I suffer from Fibromyalgia pain and have now got an Inguinal Hiatus Hernia which causes extreme burning pain in my groin, this extreme pain comes after walking short distances sometimes less than 20 meters, sometimes just walking up and/or down the stairs and is causing me a considerable amount of hastle as its interfereing with my daily activities, the burning pain is so acute that I just have to stop doing what I am doing and either lie down on my back or sit down for 20 minutes sometimes longer until the burning pain eases. I have been to see a Specialist and he has given me a few weeks to decide whether I want to go ahead with keyhole surgery to repair this hernia or not. The specialist has told me that he understands the pain of Fibromyalgia and that previous Fibro patients of his have reported that the burning pain does not go away even when the hernia has been repaired. Is there anyone out there or does anyone know someone who have had this operation done and the burning pain has gone.
Pain from Fibromyalgia and extreme bu... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain from Fibromyalgia and extreme burning pain from an Inguinal Hiatus Hernia, has anyone been in this situation.

Hello Dave, sorry to hear about your Hernia. I haven't any personal experience of Hernias but my husband had a Hiatus Hernia a few years ago and had Fundoplication surgery. Prior to the surgery he suffered terribly from acid reflux, he had a hacking cough, could barely eat anything without suffering afterwards with pain and burning. Once he had had the surgery he was fine, no more reflux, no more coughing, no more symptoms at all. He has been fine ever since.
I understand your Hernia is Inguinal which occurs when part of your bowel pokes through your lower abdomen into your groin, which is why you are getting the burning pain in your groin. (whereas my hubby had pains in his oesophagus) I personally think the way you have to look at your situation is that you can't go on experiencing the pain you are having, it's awful and it's clearly restricting you with your leisure activities too.
You are very fortunate in that your surgeon understands Fibromyalgia, that's half the battle to be honest with you. If it were me, I would opt for surgery, it's a no-brainer. Life is about taking chances sometimes and your situation at the moment is unpleasant for you, it affects your quality of life, so go for it. It's up to you of course, there is always a risk with surgery but sometimes we have to give it a chance.
If you have any doubts at all about your Fibromyalgia after surgery have a word with your Consultant's secretary and she will get back to you regarding this after speaking to him. Bear in mind you are always going to hear tales about people still having issues after surgery, that's the risk of having any operation.
I hope this has helped you a little, I wish I could be of more help and comfort to you. Hopefully someone will reply to you who has experienced this surgery and can give you a more personal viewpoint.
Wishing you all the best whatever you decide, take care.
Hi LibertyZ
Thank you for the quick response, being unable to sleep is also a nuisance for us Fibro sufferers as I am waiting for my sleep meds to kick in, I took the tablet at 7.30 pm this evening and its now nearly 2am I also have an eosophagile hernia which is not as bad as your hubbies as I do not get acid reflux, but I have problems with swallowing my food, it feels like it has got blocked in the pipe so therefore have to sip water to try and dislodge it, it then gets painful trying to unblock it, sometimes I have to try and regurgitate and sometimes I need someone to try the heimlick manouvre as it feels like I am about to choke even though its not the airway, anyway enuff said about that, I am worried about the burning pain in my groin as I dont really want it, I can cope with the fibro pain but at the moment I am overdosing with my pain meds when the burning starts and I dont want to continue doing this as I could have liver problems to then deal with.
i'm learning stuff on here all the time... about 4 years ago i had a very bad fall downstairs came down backwards did my medial lagament and smashed the back of my head and neck against the radiator... i honestly had no feeling in the back of my head for weeks.... slowly but surely after that i started all the symptoms of fibro to where i am today... not fully fledged fibro but have all the symptoms and my neurologist is sending me to someone for tests... now around the same time as all this started i had severe dull sickness ache feeling in my solar plexis.. i thought nothing of it because i've had helicobactor pyloris twice before.... the very same syptoms... had the tests for it again and the camera down.. in the mean time got a new doctor as mine retired he changed my tablets from 20m Omprezole twice daily.... worked at first but after 3 years was back bad again... anyway my new doctor put me on 150mg Ranitidine twice daily along with Domperidone tablets...the ache sickness isn't as bad but i get loads of burning acid all the time now .i'm still bad at times and can't have a beer as good as i used to be able to... questions are... is fibro linked with some sort of trauma ie.. my fall... and is the Acid reflux part and parcel of this condition.... i have no doubt i have fibro.. my neurologist is fairly sure.... its just the shock of this reflux in this blog as i've been searching for the reason my sickness /acid came back...
Dave I had the same hernia as you years ago, and got an operation on it, so it must have been bad enough when they could'nt do the keyhole surgery, that was really painful, and although the surgeon told me some people said they would always feel the pain of it, even after an operation, it's not the same pain honest, I feel pain in the same spot when my diverticular disease is bad (which it often is), but even with that it's nothing like it was then. I had the other hernia inguinal I think beside the esophagus, which has caused narrowing of the esophagus, and was discovered in June, during a barium swallow, does feel strange at times and if I eat the wrong thing (anything with cream, or too much, I'm vegetarian so don't eat anything with fat in it anway), but they also discovered something wrong with my thyroid, so I'm waiting for a scan to see whats going on, cant wait.
So anyway Dave I would say bite the bullet, and get it done, you'll be glad xx

