood tests tht hes giving me i may have firbo i started to think i had it all in my head hun andso did my hubbie its aweful to have as im going through a change of life as welland having a bad time x
Hi all,
further to my question (3rd July) about a dysfunctional body thermostate - I went to see my Doc yesterday, and we are both in agreement that it could well be down to the side effects of Gabbapentin tablets. So I have stopped taking them and will check in with him again on Friday, to see if things have improved or not. Good thing, is that now I have morphine to take been when I need it!
Hi Sharolina... I just joined this group today (12th August, 2016!) Your post regarding extremes in body temps came up as a match to a Google search I did just last night! I have been trying to contact you since... I wanted to ask if stopping the Gabapentin (Neurotin) made ANY difference in the sweating-freezing? I was shocked to see that BOTH extreme sweating and icy cold temp fluctuations are actually "known side effects" for Gabapentin!
At any rate... I'd appreciate it if you could let me know. My group name is "DebRedFox" and you can see my post to the group from earlier today. - - - I realize that your original post date was FOUR YEARS ago... but isn't it something that you've reached out and helped someone 4 years Post?..... and "across the pond" to boot!
I sincerely hope this finds you feeling even a tiny bit better! As I read thru your various posts it sounds like (most importantly) you've found YOU again! Your piece about that touched me deeply as I too (as many I'm sure) can find bits of myself/themselves in there. 😊
Peace & Love, Deb
Yes and this is the most terrible thing I have ever experienced as far as body temperature Ian ashamed to be around people they think I am crazy and if I could get some sleep with waking up from sweat or being so cold something have to give
yes definitely I have big issues with cold breezes. goose bumps and it hurts all over my skin.
I can't stand the heat and can be feeling like i'm burning up inside but still have a cold back or feet. During the afternoon I can feel really really cold. I too have described it as having a broken thermostat. I have an underactive thyroid, I also had a hysterectomy 5 years ago and am on HRT but a couple of weeks ago found out I have type 2 Diabetes. Neither my doctor nor consultant have given me the reasons for this, so it could be any of the above and/or the fibromyalgia - it does help to know that it isn't just me or 'all in my mind!' so thanks for the question and all the shared replies.
I am very oversensitive to temprature often cant get comfy at night to hot or to cold but i know one of the meds they put me on gave me sweats and flushes and i dont normaly sweat at all so it was the medication it was a patch
may be the tablets or medication is causing a lot of the problems i realised it was the patch and went cold turkey on it
no more sweats
Sharolina, My mom has exactly the same symptoms. She had breast implants and they now suspect the silicone is leaking and poisoning her body. OK she is 73 years of age, so no menopause I hope. I know that an implant can poison the body, but I am thinking now fybro. She has been burning and then ice cold for years. Maybe I got the answer from you. Always test your lymphocytes and if they are enlarged you will now your body is trying to fight off an infection. Be strong
Hi sharoline Iam new here and having these hot flushes( blows) which causes me dizzy spells unbalanced for 10 years and recently came to know about fibro all my blood test negative except folic acid. Relaxation got me much better
hi im going through the same thing its crazy driving me insane its also making me so tired .. can you tell me what meds the dr gave you as i dont want to take hrt
I too sweat profusely and then go cold, it's not the menopause I'm 61. My gp is sending me for tests and ECG, I am so uncomfortable at the moment - feel like putting my feet in the freezer although usually it's my face and neck sweating. Doc suggested tachycardia - very scary.
Not due to hormonal
Down more to fibromyalgia
Not 100% certain but assume comes with it.
Hello there, I couldn't believe what I was reading. I have been through a similar experience. I went to many family planning/sexual health clinics to have some tests done. I was abused during the test and felt really awful afterwards. I put in complaints and even had a letter back from one clinic to say that the nurse wasn't trained enough to carry out the test. I think you will notice that in a lot of businesses like dr surgeries, supermarkets, any where the public goes there are strong chemical smells. I have noticed this a lot. I believe these chemicals are interferring with our hormones, adrenals and pituatory which will bring on a host of symptoms. I believe we are just guinea pigs. I have the bags under my eyes which I have never had all my life, the pains in my feet, hip and neck. If you look up CFS/ME which is closely affected by the hypothalamus, pituatory and adrenals you will see a lot of your symptoms. I have had to take extra Vit C, B complex, magnesium, zinc and calcium. I have had to double the amount of Vit C. I believe these chemicals are wiping out our vitamins and minerals. You probably need to check your vits and minerals. After the abuse with the gynae tests I have been complaining and also felt like you, that you wanted to protect other women. I personally think that they are running down the NHS so that we will all go private. Also I don't think a lot of these people are trained properly and because of the economic climate they need to pass certain tests to progress so they need guinea pigs to practice on like you and me. Also don't eat processed foods and change to fresh from scratch cooking which will elimate a lot of rubbish getting into your system. Look at your diet closely and make changes. I think were just living in a police state right now and of course the police closely work with the nhs etc. so it doesn't surprise me that we are being interferred with so much. They need lots of criminals and guinea pigs to practice on and abuse.
Hi im feel what you feel . i have just wrote a post on this. omg i am not the only one xx
I can relate to that as i am always freezing the main parts on my body are my legs but its funny because its only from my Knees to feet and my hands that's all every where else is warm but i do have such a heavy headache all the time with pain can anyone please tell me if this is normal and the pain that goes up and down my shines is horrendous.
Some nights, my feet are freezing and I can't get them warm. This week I cleaned on the shelf and bins in the refrigerator at work and I overheated. After 30 minutes, I still had not cooled down. I vomited, made it home, took some Phenergan for the nausea and finally cooled down.... 1 1/2 hours later. I can tell you that it's not from hormones. I had a complete hysterectomy 20 years ago and have been on closely monitored natural hormone replacement therapy ever since. Up until the past two years, I had only experienced an afternoon 'hot flash' everyday at 3 pm. Now I can't do any physical activity without my body overheating. No yardwork, no housework, no kidding... yesterday I washed a few dishes and put a few things away and my forehead was wringing wet and I was 'giving off an extreme amount of heat. I sat down to cool off and an hour later, I needed a blanket because I had chills.
So I goggled "reasons your body overheats" and results point to...Fatty Liver. It's the same condition that preempts cirrhosis in heavy drinkers. YIKES!
I'm going to start on a liver cleanse and take supplements like alfalfa and green tea, cut out all added sugar, and especially high fructose cornsyrup. But.. I'm also going to ask my doctor for a liver enzyme test to confirm and a biopsy if need be. ( and I rarely drink any alcohol.)
Hey there Ican'tbelievethis,
Funny you should mention fatty livers, as about 3 years ago after suffering for months with an uncomfortable and extremely bloated stomach, I was sent for an ultra sound. This was to check if I had a hernia somewhere in my stomach, and fortunately nothing was found.
However, what they did discover is that I have a 'very' enlarged liver, and that it was probably something I was born with, but is nothing to worry about. I was told it was about 3-4 times larger than average, and does explain why my stomach protrudes.
I still get these mad bouts of extreme temperatures, but have noticed that lately I when am overheating I don't always sweat profusely. I know my body clocks are all messed up, and even though I went back to HRT pills, it didn't resolve this problem. So in my eyes, this is definitely a 'fibro' symptom. One thing that I have found does help, is that I always wear loose clothing and natural fabrics so my skin can breathe. If I wear anything close fitting, I find it makes the problem much worse.
Good luck! Sx
I have the sweating symptoms. Thought I was going through menopause although I had a hysterectomy in 2012. Found out from a skin biopsy I have. Small fiber neuropathy. I get burning sensations in my legs and then I break out into a sweat. I also have fibro. I took the gabapentin but stopped cause Tylenol works the same. I keep mine calm by my diet and making the flu bomb suggested by Barbara Oneil. Helps me sleep.