i have begged my Doctor Claire for him to send me to a specialist but all he says is i've had the Camera down twice and they cant see anything so can't do anything.. but i know of a way they do it now where they put a tube down your throat to the sphincter and leave it for 24 hours to see if the muscle has weakened causing excess acid... if it has you have an op via the end of the camera they put down to tighten the muscle... my Specialist in Lancaster has written to my Docter asking him to refer me on to another specialist concerning fibro... i'm going to let him know about this lot and ask him if i can get this test done.... hopefully it can be sorted... i would have any operation as i've had this for 10 years now and at times it gets on top of you.. i live in hope as we all do i suppose.... and i will bite the bullit haha... hope your scan goes well Claire take care and thank you xx
By the way thank you Dave, cant wait xx
Oh sorry Dave, I thought you said your specialist asked you to have keyhole surgery?, don't worry anyway if you do you'll feel like a new person afterwards, don't you feel fibro is enough fo anyone to suffer, why do we get all these other ailments as well?, gentle hugs xxxx

Hi Clairebm
Sorry about the late reply, fog brain, I am going to see the consultant next week and tell him that I have decided to have the op, a lot of people have said that I should go for it, so I am, good luck with your thyroid scan and let us know how it goes..... Dave
Wishing you all the best for your appointment next week Dave. I am sure you are doing the right thing going for the op. Please let us know how you get on. Take care.
If you click on the link below there is some information from various forum members discussing their situations with acid reflux, they discuss medications etc. It might be useful to you to hear their stories -
If you click on the link below from our main site it mentions that Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease can be a symptom of Fibromyalgia -

well that makes very interesting reading Liberty... it's as if i'm reading what i would have wrote if i had to describe my symptoms in fact i said to my Doctor " it's like having flu symptoms and training hard for the first time in years and what it feels like the next day... i believe mine was started by trauma haing fallen downstairs smashing my head/neck on the radiator near killing myself... unlucky for me i got a Doctor who either thinks fibro doesn't exist or isn't a big deal... well i'd like to see how he'd cope with it for 6 months... like so many on here theres my rant over...thank you for the links Regards Dave x

Hi LibertyZ
Sorry for the delay, I have read both examples, thank you for the links, many of the people on the first link say they get the acid reflux but I dont get this, I get a terrible pain in my chest which resembles a heart attack and this feeling comes much later usually a few hours after I have had a feeling that my food is stuck in my oesphagus, I have had the camera down and there is a hole in the oesphagus but I have discussed this with my GP and we both agree that surgery is not an option at the moment and that I should try medication so I am on 2 omeprazole 1 at the morning and 1 at night and a motillium half an hour before every meal including fruit etc
If the Omeprazole doesn't help Dave, ask your Doctor for a higher strength which will "calm" your symptoms down. (I didn't realise Omeprazole came in different strengths - I took them for a while after I was diagnosed as I had really bad pains in my stomach and the higher dose calmed it all down.)
I hope everything works out well for you Dave, you have a lot on your plate right now, but please know that we are all here for you as a shoulder to lean on or to rant at, whatever you feel like at the time. We all have bad days when we want to scream from the rooftops.
Take care and I hope your revised meds work well for you and give you comfort too. Bless you.
I only have my own experience of this but my gp took me off motillium/domperidome after I was dx'd with hiatus hernia and anaemia.