Everyday at 5pm my body gets very hot inside. I don't have Fibro, but have very disabled neurological system. Also through with menopause for ten years. I get freezing most of the other times. I even have to get under the elec. blanket in summer. I also have hypothyroid and hypoglycemia.
Conventional medicine can't really help me. My guess is that is related to either thyroid, blood sugar or nervous system.
that even makes me feel better when I see somebody else but the same problem
Please help I'm running on fumes when I'm asleep I sweat when I'm a wake I sweat. when I sit close to anyone or hold anyone. just keep running outside to cool down or put fans on. as soon as I close my eyes the hot flush starts and everything heats up. is bed,sofa floor. you can fill the heat. can't even wear my glasses as they steam up. I have tried to ignore it but I get hotter and hotter so have to get up . any ideas what this is I have it everyday it's been months since I slept more than a couple of hours .
Hey there Leanne14,
I have made some changes that seems to have had a positive effect with the sweating problem, which though not cured is definitely much better.
Firstly, I have to use a lot of moisturising lotions on my skin and in the bath water, but what I was getting on script were usually emollients of some kind and tend to sit on the skin rather than being absorbed. So when mixed with water or sweat in this case, it was making matters much worse. I have since changed to using Nivea Rich Moisturiser cream, and have found that it has alleviated this problem, while still being good for my skin.
Secondly, I noticed that mixed fabrics also made matters worse, as they tend to trap heat, and exacerbate the sweating. So now, pretty much everything I wear, and my bed linen is cotton or other natural fibres. When I am in bed, I have found this makes a huge difference, as I am covered with a few thin layers, rather than a heavy duvet or blankets.
Thirdly, wearing clothing that is fitting or close to my skin, made me feel as though my skin couldn't breathe, so now I wear loose fitting clothing that allows air to move freely around my body. At least now, when I do get over heated, it doesn't last for too long.
I also have a few hand fans close by, so on my bed, on my desk and in my bag, which proves to be very useful for a quick cool down.
These are just a few things that I have found have helped me, and obviously your situation will be different to mine. But I found that making these adjustments have helped to reduce the problem and my discomfort.
Hope this helps, and good luck! Sx
i am only 14 and i suffering with hot flushes and then cold again is this because iam growing up or what
I get hot flushes and it’s awful -it’s not medication or hrt related as I’m a boy ( well pretty sure I am
Lol )
Perhaps there is another reason for these flashes. EMF pollution (or just pollution), changes in magnetic fields of the earth, or something else “THEY “ would not tell us. Maybe it is in the body and treatable. When I move, if my symptoms go away, I will have some work to do. My floor of an apartment building is off the scale on EMF readings. And basement garage. I checked each floor , both buildings. I guess I need to know how to document this. At least, unshielded lines that can be corrected. I have never had these problems before moving to this location...yeah and “THEY “ diagnosed me with fibromyalgia as well as breast cancer...pick one. Fans are great. And every once in awhile, if you time it right, you can jump into a freezing pool and feel great! ( while your friends freeze their Too bad we can’t turn it on and off, after all, we live in these bodies. I’ll let you know!
Hello.. i read your story. Im going through the exact same thing right now and idk what it is. I had a hysterectomy due to fibromyalgia a year in a half ago and now experiencing thee worst hot and freezing flashes. Any luck on some answers as to why this is happening?
Hey there,
To be honest, nothing much has changed with the drastic changes in temperature for me, if anything I have just learnt to cope better with the symptoms. Having read through some of the other comments on here, it would appear that there are many of us who suffer with the same issue. It confirms to me that I'm not on my own, but it is also appears to be a common thread with fellow Fibro-warriors.
I have noted in the comments, that a few of us have had hysterectomies, for different reasons and at various ages, and there may well be a possible link to that.
But all I can say, is that I have not found a magic cure for it yet, and each of us are very individual when it comes to Fibre. But good luck and I hope things get better for you. Sx
I have this. Side effects from Nortriptyline making it worse? Also I have Raynaud's.
Dear Sharolina I have been experiencing high temperatures 35.4 to 40 degrees on temperature gun. I’ve had two covid test and both have returned negative. I get a lot of pain in my body burning prickling stabbing pain I feel very cold and cannot get warm the feel like I’m burning up with a high temperature. Doc thinks it’s some kind o f virus told me to take paracetamol for the temperature it doesn’t work on the pain and tremors.
There's an article called, night sweats? It could be hemochromatosis. I found it on pubmed. It suggests that high levels of iron, such as might happen at menopause as well, causes the body to sweat to get rid of the extra iron. The body doesn't have a lot of ways of getting rid of iron when it's metabolism shifts.
I did searches on Brown adipose tissue copper mitochondria pubmed, and found a number of articles that implied that copper is required for the body to build heat in the mitochondria. The brown adipose tissue only built heat, the mitochondria in other cells have another function as well as building heat.
My hypothalamus was damaged from depakote and my temperature reduced. I took L-Carnitine which replenish nutrients depleted Kaiser Washington's valproic acid substantiates that L-Carnitine might be low as a result of depakote, but pmid 24282920 showed that the L-Carnitine deficiency causes or mimics mental illness, and although it's unchanged since 2007, ICD-10 e71.43 substantiates that valproic acid does indeed deplete l-carnitine. The replenished nutrients depleted database listed in Kaiser Washington's website shows eight nutritional deficiencies including copper and zinc, which are problems for me with fibromyalgia, and would explain why I had intermittent fibromyalgia when my thyroid would go low for years on depakote.
While taking depakote, my temperature slid down from 98.6 solidly even when I was sick, irritating as a child, to 95.6, and taking l-carnitine brought it to 97.4.
L-Carnitine can cause me problems with fibromyalgia, and I find that changing my blood pressure medications seems to be part of it. I can take very little when I'm using lisinopril, but my iron went up. Dangerously, because taking a calcium channel blocker seems to have inhibited my fibrogen from responding correctly to the tests, so they told me to keep taking iron until I lost sensation in my toes and got heart palpitations.
I also noticed that when waking, I have hot flashes. I didn't have any at menopause when I had an iron deficiency from depakote.
Anyway, without citations on the other phone, I can't say more. But use PubMed as a search parameter to look at peer-reviewed research, and use fibromyalgia and a single word if possible or as few as possible to describe your condition or a nutrient that you seem to find beneficial or harmful, and you're going to find an amazing lot is out there which your doctor doesn't have time to find.
I brought proof from numerous articles that oxidative stress is part of fibromyalgia to my pain management doctor and he is now incorporated it into his practice. So if you have a good doctor, you can do that.
If your doctor invalidates you, I suggest looking at these two articles. Pmid numbers 30192068, showing that provider invalidation versus validation causes stress to the point of suicide attempts in fibromyalgia, and since that's an awful lot of stress, pmid 20182592, which shows that if you don't commit suicide the stress can give you cardiac problems. Using cardiac fibromyalgia PubMed in my Google, I found numerous articles. I suggest looking for Maitland spine mobilization, listed in one of them, because it holds a treatment that I'm doing on my own that is beneficial.
I understanding is that the nerves in the spine and neck especially not only bring back our sensations but more detailed information about how the body is functioning. It doesn't get the information, it gives the wrong commands to the body. A small nerve pinch that we might only notice as being uncomfortable moving our neck or back could therefore interfere with the signals that were not really aware of, and would explain the benefit of spine mobilization. My chiropractors have shown me pictures suggesting this. All I know is that it has been a benefit.
Also there's an article involving a tilt table proving that our hearts act differently on a tilt table and proving that we have is real. Not psychiatric. That reduces invalidation and thereby helps our symptoms as well as our emotional state.
I'm afraid I always overdo this. I had a research article that was just finished without abstract or conclusion that was destroyed in December and I'm still pulling it back together.
I have been like that since yesterday. I’m going crazy with that . I don’t know if is fibromyalgia or menopause it drives me crazy.